
PLC 954,
Multiple & Single Subject Student Teaching Seminar
Fall 2013,
Department of Policy Studies in Language and Cross-Cultural Education
Dr. Sarah Maheronnaghsh, Coordinator
Office EBA 259
Office Hours: by appointment
Marian (Mernie) Aste
Office EBA 222A
Office Hours: by appointment
Dr. Tamara Collins-Parks, PACT
Office ED 120
Office Hours: 3:00-4:00 Mondays
by phone any time, some
Course Day/Time: Monday 4:00-7:40, Schedule # 29309
Location: NE 173, some workshops in EBA 410 (LARC lab)
Course Description (4 units): This course will focus on the following areas:
student teaching, lesson planning, classroom management, professionalism,
preparing globally competent educators, and the state-mandated teacher
performance assessments known as the Content Area Tasks (CATs) and the
Teaching Event (TE). The focus is on the Multiple Subject (MS) & Single Subject (SS)
Bilingual Authorization credential program with critical reflection on the culture of
schools, professional obligations, & instructional practices during student teaching.
Guidelines for effective classroom management are provided along with selfreflection and professional development. Additional attention is given to Teaching
Performance Expectations (TPEs) in preparation for completing the Performance
Assessments and the Multiple Subject & Single Subject Bilingual Authorization
Credential eFolio.
Course Objectives & Teacher Performance Expectations:
1. Identify the linguistic and academic needs of your diverse learners and ways to
address these via written and spoken reflections, video clips of your teaching
practices, lesson plans and course projects (various TPEs);
2. Identify and describe how to create a physical & social environment that engages
all students in learning and uses instructional time effectively (TPE 5, 6, 7, 8, 11,
12 & 13).
3. Observe and articulate how teachers establish and maintain a climate that
promotes fairness, equity, and respect while promoting social development and
group responsibility (TPE 1, 5-8, 10, 11, 12, & 13).
4. Review, research & evaluate materials on effective teaching practices across
gender, ethnicity race and handicapping conditions (TPE 5-8, 11 & 13).
5. Based on the CCSS and CA ELD 2012 Standards and the models of classroom
management, articulate how to establish and maintain standards for student
behavior (TPE 1, 5-8, 11-13).
6. Plan and implement classroom procedures and routines that support student
learning and value student voice (TPE 1, 2, 5-9, 11 & 13).
7. Create a Discipline Philosophy that explores connections between school,
families, parents, and local communities (TPE 8, 10 ,11, 16)
Course Objectives related to the state mandated Teacher Performance Assessment
8. Find out about and describe your students and school program (TPE 8, Context
for Learning).
9. Multiple Subjects: Candidates will excel on PACT-CAT context, planning and
assessment tasks in Math, Science, and Social Studies while making connections
to the PACT Teaching Event and applying insights about students and teaching
to their own practice (TPEs 1, 3, 4, 7-9).
Single Subject: Candidates will gain a working knowledge of the PACT Teaching
Event, make connections with current coursework, and apply insights about students
and teaching to their own practice (TPEs 1, 3, 4, 7-9).
10. Candidates will create, convert, post, and use videos to reflect on their own teaching
practice (and prepare for Teaching Event video taping next semester).
Texts/Materials Needed:
 Ruiz, M. Los Cuatro Acuerdos.
 Curwin, Mendler & Mendler. Discipline with Dignity: New Challenges, New
Solutions. 3rd Edition.
 TaskStream Subscription -- purchase @ (about $40-50)
 Additional readings distributed in class and online via Blackboard class website
 Retrieve and print California Teacher Expectations from:
 CA ELD 2012 Standards: (Make sure to print it in COLOR)
Tech Usage: In the course of the class, candidates will make use of and evaluate
various technologies: e.g., Blackboard, e-mail, on-line platforms such as TaskStream,
databases, video recording (including conversion and posting), collaboration via
comments on TaskStream, data director or other K-12 student records programs.
Description of Assignments:
Context for Learning (5 points): The more you know about your students, the
better you will be able to teach them. You will complete a context for learning each
semester. It provides (anonymous) background information on your school,
classroom, curriculum, community, and students. The Context is shared across all
Teacher Performance Assessment work completed in that semester. For example,
even though MS bilingual candidates are completing two CATs in the Fall,
candidates complete a single context for learning to be used across both Fall CATs.
