fairness in the workplace: a psychological perspective

FALL 2014
Dr. Ann Marie Ryan
333 Psychology Bldg
Class meets Mon and Wed 12:40-2 in Room 12C Berkey
Course website available on D2L
Office hours: 2 -2:45 M and W and by appointment
Course description:
This course will provide an examination of psychological research that can inform how to design
fair and effective workplaces from the perspective of organizational psychology.
Overall Course Objectives:
1. To define what makes a fair workplace
2. To evaluate that definition in various workplace employment decision contexts (e.g.,
selection, pay, layoffs, policies)
3. To evaluate individual and contextual factors that influence perceptions of fairness at
4. To determine how to alter workplace environments to positively influence fairness
5. To specify the effects of unfairness on individuals and organizations
6. To evaluate systematic and individual means of addressing unfairness
7. To critically review empirical research on fairness and justice in the workplace
There is no text for the course. Most of the assigned readings are available via links on the D2L
site, which you can download and/or print for your personal use. For those few readings that
MSU does not have library access, there is a coursepack available for purchase at the MSU
bookstore for $27.47. A list of all reading assignments, dates of assignments, and whether they
are on D2L or in the coursepack is included below for your reference.
Attendance Policy
Attendance is expected at classes. This is an upper level class and thus it is expected that you
will be engaged in discussion and interactions with classmates. In-class participation is part of
one’s grade, and in-class exercises will be turned in towards a grade.
Grading criteria:
Final grades will be based on the following:
Justice project (multipart)
Indepth assignments (5 at 30 points each)
Prework short assignments (18 for 10 pts each)
In class participation (up to 20 at 5 points each)
Total 600
Grade cutoffs
540 points and above 4.0
510-539 points
Below 360
In class participation points.
Calculation of credit for class participation takes into account the likelihood that you may miss
several classes due to illness or emergencies. There are participation opportunities most classes
during term; while there are 27 opportunities you need only get 20 of those to get full points (i.e.,
missing a couple of classes for legitimate reasons will not affect your grade). Points are given
for participating and completing work. To be clear, if you miss class, this scale is very generous
in allowing for such events. It also means that there is no value in attempting to talk your way
into more points at the end of the term.
Extra credit
There are no extra credit opportunities –there are multiple opportunities for you to improve your
Late or missed assignments. Handing in assignments later than the start of class on the date due
is not acceptable. Late assignments ARE NOT ACCEPTED. Note that the D2L dropbox for
assignments automatically stops taking submissions within minutes of the start of class on dates
when assignments are due – do NOT wait until the last minute to submit the assignment.
Grade posting
Grades will be posted in a timely fashion. It is your responsibility to check the posted grades
throughout the term for accuracy.
Academic Honesty: Article 2.3.3 of the Academic Freedom Report states: “The student shares
with the faculty the responsibility for maintaining the integrity of scholarship, grades, and
professional standards.” In addition, the psychology department adheres to the policies on
academic honesty specified in General Student Regulation 1.0, Protection of Scholarship and
Grades; the all-University Policy on Integrity of Scholarship and Grades; and Ordinance 17.00,
Examinations. (See Spartan Life: Student Handbook and Resource Guide and/or the MSU Web
site www.msu.edu.)
Therefore, you are expected to complete all course assignments without assistance from any
source. You are expected to develop original work for this course; therefore, you may not submit
course work you completed for another course to satisfy the requirements for this course.
Students who violate MSU rules may receive a penalty grade, including but not limited to a
failing grade on the assignment or in the course. Specific to this course, plagiarism of an
assignment results in a zero for that assignment. Attempting to gain participation points for
someone is not in attendance in class (handing in work with the name on it of someone not in
attendance) or in other ways misrepresenting completion of the participation requirement results
in a 0.0 final course grade (i.e., failure in the class, not just on the requirement points).
Instructor Availability:
While I do have set office hours, I am available to meet with students at other times by
appointment. However, my schedule is a full one and so dropping by may not be the best
strategy – please email to schedule appointments. I do check email frequently.
Classroom Rules of Conduct
Cell phones must be turned off before class starts and put away. The course is structured to
encourage discussion and interaction – please treat other members of the class with courtesy and
respect. If you are disruptive (e.g., talking when others have the floor, making inappropriate
remarks, interfering with others’ learning), you will be asked to leave the class. Texting,
emailing, game playing, and web surfing during class are counterproductive to learning, lessen
your capacity to engage with those around you, and can be rude. Leave the outside world
outside of class and be fully present. I reserve the right to confiscate for the duration of class any
device that I feel is affecting my ability to teach effectively regardless of whether you think it is
not distracting to you. If for some reason you must arrive late or leave early (e.g., illness, car
trouble), please take a seat near the door and minimize disruption of others with your
arrival/departure. While I do not mind non-alcoholic beverages in class, please refrain from
eating unless you have enough to share with everyone.
Online D2L expectations
D2L is still a new system at MSU so please be patient with any snags or missteps. Some
assignments will require you to post to a public discussion board your thoughts and ideas. While
I encourage you to be yourself in your expressions, I also expect courtesy and respect for others.
