Next Board Meeting - NAMI OKC Metro Affiliate

Meeting called by
Type of meeting
Next Board Meeting
Call to order:
4/20/2015 5:30 PM
President Bonita Little
Board Meeting
President Bonita Little
Johnnie’s Charcoal Broiler
July 20th, 2015 at 5:30 pm
Board & Community Members
Meeting was called to order by President Bonita Little.
Those in attendance included,
Bonita Little, President
Jo Rogers, Board Member
Effie Clay, Treasurer
Courtney Rogers-McInturff, Secretary
Cherry Dienz, Board Member.
Bob Nash, Pub. Policy Chair
Justin Jones, Board Member
 Others in attendance included,
1. N/A
Motion: To approve board meeting
minutes. Passed
Jo Rogers made a motion to approve Board meeting minutes.
Motion was 2nd by Bob Nash. Motion was unanimous in the
affirmative and passed.
New Topic: Justin Jones as Board
Justin Jones made introductions to Board members. Justin Jones
shared about himself and his desire to become a NAMI OKC
Metro Board Member. Bonita Little made a motion to accept
Justin Jones as a Board Member to NAMI OKC Metro. Motion
was 2nd by Jo Rogers. Motion was unanimous in the affirmative
and passed. Justin Jones has been accepted a NAMI OKC Metro
Board member.
New Topic: CIT Documentary
Cherry Dienz reported on thoughts re: CIT Documentary and
contact with Producers Playhouse production company. Cherry
agreed to work with this company to develop an outline and
budget for both a 12 min. and 30 min. documentary to be
discussed at next Board meeting.
New Topic: NAMI Walk fundraiser
Bonita Little discussed team leaders designating NAMI
OKC Metro as the recipient of donations. Teams include
but not limited to NAMI OKC Metro, CIT Team, and
Sherriff’s office
Courtney Rogers-McInturff provided handout on how to
join NAMI OKC Metro walk team or to create their own
team to designate NAMI OKC as recipient. Courtney
provided several copies so that Board members may
distribute to others interested in participating.
Courtney discussed placing sponsor names on the NAMI
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Motion: to approve placing Sponsors
on website. Passed.
Motion: to approve placing
minimums on donations to be placed
on website at $100.00. Passed.
New Topic: NAMI National
Convention Scholarship.
Motion: to approve Courtney
Rogers-McInturff as recipient of
NAMI National Convention
Scholarship. Passed.
Motion: to approve scholarship to
include flight, hotel, and per diem
expenses. Passed.
New Topic: Treasures Report
New Topic: Closing Business
Bonita Little nominated Courtney Rogers-McInturff to be
recipient of Scholarship to NAMI National Convention.
Motion was made by Jo Rogers to approve Courtney
Rogers-McInturff as recipient of scholarship. Motion was
2nd by Effie Clay.
Bonita discussed including in scholarship full travel and
hotel expenses including per diem. Justin Jones suggested
using Federal Per Diem rates. Justin Jones made a motion
to approve scholarship to include flight, hotel, and per
diem expenses. Motion was 2nd by Jo Rogers. Motion
was unanimous in the affirmative and passed.
Bob Nash shared on success of CIT presentation at
NASW OK Annual State Conference. Bob shared that at
least 80 attendees were present. Bob also shared that
results of program evaluations were overwhelmingly
Courtney Rogers-McInturff reported on completion of
NAMI OKC Metro website and publication.
Courtney requested that Board member photos and bios
be submitted by email to Courtney to be placed on
New Topic: NASW OK Annual State
New Topic: NAMI OKC Metro
OKC Metro website. A Tiered level including gold, silver,
and bronze level of donation was discussed.
Courtney discussed placing a minimum on amount to be
donated to be placed on NAMI OKC Metro Website.
Motion made by Courtney to make minimum amount at
$100.00. Motion 2nd by Cherry Dienz. Motion was
unanimous in the affirmative and passed.
Effie Clay presented treasures report as of 3.16.2015
Beginning Balance is………………………………….$17,638.00
 Total income is……………………………………$114.07
o Member dues from Nat’l…………………..$15.00
o Interest………………………………………$1.20
 Total expenses are………………………………...$690.40
o NAMI Natl Convention Registration…………….$210.00
o Website Domain Registration……………………...$18.34
o Website Publication………………………………..$49.00
o Projector Purchase………………………………..$376.48
o Replenish Petty Cash……………………................$36.58
Ending balance includes………………………………$16,963.80
Petty Cash Beginning Balance………..…...………………$24.90
o Added: Replenish Petty Cash……………………...$36.58
o Less: Meal for Guest Speaker……………………..-$11.48
Petty Cash Ending Balance………………………………...$50.00
No other topics were presented. Meeting was adjourned
by President Bonita Little.
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