Study Guide 2

Evo Psyc Study Guide 2
Common ancestor (humans and chimpanzees)
Climate change (Africa 10mybp)
Reasons for bipedalism
Sahelanthropus tchadensis
Orrorin tugenenis
Ardipithecus kadabba
Ardipithecus ramidus
Foramen magnum
Valgus angle
Sagittal crest
A. Anamensis
A. Afarensis (Lucy; Donald Johanson)
A. Africanus (Dart, Tung Child)
A. Sediba
Robust vs. Gracile
Laetoli feet
Early Homo (defining characteristics)
H. habilis
H. rudolfensis
Oldowan tools
Hammerstone – core – flake
Hands and tool-making, important grips
Brain and tool-making, neuroscience studies
Apes and tool-making (Kanzi study)
Lokalalei refitting
Homo erectus/ergaster
Nariokotome boy – comparison to A. afarensis
Erectus/ergaster distinction
Important body and life style changes relative to Australopiths
Relationship to H. florensiensis and H. heidelbergensis
Important traits of H. heidelbergensis
Acheulean tools
Cognitive implications of the hand axe
Cognitive implications of other remains:
Mineral pigments
Berekhat Ram
Levallios technique
Boxgrove debitage
Control of fire
Composite tools
Relationship to H. sapiens and H. heidelbergensis
Geographic range
Physical traits relative to H. sapiens
Tools (hafting; Levallois; spears; source materials)
Hunting practices
Symbolism (Chatelperronian controversy)
Use of pigments
Social life
Hearths, use of fire
Group sizes
Sex role specialization
Burials, religious beliefs
Neanderthal language
Homo sapiens
Earliest fossil evidence (Omo Kibish; Herto)
Possible significance of Herto defleshing
Middle Paleolithic vs. Upper Paleolithic
Levant findings (significance)
Toba eruption and population bottleneck
Modern Cognition
Fortuitous mutation (Richard Klein)
Expanded working memory capacity (Coolidge & Wynn)
Paul Mellars and the “chosen few”
Significance of Howieson’s Poort & Still Bay tool kits
Blombos beads and Tsodilo Hills snake rock
Models of Homo sapiens’ evolution
Out of Africa: replacement
Multi-regional or regional continuity
Migration of Homo sapiens
Inter-breeding events (who and when)
Aurignacian tools and the Upper Paleolithic
Ornamental tools
Abstract figurines
Cave art
Phases in art creation: initial, second, final.
Effects of and evidence for Expanded working memory capacity
Alloying metals
Traps and weirs
Managed foraging
Abstract art
Cave art and religion (shamanism)
Burials and complex societies (ancestor worship)