See BB and TaskStream for details and options.
Lesson Plans:
Collaboratively (10 points), course participants will prepare one 15-minute mini
lesson to practice using the new PLC lesson plan template using the CCSS and CA
ELD 2012 Standards. This lesson will be presented to the class. The instructor will
model several lessons using the lesson plan template providing time for practice and
reflection. Instructor will present models and further guidelines during the first weeks
of class.
Individually (10 points), course participants will prepare one 15-minute mini lesson
to practice using the new PLC lesson plan template using the CCSS and CA ELD
2012 Standards. Instructor will present models and further guidelines during the first
weeks of class. This lesson plan can be a lesson that has been assigned for the
purpose of another methods course or be used for a methods course.
Letter of Introduction to Parents: (10 points)
Participants will write a letter introducing yourself to students’ families. Instructions
and a rubric will be provided.
Lead Morning Meeting Activity: (10 points)
Each participant will lead a Morning Meeting Activity and provide a copy of how to
implement the activity for each class member and the instructor. A model will be
provided during the first class meeting. Please refer to 99 Activities & Greetings text
(can borrow from instructor) .
Classroom Management Share: (10 points)
Participants will be responsible for sharing one classroom management strategy they
have learned from the field that they have seen used or have implemented
themselves. This should be simple and a strategy that your peers can implement the
following day in the classroom. Instructor will model the second-class meeting. A
sign-up sheet will be provided.
Discipline Philosophy: (20 points)
Participants will create a discipline philosophy that will be turned in at the end of the
semester and will carry over into the Spring 2014 Seminar course. Further
description and a rubric will be provided mid-semester. This will be a 1-2 page paper
typed double spaced using APA style, to be turned in on Blackboard. Due 12/9/13.
Preparing Globally Competent Educators (10): Students will be responsible for
traveling to Tecate, Mexico on Saturday October 5th, 2013 and preparing a mini
lesson to engage local students using the CCSS en ESPANOL.
Participation/Attendance/Video/Course Readings (20 points): Attendance and
participation are necessary elements to succeed in class and to accomplish your
professional and educational goals in the program. Participation includes coming
prepared to class having completed all assignments and readings (including video
project – see BB for details). You will be allowed one absence during the session.
After that absence, 5% will be deducted from your final course grade. In the case of
ongoing medical needs, please consult instructors for special arrangements. It is your
responsibility to get course notes and any information missed from a peer who is
enrolled in the course. Cell phone usage and texting is prohibited during class unless
the instructor is notified. If there is an emergency the instructor must be notified.
1. Context for Learning = 5 points
2. Lesson Plans 10 points each =20 points total
3. Letter of Introduction to Parents=10 points
4. Lead Morning Meeting Activity=10 points
5. Classroom Management Share=10 points
6. Discipline Philosophy=20 points
7. Preparing Globally Competent Educators in Tecate, Mexico =10 points
8. Participation/attendance/video/course readings=15 points
Total points possible=100
Grade Equivalents (in points):
100-94= A
Tentative Course Calendar
Class Date
Class Topics & Activities
 Writing Objectives
 Choosing CA Grade specific CCSS
& CA ELD 2012 Standard to
begin writing a lesson plan
 Model Classroom Management
 Letter to Parents/Families
Assignments Due
*Read appendix A of CA ELD
Standards & B of CCSS
9/2 No Class
Labor Day
9/6 Project
*Discipline with Dignity:
Chapter 1 Discipline
*Letter to families due via
Blackboard by Friday
Phase 1
Lesson planning using CCSS &
CA ELD 2012 Standards
12 Step Program for Discipline
with Dignity
Student teaching: discussion,
how is it going? Problems,
Repeat Phase 1 with a peer
alone using CCSS & CA ELD
Standards 2012
Phase 2
Activity: D & D Examples of 12
steps, making a plan for yourself
as an educator who disciplines
with dignity
*El Primer Acuerdo: Se
Impecable Con Tus Palabras
*Discpline with Dignity: Ch 1
*Bring CCSS & CA ELD 2012
Standards to class
*In class reading “The
Responsive Classroom” seven
*Bring CCSS & CA ELD
Standards 2012 to class!
