Activity Ideas about cultures

Activity Ideas
How We Dress
Research forms of traditional dress from a country highlighted in the e-book. Provide
some traditional dress items (or similar items) for students to try on, or have students
create paper dolls or cut outs wearing traditional clothing. Discuss why people of that
culture might dress this way. Is it due to weather, religious beliefs, availability of
particular materials used, or the meanings of certain colors? Look at old photos of people
in Indonesia – compare how they dressed in other decades or centuries with how we dress
today. Discuss the ways that traditions and customs may change over time within a
culture. Have the students draw how they might dress in fifty years.
What We Eat
Many countries have a national dish. Brainstorm some of the typical foods eaten in
Indonesia. Introduce some of the national dishes to your class either by preparing them,
sharing photos or reading the ingredients.
How We Celebrate
Some of the most important events in our lives are those that celebrate the key milestones
we experience. In Indonesia, such events as weddings, birthdays, and funerals may be
celebrated differently depending on culture or religion. Learn about some of the ways
different cultures celebrate these milestones. Research, then compare and contrast, some
of the smaller milestones in a child's life and how they are celebrated in different
cultures, such as: birth and naming of child, first birthday, loss of first tooth/teeth, or
coming of age.
Our Holidays
Discuss some of the important holidays in Indonesia, including when and how they are
celebrated. As a class, consider celebrating one of the holidays you learned about.
How We Travel
Begin with a discussion of typical modes of transportation in our country.
o How do students get to school? (Bus, parent's car, bike, walk)
o How do we travel long distances? (airplane, train, car, motorcycle)
Research the history and development of some of these modes of transportation. How has
the way we travel in Indonesia changed over time? Then discuss different modes of
transportation around the world such as camel, canoe, elephant, jeepneys, gondola, sled
dogs, tuk-tuks, becak,etc. Why are they used? How are these modes of transportation
similar to and different from what we use in our country?
How We Greeting One Another (language):
How we greet one another can be very different from country to country. Research and
discuss the different ways people greet one another in different countries. Examine
physical gestures (or body language) and verbal language used. Have the students create
their own new way to greet someone.
Or, choose several countries highlighted in the e-book, and research how people might
greet one another in that country. Use a different culture's greeting each day of the week
in your classroom.
Our Music
Discuss some of the instruments that are popular in Indonesian music (e.g., guitar, piano,
drum, violin, or other instruments they learn or practice in school). What are their
origins? Were any created Indonesia?
Role Play
International Greetings
After learning several greetings from different countries, give several children a small
card each with a different description or drawing of a traditional greeting from another
country. Similar to charades, have each student share her or his greeting, while
classmates guess its country of origin. Discuss ways students might react if they were
greeted this way.