Educational Objectives and Program Outcomes BSCpE

Educational Objectives
The objectives of the Computer Engineering program are to produce graduates who,
within a few years of graduation:
Apply their engineering and problem solving skills towards engineering practice,
engineering graduate school, or non-engineering fields such as medicine, science,
business, law, or public policy, while continuing to engage in life-long learning.
Value and demonstrate character in their chosen vocation by acting responsibly,
ethically, and professionally while contributing to a sustainable common good for
View their educational experience as valuable and instrumental to their
professional success.
Student Outcomes
Student Outcome 1. Students will have the ability to identify and formulate solutions to
computer engineering problems.
Specific Outcome 1a: Students will have the ability to identify computer
engineering problems.
Specific Outcome 1b: Students will have the ability to formulate solutions to
computer engineering problems.
Student Outcome 2. Students will have the ability to develop optimal solutions to
computer engineering problems.
Specific Outcome 2a: Students will have the ability to apply knowledge of
mathematics, science, and engineering to the solution of computer engineering
Specific Outcome 2b. Students will have the ability to design experiments.
Specific Outcome 2c. Students will have the ability to conduct experiments.
Specific Outcome 2d. Students will have the ability to analyze and interpret data.
Specific Outcome 2e. Students will have the ability to design a system,
component, or process within realistic constraints from economic, environmental,
social, political, ethical, health and safety, manufacturability, and sustainability
Student Outcome 3. Students will have the ability to function on multidisciplinary
Student Outcome 4. Students will apply their knowledge of professional and ethical
Student Outcome 5. Students will have the ability to communicate effectively.
Specific Outcome 5a. Students will engage in effective oral communications.
Specific Outcome 5b. Students will engage in effective written communications
with individually written reports.
Student Outcome 6. Students will employ knowledge of contemporary issues and their
broad general education to assess the impact of computer engineering solutions in a
global, economic, environmental, and societal context.
Specific Outcome 6a. Students will employ knowledge of contemporary issues in
the solution of computer engineering problems.
Specific Outcome 6b. Students will employ their broad general education to
assess the impact of computer engineering solutions in context.
Student Outcome 7. Students will recognize the need for and have an ability to engage
in life-long learning.
Specific Outcome 7a. Students will recognize the need for life-long learning.
Specific Outcome 7b. Students will have an ability to engage in life-long
Student Outcome 8. Students will have the ability to use the techniques, skills, and
modern engineering tools necessary for computer engineering practice.