Geo 102 Practice Exam 2 (New Version)

Geo 102 Exam 2: Sedimentary Rocks, Metamorphic Rocks, Space, and Geologic Time
Indicate whether the statement is true or false.
1. True or false, limestone and coquina are not made from the remains of marine organisms.
2. True or false, schist is the parent rock of gneiss.
3. True or false, the farther a rock clast travels the better rounded and sorted it is.
Multiple Choice
Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.
4. All of the following are factors that influence metamorphism, except for?
A. Mineral composition
B. Time
C. Pore Fluid
5. A rock formed by the accumulation and consolidation of sediment is.
A. Igneous
B. Sedimentary
D. Pressure
E. Temperature
C. Mineral
D. Metamorphic
6. What type of metamorphism forms rocks at intermediate temperatures and pressure, with small
crystals, has a shiny luster, composed of mostly mica minerals, and is foliated?
A. Low Grade
B. Intermediate Grade
7. What are sedimentary rocks composed of animal and plant remains?
A. Plastics
B. Clasts
C. Chemical
D. Biochemical
8. Which depositional environment would you find coal?
A. Beach
B. Offshore
C. High Grade
D. Salty Grade
C. Source
D. Swamp
9. The present is the key to the past best describes which principle?
A. Principle of Unconformities
B. Principle of Uniformitarism
C. Principle of Catastrophism
D. The Big Bang Theory
____ 10. Layering of sedimentary rocks is known as.
A. Rows
B. Stratum
C. Columns
D. Temples
____ 11. An unconformity that occurs between parallel layers of sedimentary rocks is known as.
A. Inclusion
C. Nonconformity
B. Disconformity
D. Unconformity
____ 12. How old is the universe?
A. 4.6 billion years
B. 13.7 billion years
C. 4.6 million years
D. 13.7 million years
____ 13. How old is the Earth?
A. 4.6 billion years
B. 13.7 billion years
C. 13.7 million years
D. 4.6 million years
____ 14. Below which temperature are most minerals stable with little to no metamorphism (Temperatures
are in Celsius)?
A. 200
B. 300
C. 150
D. 250
____ 15. Above what temperature will the reaction rate increase as temperature increases and minerals
begin to form (Temperatures are in Celsius)?
A. 200
B. 300
C. 500
D. 150
____ 16. An unconformity that occurs between lower rocks which have been tilted and then eroded with
overlying sedimentary rock layers is.
A. Unconformity
B. Nonconformity
C. Disconformity
D. Angular unconformity
____ 17. Which type of metamorphism occurs where there is high heat, low pressure, and the rocks are in
contact with magma? Nonfoliated rocks are found here.
A. Regional
B. High Grade
C. Burial
D. Contact
____ 18. Changes that occur to a rock while it is solid and does not melt is known as.
A. Lithification
B. Recrystallization
C. Crystallization
D. Foliation
____ 19. A surface between rock layers that represents missing time and occurs due to erosion or non-
deposition is known as.
A. Unconformity
B. Disconformity
C. Nonconformity
D. Inclusion
____ 20. What are sedimentary rocks formed by minerals precipitating from solution (an inorganic
process only)?
A. Biochemical
B. Chemical
C. Delicious
D. Clastic
____ 21. What type of metamorphism occurs in areas of mountain building along convergent plate
boundaries and the rocks become foliated by differential pressure?
A. Low Grade
B. Contact
C. Regional
D. Burial
____ 22. An unconformity that occurs between eroded igneous or metamorphic rocks and overlaying
sedimentary rock layers is.
A. Angular unconformity
B. disconformity
C. inclusion
D. Nonconformity
____ 23. What are sedimentary rocks composed of broken fragments of rock produced by weathering?
A. Plaster
B. Clasts
C. Biochemical
D. Chemical
____ 24. Above what temperature will some minerals begin to melt and transition into igneous rocks?
A. 450
B. 300
C. 600
D. 200
____ 25. What type of metamorphism forms rocks at high temperatures and pressure, with large crystals,
is composed of mica minerals, and is foliated?
