Middle Ages Reading Assignment

Middle Ages Reading Record
Name _____________________________________________
Middle Ages Reading Assignment
You will be doing plenty of reading for this unit, both to gain knowledge on the Middle Ages, and to get
ready for an upcoming group presentation. As you read, think about the sources you are getting your
information from. To help you with this, you will need to maintain a reading record. You must review 5
books. You should read the entire book. However, if you have a particularly long book, you may stop
after reading for a solid half an hour. When choosing your books, try to select books on different subject
areas. For example, don’t read 3 books on knights and two on castles… mix it up. There are LOTS of great
books on interesting Middle Ages topics.
The Middle Ages Reading Record Chart:
There is not a lot of space to record your opinions so you want to be sure that your comments are
meaningful and supported and that the information is filled in completely and carefully. Things to
consider explaining are:
 Explain why you gave the rating you did
 Note the topics (but don’t give a summary)
 Comment on the book’s use of primary sources
 Comment on the illustrations
 Compare to other books you have read
 Share interesting facts
 Other reactions?
Checking Books Out, Checking In With Ms. Carey, and Due Date:
When ever you take out a book, you must check them out from the library. When you are done with the
book, please bring it back the library right away so that others can use them! If you have another book
at home that you think might be appropriate (and that you haven’t read yet), show it to me, then read
and enjoy. About once a week I want you to check in with me so that I can make sure you are keeping up
with the reading. This is to prevent you from saving it all until the last night! Tentatively, you will have 3
weeks to complete this reading assignment (Tentative due date: Friday, October 7th).
Along with the book chart, you will be required to turn in an MLA bibliography of the books that you
read. It’s probably easiest to be creating this list as you go instead of at the end. MLA format for books is
below. Remember the bibliography should be listed in alphabetical order by author’s last name. You can
record your bibliography on the back on the reading record chart if you’d like.
Lastname, Firstname. Title of Book. Place of Publication: Publisher, Year of Publication.
Example: Gleick, James. Chaos: Making a New Science. New York: Penguin Books, 1987.
Middle Ages Reading Record Rubrics
Criterion C
Demonstrates sophisticated investigative skills by reading 5 books.
Each book read has an accompanying book review that is filled in completely
including fully relevant information, and fully supported opinions, ideas, and
Criterion D
The Reading Record Sheet is clear, organized, and concise.
Turns in a complete and accurate MLA bibliography for all 5 books read.
Middle Ages Reading Record
Name _____________________________________________
Middle Ages Reading Record
Rate the books you read according to the scale below:
1= A book I thoroughly enjoyed and recommend
2= A pretty good book that I’d recommend
3= This book was okay; I liked most of it
4= A book I didn’t care for and wouldn’t recommend
Author: ________________
Pages I read: ___________
Rating: ________________
Author: ________________
Pages I read: ___________
Rating: ________________
Middle Ages Reading Record
Name _____________________________________________
Author: ________________
Pages I read: ___________
Rating: ________________
Author: ________________
Pages I read: ___________
Rating: ________________
Author: ________________
Pages I read: ___________
Rating: ________________
Middle Ages Reading Record
Name _____________________________________________
MLA Bibliography:
Middle Ages Reading Record
Name _____________________________________________
Middle Ages Reading Assignment
Criterion C:
Achievement Level
The development of skills in humanities is critical in enabling the student to undertake research and
demonstrate an understanding of knowledge and concepts
The student does not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors given below.
 Demonstrates some relevant investigative skills by reading 4 books. May not have
read the required subject area books.
 Two of the four books read have an accompanying book review that is somewhat
filled in and includes some relevant information, opinions, ideas, and explanations.
Two or more of the reviews may be lacking information and/or explanations.
 Demonstrates satisfactory investigative skills by reading 4 books, including one
book on castles or knights.
 Three of the four books read have an accompanying book review that is mostly
filled in and includes mostly relevant information, opinions, ideas, and
explanations. One of the reviews may be lacking information and/or explanations.
 Demonstrates satisfactory investigative skills by reading 4 books, including one
book on castles or knights.
 Each book read has an accompanying book review that is fully filled in and
includes relevant information, adequate opinions, ideas, and explanations.
 Demonstrates effective investigative skills by reading 4 books, including one book
on castles or knights.
 Each book read has an accompanying book review that is filled in completely
including relevant information, well supported opinions, ideas, and explanations.
 Demonstrates sophisticated investigative skills by reading 5 books, including one
book on castles or knights.
 Each book read has an accompanying book review that is filled in completely
including fully relevant information, and fully supported opinions, ideas, and
Criterion D:
Organization and
Students need to develop the ability to organize and present information and ideas in order to be able
to demonstrate their grasp of humanities knowledge, concepts and skills.
Achievement Level
The student does not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors below.
 The Reading Record Sheet is often unclear and/or disorganized; vocabulary may
be inappropriate or not specific to the middle ages.
 Turns in a MLA bibliography for some of the books read; there are several errors
adhering to conventions and/or several omissions.
 The Reading Record Sheet is mostly clear and organized; appropriate and varied
middle ages vocabulary is occasionally.
 Turns in a MLA bibliography for all 4-5 books read; there are some errors adhering
to conventions and/or omissions.
 The Reading Record Sheet is clear and organized; appropriate and varied middle
ages vocabulary is often used.
 Turns in a complete and accurate MLA bibliography for all 4-5 books read; there
are occasional errors adhering to conventions.
 The Reading Record Sheet is clear, organized, and concise; appropriate and varied
middle ages vocabulary is greatly used.
 Turns in a complete and accurate MLA bibliography for all 4-5 books read.
Middle Ages Reading Record
Name _____________________________________________
Middle Ages Reading Record Rubrics
Criterion C
Criterion D
Demonstrates sophisticated investigative skills by reading 5 books, including one
book on castles or knights.
Each book read has an accompanying book review that is filled in completely
including fully relevant information, and fully supported opinions, ideas, and
The Reading Record Sheet is clear, organized, and concise; appropriate and varied
middle ages vocabulary is greatly used.
Turns in a complete and accurate MLA bibliography for all 4-5 books read.
Middle Ages Reading Record Rubrics
Criterion C
Criterion D
Demonstrates sophisticated investigative skills by reading 5 books, including one
book on castles or knights.
Each book read has an accompanying book review that is filled in completely
including fully relevant information, and fully supported opinions, ideas, and
The Reading Record Sheet is clear, organized, and concise; appropriate and varied
middle ages vocabulary is greatly used.
Turns in a complete and accurate MLA bibliography for all 4-5 books read.
Middle Ages Reading Record Rubrics
Criterion C
Criterion D
Demonstrates sophisticated investigative skills by reading 5 books, including one
book on castles or knights.
Each book read has an accompanying book review that is filled in completely
including fully relevant information, and fully supported opinions, ideas, and
The Reading Record Sheet is clear, organized, and concise; appropriate and varied
middle ages vocabulary is greatly used.
Turns in a complete and accurate MLA bibliography for all 4-5 books read.
Middle Ages Reading Record Rubrics
Criterion C
Criterion D
Demonstrates sophisticated investigative skills by reading 5 books, including one
book on castles or knights.
Each book read has an accompanying book review that is filled in completely
including fully relevant information, and fully supported opinions, ideas, and
The Reading Record Sheet is clear, organized, and concise; appropriate and varied
middle ages vocabulary is greatly used.
Turns in a complete and accurate MLA bibliography for all 4-5 books read.