Please refrain from language that others might find offensive. There are topics we will discuss
where individuals may have very different opinions and views – please express your dissenting
viewpoint diplomatically.
As members of a learning community, students are expected to respect the intellectual property
of course instructors. All course materials presented to students are subject to the following
conditions of use:
1. Students may record lectures/classroom activities and use the recordings for their own
course-related purposes.
2. Students may share the recordings for others enrolled in this specific course section.
Sharing is limited to using the recordings only for course-related purposes
3. Students may not post the recordings or any other course materials online or distribute
them to anyone not enrolled in this section of the class without the advance written
permission of the course instructor and, if applicable, any students whose voice or image
is included in the recordings.
4. Any student violating the conditions described above may face academic disciplinary
If you have a disability that will require accommodations, please see me the first week of class.
If you will miss class for a religious observance, let me know in advance.
Emergency Procedures
If an emergency should occur that would require the cancellation of class, I will send an email
via D2L. While an emergency occurring during class is unlikely, please take time the first day to
think through your emergency plans for such events (e.g., know at least two exits from the
Tips for Success
This is not a class of lecturing – class time will be spent on integration with the assumption that
you are coming to class prepared. Some hints for being successful:
Read any assigned BEFORE class so that you can discuss them in class
Complete the short prework assignments – we discuss them in class
Ask questions.
Share your own experiences.
Be engaged– you get more if you give more.
Tentative course schedule
(this schedule is subject to change)
A: 30 point assignment; P: short prework (10 points); CP means coursepack
August 27 Overview
------Sept 3
What is Fair?
A1 interview
Cropanzano et al
Sept 8
Org Justice Theory: components
 Brockner
 Kim & Mauborgne
Sept 10
Org Justice Theory: antecedents
A2 social media Bies & Tripp(CP)
Sept 15
Org Justice Theory: outcomes
 Greenberg 1988
 Bowen et al
Sept 17
Org Justice Theory: moderators
 Bobocel
 Greenberg 1994
Sept 22
Legal definitions of fairness
A3 (EEO)
Von Bergen
Sept 24
Incivility/harassment/mistreatment P4
Porath and Pearson
Sept 29
Fairness and voice
Guest lecture: Danielle King
Oct 1
Fairness and health
 Wellness audio link
Guest lecture: Dr. Daisy Chang
 Singer
Oct 6
Fairness in hiring practices
A4 criminal
Oct 8
Fairness in hiring practices
Oct 13
Fairness in pay and recognition
Project problem  PlanetMoney podcast
 Tugend
 Sandburn
Oct 15
Fairness in pay and recognition
 Greenberg
 Yaccino & Cooper
 Kimble
Oct 20
Research article discussion/project
A5 article
-------progress discussion
Oct 22
Fairness in performance
Repa (CP)
Oct 27
Fairness: layoffs and mergers
Melkonian et al
Oct 29
Policies on when, where & how
Project lit
 Greenhouse
much work
 Johnston
 Moore
Nov 3
Policies on when, where & how
 Grandy (CP)
much work
 Kantor
 Podcast scheduling
 Singer
Nov 5
Technology/ monitoring policies
Podcast monitoring
Nov 10
Performance Monitoring &
Behavior policies
Konovsky & Cropanzano
Nov 12
Appearance & Behavior policies
Nov 17
Accommodations and exceptions
Nov 19
Nov 24
Addressing unfairness: managers
Nov 26
Addressing unfairness: systems
Dec 1
Addressing unfairness: individual
Emerging issues
Final meeting 12:45-2:45
Dec 3
Dec 9
Justice projects
Mainiero & Jones
Podcast on pregnancy
 Clark
 Podcast on networks
Folger & Cropanzano,
p133-156 only (CP)
 Folger &
Cropanzano, p156172 only (CP)
 Truxillo
Zitek et al.
To be deterrmined
LIST OF READINGS (notes whether on D2L or in coursepack)
9/3: Cropanzano, R., Bowen, DE, Gilliland, WS (2007) The management of organizational
justice. Academy of Management Perspectives, 301-48 (link on D2L)
9/8: Brockner, J. (2006). Why is it so hard to be fair? Harvard Business Review, (link on D2L)
9/8: Kim, WC & Mauborgne, R 1997. Fair process: managing in the knowledge economy,
Harvard Business Review. (link on D2L)
9/10: Bies, R.J. & Tripp, T.M. (2005). Badmouthing the company: bitter employee or
concerned corporate citizen? In R.E. Kidwell & C.L. Martin (Eds.) Managing organizational
deviance. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications p 97-108 (in coursepack)
9/15: Greenberg, J. (1988). Equity and workplace status: A field experiment. Journal of Applied
Psychology, 73(4), 606-613. (link on D2L)
9/15: Bowen, DE, Gilliland SW & Folger R (1999). HRM and service fairness: how being fair
with employees spills over to customers. Organizational Dynamics, 27,p7-23. (link on D2L)
9/17: Greenberg, J. (1994). Using socially fair treatment to promote acceptance of a work site
smoking ban. Journal of Applied Psychology, 79(2), 288. (link on D2L)
9/17: Bobocel, D. R. (2013). Coping With Unfair Events Constructively or Destructively: The
Effects of Overall Justice and Self-Other Orientation. Journal of Applied Psychology. (link on
9/22: Von Bergen, CW (2008). The times they are a-changing: Family responsibilities
discrimination and the EEOC Employ Respons Rights J 20: 177-194. (link on D2L)
9/24: Porath, C.L., Pearson, C.M.. "The Price of Incivility." Harvard Business Review Jan/F
(2013). (link on D2L)
9/29: Potter, P. W. (2006). Procedural justice, voice effects and sham: Examining the decision
maker from a research context perspective. Journal of Organizational Culture, Communication,
and Conflict, 10(2), 61-76. (link on D2L)
10/1 Singer, N (2013). Rules sought for workplace wellness questionnaires. New York Times,
September 24. (link on D2L)
10/8: Davison, HK, Marasit CC Hamilton RH & Bing MN (2012) To screen or not to screen?