A. Good grades
B. Intermediate grade
C. High grade
D. Low grade
____ 26. All of the following are examples of sedimentary rocks formed chemically in terrestrial
environments, except for?
A. Limestone
B. Gypsum
C. Chert
D. Halite
____ 27. All of the following are reasons why Earth is unique from other planets, except for?
A. Life
B. Tectonic processes
C. Only planet that is differentiated
D. Only planet with three states of water
____ 28. Which of the following is a sedimentary rock that forms biochemically in a marine environment?
A. Carbonates
B. Evaporites
C. Breccia
D. Shale
____ 29. What type of metamorphism forms rocks at low temperatures and pressure, with microscopic
crystals, have a dull luster, are composed of clay and mica minerals, and are foliated?
A. Low grade
B. Middle of the road
C. High grade
D. Intermediate grade
Match the following depositional environments with the correct sedimentary rock
A. Basin/Playa
E. Swamp
B. Near Source
F. Off Shore
C. Reef
G. Downstream
D. Beach
____ 30. Lithic Sandstone
____ 31. Evaporites (Halite, Gypsum, & Chert)
____ 32. Siltstone
Arkose Sandstone
Quartz Sandstone
Match the following principles of geologic time with their description.
A. Original Horizontality
D. Inclusions
B. Superposition
E. Cross cutting relations
C. Unconformities
F. Fossil correlation
Based on evolution, relies on superposition, and when a species becomes extinct is does not reappear.
Rock layers or sediments deposited on top of other sediments or rock layers are always younger.
A surface within a sequence of layers where no deposition and erosion took place.
A rock layer is always older than a feature that cuts through it.
Sediments deposited in horizontal layers
When a rock fragment is found within another rock type. The rock fragment is older.
Match the following metamorphic rocks with their parent rock:
A. Marble
B. Slate
C. Gneiss
D. Phyllite
E. Schist
F. Quartzite
Quartz Sandstone
Schist or Volcanic Rock
Match the following space rock with the appropriate statement
A. Asteroid
D. Meteorite
B. Comet
E. Meteoroid
C. Meteor
A small, sometimes active, object made of ice, dust, and gas
When a meteoroid has entered the Earth’s atmosphere and vaporizes (aka: shooting star)
A small particle from a comet or asteroid that orbits the sun (does not enter Earth)
An inactive rocky body that orbits the sun
A meteoroid that survives the passage through Earth’s atmosphere and lands upon Earth’s surface
Short Answer
58. What theory describes the formation of the solar system, and what are the three major steps in
this process?
59. What are sediments?
60. What is the difference between a foliated and nonfoliated metamorphic rock?
61. Define radioactive decay.
62. What are Earth’s three major cycles and why are they important?
63. What are the three types of metamorphism and their differences?
64. What is planetary differentiation, and how is it arranged.
65. What theory describes the formation of the universe?
66. Name the Terrestrial and Jovian Planets.
67. What are the three types of sediments?
68. What is the difference between a transgression and a regression in sea level?
69. How is coal made?
70. What are the three types of systems and what are their differences?
71. What is the difference between relative and absolute dating?
72. What are the heat and pressure conditions for regional metamorphism?
73. What are Earth’s four major subsystems?
74. What are the different ways to sort sediments?
75. Which sedimentary rocks are cemented together?
76. What is the difference between poorly and well sorted sediments?
77. Which sedimentary rocks are compacted together?
78. Clastic sediment sizes are.
79. Why are contact metamorphic rocks nonfoliated?
80. What are the heat and pressure conditions for burial metamorphism?
81. Define an isotope.
82. Name and describe one failed theory for dating the Earth.
83. What is the difference between alpha and beta radioactive decay.
84. What is the main difference between a breccia and a conglomerate?
85. Define metamorphism.
86. What are three ways that sediments are created?
87. What is the difference between a terrestrial and Jovian planet?
88. How do you name a clastic sedimentary rock?
89. What is the half-life of an isotopic pair if the sample is 2 million years old and contains 625g of
parent and 9375g of daughter isotope?
90. What is the parent/daughter ratio of a sample of radiogenic material if the original sample was
200g. and 3 half-lifes have passed. If the half-life is 20,000 years. How old is the sample?