Guided notes for mitosis and meiosis 2-6-15

Why do cells in an organism divide?
Cell Cycle—Draw the cell cycle below
How Do Cells Divide?
Cells go through a cycle called the ________________. There are 3 parts to this cycle:
1. _______________ --DNA ___________________ (replication) and the cell __________________
2. _________________________________ divides (which contains DNA)
3. ____________________________________ divides to make 2 new cells
The cell cycle is divided into three distinct phases:
Interphase (I)
Mitosis (M)
Cytokinesis (C)
In which phase does
the cell spend most of
its life? ___________________________________________
What would happen if DNA is not copied during interphase?
Daughter cells would have only ½ the required chromosomes
A human cell would have 23 instead of the normal 46
Cell Division Mitosis
The two exact copies that make up the chromosome are called ____________________________. They are both
attached at the center at a point called the ____________________________
Each of the 23 pairs consists of two _____________________________________________
Homologous chromosomes are similar in size, shape and genetic content. One is from the mother, and one
from the father.
All of the cells in the body other than gametes are considered ______________________________, in that they
contain two sets of DNA, they are said to be ______________________
In the case of gametes the cells are __________________________, containing only half the DNA.
22 of those chromosomes are referred to as ___________________________
The last pair of chromosomes is called a sex chromosome because they determine the sex of the individual
XX- female
XY- male
Cells with special functions, such as the nerve cell or cheek cell might look different but each one has 46
chromosomes in the human
After Mitosis each daughter cell must have 46 chromosomes or 23 pairs
Replication-process of making exact copies of the DNA strand
Stages of Cell Division
1. _________________________- the cell grows and copies DNA
2. _______________________-(cell division)
Stage 1:prophase-spindle _____________________ form
Stage 2:metaphase-sister chromatids line up in the _________________ of the cell
Stage 3:Anaphase-chromosomes move to opposite ______________________of the cell
Stage 4:Telophase-the cell begins to ___________________ in half
3. ______________________________- the cytoplasm is split in half to form ____________________
Key Players in the Mitotic Phase
1. Nucleus – Control center that holds _____________________
2. DNA – Can exist in several forms
1. Chromatin – refers to all the DNA in a cell. DNA is called chromatin when it is _________ coiled.
2. Chromosomes – Rod shaped structure that forms when DNA is _____________ coiled. Humans
have _________ Chromosomes
3. C. Sister chromatids. When DNA has copied itself, there are __________ of each chromosome.
The copies attach to each other and form sister chromatids.
Sister chromatids are attached in the _____________________ at a region called the centromere.
Centrioles – 2 ___________ _____________ proteins that help move chromosomes (Only found in eukaryotes).
*Centrosomes are regions that help organize the spindle fibers
Spindle Fibers – a set of _________________ that form between the centrioles to help the chromosomes move.
*Made of microtubules
Why is it important?
You could not have been created without it!
Cell division to produce gametes (egg and sperm)
These cells are haploid (N)= They contain only half the chromosomes of somatic (body) cells.
One chromosome from each homologous pair.
Humans contain 22 pairs of autosomes and two sex chromosomes.
The sex chromosomes determine the gender of an individual.
Females can only contribute an X to their egg.
Males can contribute either an X or a Y to the sperm.
Therefore, males determine the sex of a baby.
Meiosis occurs only in the reproductive tissue
Ovaries and testes
Has same 4 phases of mitosis ( prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase)
Meiosis creates variety in the genes of living organisms
Independent assortment:One chromosome from each homologous pair is randomly given to each gamete
The way is which the homologous pair lines up is random
Meiosis in males is different than in females
Draw the chart
Female Meiosis OOGENESIS
The fetus develops primary oocytes which have 46 chromosomes (diploid).
DNA is replicated and meiosis stops in prophase. Restarts at puberty.
At puberty females have about 400,000 primary oocytes.
Each month one primary oocyte completes meiosis I
Secondary oocyte starts meiosis II but stops at metaphase. Then ovulation occurs.
If fertilization occurs then meiosis II continues. Meiosis II results in one haploid 23 chromosome egg (OVA) and
a polar body.
Fertilization occurs when the egg and sperm fuse to form a diploid zygote.
MALE Meiosis Spermatogenesis
Spermatogonia develop in the fetus and rest until puberty.
At puberty these cells develop into primary spermatocytes (diploid).
After mieosis I two secondary spermatocytes are produced.
Meiosis II results in two spermatids which are haploid, n=23.
Spermatids undergo spermiogenesis to become mature sperm.
The whole process from primary spermatocyte to sperm takes about 74 days. Sperm can live in the female
reproductive tract for about 48 hours.
The volume of semen in a single ejaculation may vary from 1.5 to 6.0 ml. There are usually between 50 to 150
million sperm per milliliter of semen.
Meiosis – Making sex cells
REMEMBER: humans have 23 PAIRS of chromosomes. Both chromosomes in a pair carry similar information.
These are called ____________________________________. (Homo = same)
Each sex cell needs to have ___________________________ in order to function correctly. Homologous
chromosomes have different versions of the same genes. A version of a gene is called an ____________.
One cell divides into ________ cells, each with __________ the number of chromosomes as the original cell.
REMEMBER: Humans have 23 pairs of chromosomes. Both chromosomes in a pair carry similar information.
These are homologous chromosomes. Each sex cell needs to have one chromosome from each pair in order to
function correctly.
***How would the effect of a mutation in a body cell be different than the effect of a mutation in a gamete?