Using the internet for selection decisions. Employee Rights and Responsibilities Journal, 24, 121. (link on D2L)
10/13: Tugend, A. (2014). Secrecy about salaries may be on the wane. New York Times,
August 22 (link on D2L)
10/13: Sandburn, J. (2012). Hard Labor. Time.com, 179 (Link on D2L)
10/15: Greenberg, J. (1990). Employee theft as a reaction to underpayment inequity: The hidden
cost of pay cuts. Journal of Applied Psychology, 75(5), 561. (link on D2L)
10/15: Yaccino, S. & Cooper, M. (2013). Cries of betrayal as Detroit plans to cut pensions. The
New York Times, July 21. (link on D2L)
10/15: Kimble, J. (2013). Fairness: get a tattoo of the company you work for, get a 15 percent
raise. www.complex.com (link on D2L)
10/15 AAP (2013). When workplace rewards don’t work. St. Louis Post-Dispatch.
10/22: Repa, B.K. (2010) Your Rights in the workplace. NOLO. Ch 9 Losing or Leaving a
Job. P 324-335 only. (in coursepack)
10/27: Melkonian T Monin P & Noorderhaven NG 2011 Distributive justice, procedural
justice, exemplarity and employees’ willingness to cooperate in M&A integration processes: an
analysis of the Air France-KLM merger, Human Resource Management, 50, 809-837. (link on
10/29: Moore, M. (2011, 05). Jimmy john's workers 'quarantine' sandwich shop. Industrial
Worker. (link on D2L)
10/29 Greenhouse, S. (2014). Non-compete clauses increasingly pop up in an array of jobs.
New York Times, June 8. (Link on D2L)
10/29 Johnston, K. (2013). Unlimited time off? No thanks some workers say. Boston Globe.
August 21. (link on D2L)
11/3: Grandey, A.A. Family-friendly policies: organizational justice perceptions of need-based
allocations. In R. Cropanzano (Ed.). Justice in the workplace: from theory to practice, Volume
2. Mahwah NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum. P151-168 only. (in coursepack)
11/3 Kantor, J. (2014). Working anything but 9 to 5. New York Times, August 13. (link on
11/3 Singer, M. (2014). In the sharing economy, workers find both freedom and uncertainty.
New York Times, August 16. (link on D2L)
11/10: Konovsky, M.A. & Cropanzano, R. (1993). Justice considerations in employee drug
testing. In R. Cropanzano (Eds.). Justice in the workplace: approaching fairness in human
resource management. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.p 181-188 only. (in coursepack)
11/12 Kimmel, M (2013). Fired for being beautiful. NY Times. (link on D2L)
11/12 Sanburn, J. (2013). Too big to cocktail? Judge upholds weight discrimination in the
workplace. Time. (link on D2L)
11/12 Mainiero, Lisa, and Kevin Jones. (2013). "Sexual Harassment Versus Workplace
Romance: Social Media Spillover and Textual Harassment in the Workplace." The Academy of
Management Perspectives,. 27, p187-203. (link on D2L)
11/17: Colella, A 2001 Coworker distributive fairness judgments of the workplace
accommodation of employees with disabilities, Academy of Management Review, 26, 100-116.
(link on D2L)
11/17 Kelly, EP 2008 Accommodating religious expression in the workplace. Employee
Responsibilities and Rights Journal, 20, 45-56. (link on D2L)
11/19 Clark, N. (2010). Getting women into boardrooms by law. New York Times, January 27.
(link on D2L)
11/24 and 11/26: Folger, R. & Cropanzano, R. (1998). Ch 6: Organizational justice and conflict
management: social accounts, third parties, and grievance systems. In Organizational Justice
and Human Resource Management. (in coursepack)
Read 133-156 on 11/24
Read 156-172 on 11/26
11/26: Truxillo, D. M., Bauer, T. N., & Campion, M. A. (2009). Organizational justice
interventions: Practicalities, concerns, and potential. Industrial and Organizational Psychology:
Perspectives on Science and Practice, 2(2), 211-214. (link on D2L)
12/1 Zitek, E M.; Jordan, A H.; Monin, B; Leach, F R. (2010). Victim entitlement to behave
selfishly. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 98, 245-255.