NSF Final Report

Participant Individuals:
Co-Principal Investigator(s) : Robert L Nigbor
Senior personnel(s) : Anne Lemnitzer; Alberto Salamanco; Leonardo M Massone; Juan Carlos De La Llera;
Patricio Bonelli
Partner Organizations:
University of Chile: In-kind Support; Facilities; Collaborative Research; Personnel Exchanges
Provided on-the-ground support, including use of facilities for equipment
setup and calibration, and have continued to collaborate with us on
and papers.
Catholic University of Chile: In-kind Support; Facilities; Collaborative Research
On the ground support, including help identifying buildings to monitor
and providing contact information of building owners. Also provided three
students that helped setup instruments and networks in the four buildings
selected. We also trained these students so that we could leave some
behind to continue the monitoring effort beyond the two-week time frame
that US project personnel were on the ground.
Other collaborators:
Professor Patricio Bonelli, Federico Santa Maria Technical University,
Valparaiso, Chile. He provided on the ground support in Chile and helped
identify buildings in the Vina del Mar that could be monitored. One building
was selected in Vina del Mar, and instrumented by a USGS and others.
Activities and findings:
Research and Education Activities:
The primary project activity was to send a team to Chile to use NEES@UCLA
equipment to monitor building vibrations in aftershocks. Four buildings
were selected and instrumented and data were collected over approximately
a two month period.
Data will be uploaded to the NEES Project Warehouse under project 2010-941.
The project was the first aftershock monitoring project conducted by the
NEES@UCLA Equipment Site. Given that it was in a foreign country that
had just experienced a very rare earthquake that resulted in substantial
damage, it provided an excellent opportunity to 'train' the NEEES@UCLA
team and to identify critical issues and challenges associated with remote
deployments in challenging environments.
Data were collected in four buildings and drawings are available for all
four buildings. Preliminary data processing was accomplished and results
were presented at a major conference in October 2010 (Quake Summit 2010
- A joint annual meeting of the Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research
Center and the Network for Earthquake Engineering Simulation).
A paper has been drafted and it is anticipated that the paper will be
submitted for review to a highly respected peer-reviewed journal.
The lessons learned from this deployment were extremely helpful for
subsequent deployments in a building in Istanbul, Turkey, in two, full-scale
test buildings tested on the E-Defense shake table in Japan, and more
recently in several buildings in Christchurch, New Zealand following the
devastating earthquake in Feb 2011.
Data will be uploaded to the NEES Project Warehouse under project 2010-941.
Training and Development:
Training for Assistant Professor Anne Lemnitzer at CSU Fullerton. Professor
Lemnitzer has recently accepted a position as Assistant Professor at the
University of California, Irvine.
Training for NEES@UCLA staff member Dr. Alberto Salamanca, who expanded
his skills on data acquisition and control to application of sensor networks.
Training for Assistant Professor Leonardo Massone at the University of
Training for three students at Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile
to use the NEES@UCLA equipment.
Outreach Activities:
Information has been posted on the NEES@UCLA website related to the project.
A presentation was given at the joint PEER-NEES annual meeting held in
San Francisco in October 2010.
A presentation was given on the UCLA campus in April 2010. The seminar
announcement was sent to the local engineering community.
Project results were presented at the annual meeting of the Los Angeles
Tall Buildings Structural Design Council.
A paper has been prepared that will be submitted for review in a high-quality
Journal Publications:
Book(s) of other one-time publications(s):
Anne Lemnitzer1, Juan Carlos de La Llera2, Leonardo Massone3, Derek Skolnik4 and John Wallace5,
"Aftershock Monitoring of Reinforced Concrete Buildings in Santiago, Chile following the February 27,
2010 Mw=8.8 Earthquake" , bibl.
http://web.ics.purdue.edu/~jgwest/peer/abstracts/S2C_Lemnitzer.pdf, (2010). Abstract Published
of Collection: , "Abstract"
Other Specific Products:
Internet Dissemination:
Contributions within Discipline:
Aftershock monitoring data and building drawings have been uploaded to
the NEEScomm Project Warehouse.
Contributions to Education and Human Resources:
Training for Assistant Professor Anne Lemnitzer at CSU Fullerton. Professor
Lemnitzer has recently accepted a position as Assistant Professor at the
University of California, Irvine.
Training for NEES@UCLA staff member Dr. Alberto Salamanca, who expanded
his skills on data acquisition and control to application of sensor networks.
Training for Assistant Professor Leonardo Massone at the University of
Training for three students at Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile
to use the NEES@UCLA equipment.