Geography Assessment Task Part A The Great Barrier Reef: Criteria

Geography Assessment Task Part A
The Great Barrier Reef:
1. To contain superlative natural phenomena or areas of
exceptional natural beauty and aesthetic importance;
It fits the criteria because it is all natural; all of the animals that
live in the Great Barrier Reef and around the area are of a high
quality and naturally beautiful. People visit from all over the
world to view the beauty of the Great Barrier Reef.
2. To be outstanding examples representing major stages of
earth's history, including the record of life, significant on-going
geological processes in the development of landforms, or
significant geomorphic or physiographic features;
The original Great Barrier Reef coral started to grow about 50
million years ago when the Coral Sea Basin formed. It
eventually died off with climate change and rising sea levels
and after the last Glacial Maxima (Ice Age) ended the reef, as
we know it today began to form. The current reef structure we
know today is about 6000 to 8000 years old.
3. To be outstanding examples representing significant on-going
ecological and biological processes in the evolution and
development of terrestrial, fresh water, coastal and marine
ecosystems and communities of plants and animals;
The Great Barrier Reef has one of the worlds richest and most
complex ecosystems in the because of its size. It supports tens
of thousands of species of marine animals and plants. Different
depths of the Great Barrier Reef means it can support many
varied species.
4. To contain the most important and significant natural habitats
for in-situ conservation of biological diversity, including those
containing threatened species of outstanding universal value
from the point of view of science or conservation.
The Great Barrier Reef is home to many many different types of
plants and animals. Millions of years of growing has
established layers of different types of Corals and things as
they break down. These become shelter and protection for the
animals that live in the Great Barrier Reef
Where is it? The Great Barrier Reef is in the Coral Sea, On
Australians North-Eastern Coast. It stretches a bit over 2,300km
going along the Queensland coast starting at the tiptop of Cape York
Peninsula then extending all the way Bundaberg in the south.
This is a close up view on the Great Barrier Reef and as you can see is
pretty darn big.
Here is a even bigger map and in this one you can see that it stretches
well over the full length of New Zealand.
What’s involved?
Here is a
picture of the Great Barrier Reef As you can see and by the name it is
pretty just a huge reef with a lot of fascinating spots and creatures
that roam around the reefs.
The Great Barrier Reef is not just a big deserted reef it is also a really
nice peaceful remote holiday destination.
diving with nice and not so nice sea creatures.
Lot’s of scooper
But also lots of
time for relaxation if you want.
Why is it world heritage? The reason that the Great Barrier Reef is a
world heritage site is because it’s bigger than the Great Wall of China,
Its one of the seven wonders of the natural world and it is the only
living thing on the earth that is visible from space.
Just note that this image is taken from space.
photo of the Great Barrier Reef.
The Great Barrier Reef.
A normal
The Great Barrier Reef has 400 types of Reefs, 1,500 different types
of fish and 4,000 types of mollusc. It also holds a great scientific as it
has the habitat of species such as the dugong (sea cow), The large
green turtle, which is threatened to extinction.
This is a photo of a mollusc.
Memphis and its Necropolis – the Pyramid Fields
from Giza to Dahshur
The capital of the old kingdom of Egypt has some extraordinary
monuments such as, rock tombs, ornate mastabes, temples and
pyramids. The in ancient times the Memphis and its Necropolis – the
Pyramid Fields from Giza to Dahshur were also on of the Seven
Wonders of the World.
1. To represent a masterpiece of human creative genius.
It's a masterpiece because of its size and secret tombs and what
they made it from their bear hands and they didn't have machines
like we do today.
2. To bear a unique or at least exceptional testimony to a cultural
tradition or to a civilization which is living or which has
They were built to bury the pharaohs and represents a culture
that is very unique. The civilization is ancient and no longer in
3. To be directly or tangibly associated with events or living
traditions, with ideas, or with beliefs, with artistic and literary
works of outstanding universal significance. (The Committee
considers that this criterion should preferably be used in
conjunction with other criteria). The ancient Egyptian tradition
of burying Pharaoh’s in tombs with their wealth is no longer
active but still today hidden tombs are being found. The
pyramids were not the only way to bury pharaohs but are the
most impressive especially when you think that the pyramids
were built by hand with no machines – this tells us a lot about
the strength of the men at that time and the ways they had to
work out how to build something that was so big.
Where is it? The Memphis and its Necropolis – the Pyramid Fields
from Giza to Dahshur is located about 9 km (5 mi) inland into the
desert from the old town of Giza on the Nile, about 25 km (15 mi)
southwest of Cairo city center.
Here is a
big map on the bottom left of the page that shows a piture of where it
is on a big scale (It's the Star). And the rest of the picture is a closer
more deatailed photo of where it is.
This is a close
up photo of the pyramids so you know what they look like.
What’s involved?
Here is a photo of what I think is in the rock tombs of the piramids
and from what I know it's a pharoh.
This is a photo of the Memphis and its Necropolis – the Pyramid
Fields from Giza to Dahshur and as you can see its got pyramids in
the background and the rock tomb in the front that looks lit a lion cat
just the pyramids themselves.
Here is a photo of
Why is it world heritage? It's a world heritage site because its
pretty much the only pyramids in the world and they are still
standing today. Also an interesting fact is the Egyptians didn't even
make them they made slaves do it for them.