*El Primer Acuerdo: Se
Impecable Con Tus Palabras
Academic Language General &
Language Demands
D & D Chapter 2: Dignity and
Responsibility in the Classroom
*El Primer Acuerdo: Se
Impecable Con Tus Palabras
*D & D Chapter 2: Dignity and
Responsibility in the
*El Segundo Acuerdo: No Te
Tomes Nada Personalmente
*D & D Chapter 2: Dignity and
Responsibility in the
Guest Speaker: Alexandra Hunt,
CCSS & CA ELD 2012 Standards
& lesson planning
D & D Chapter 2: Dignity and
Responsibility in the Classroom
Review all Projects for all
Methods courses
Bringing it all together creating
a thematic lesson plan using
CCSS & CA ELD 2012 Standards
*Bring activity to engage local
students with CCSS en
*Presentations of Thematic
Lesson plans created in small
*El Segundo Acuerdo: No Te
Tomes Nada Personalmente
- Workshop
- Workshop
- Workshop
w/ Tamara
- Workshop
w/ Tamara
12/9 Last
Day of Class
- Workshop
w/ Tamara
Overview of CATs and the
Teaching Event.
Project CORE Symposium
The Three Key Dimensions of
Disciplining with Dignity
Your Philosophy of Discipline
TaskStream Workshop in EBA
410 (LARC Lab)
Guest Speakers: Teachers from
the Field on
No Class Veteran’s Day
Moving forward with Discipline
Bilingual Math CAT due Wed
 Deep Questioning Strategies
(monitoring & engagement)
 Video Workshop
 Video Conversion Workshop in
EBA 410 (LARC Lab)
 Reflective Practice Groups
Bilingual Social Studies CAT due Th
Project CORE Symposium
 Semester reflection.
 Preparing for the TE next
semester – steps & foci.
*Presentations of lesson plans
created in small groups
*Tercer Acuerdo: No Hagas
*Tercer Acuerdo: No Hagas
*D & D Chapter 3: The Three
Key Dimensions
*D & D Chapter 3: The Three
Key Dimensions
**Tercer Acuerdo: No Hagas
*D & D Chapter 4: The Social
*Cuarto Acuerdo: Haz Siempre
Lo Maximo que Puedas
*D & D Chapter 4: The Social
*Cuarto Acuerdo: Haz Siempre
Lo Maximo que Puedas
*Cuarto Acuerdo: Haz Siempre
Lo Maximo que Puedas
*El Camino Hacia La Libertad,
El Cielo en La Tierra (Los
Cuatro Acuerdos)
*Due: Discipline Philosophy
Quick Facts on CATs for MS Bilingual Candidates
CAT stands for “Content Area Task.” You use CATs to demonstrate key teaching
skills within the core subject areas. CATs are part of the CTC Requirements for a
Multiple Subjects Credential. Your methods teachers are key sources of information
on the CATs but you have additional support via the PLC 954 Workshops. There are
three CATs -- two for Fall and one for Spring concurrent with the Teaching Event (or
TE). You will prepare one Context for Learning each semester to use across CATs
and TE as appropriate.
Context for Learning: The more you know about your students, the better you will
be able to teach them. You will complete a context for learning each semester. It
provides (anonymous) background information on your school, classroom,
curriculum, community, and students. The Context is shared across all PACT related
work completed in that semester. For example, even though MS bilingual are
completing two CATs in the Fall, candidates complete a single context for learning to
be used across both Fall CATs.
Bilingual Social Studies CAT (in Spring):
The Bilingual Social Studies CAT focuses on Planning, specifically planning social
studies curriculum to be accessible to all students (PACT rubric 2), particularly
those within a bilingual context. Products: context for learning (shared across CATs);
lesson segment (series of lesson plans); all materials used; commentary explaining
your rationale, strategies, etc. Due Thursday, 12/5/2013.
Bilingual Science CAT (in Spring):
The Science CAT also focuses on Planning, particularly the ability to plan lessons
that build on each other to connect scientific concepts, real world phenomena, and
scientific investigation/ experimentation skills (PACT rubric 1 for Science) within a
bilingual context. Products: context for learning (shared across CATs); lesson
segment (series of lesson plans); all materials used; commentary explaining your
rationale, strategies, etc. Due Date TBD.
Bilingual Math CAT (in Fall):
The Math CAT focusses on Assessment, namely the ability to analyze and find
patterns in bilingual and monolingual student performance that you can use to
guide future instruction (PACT rubric 6). Products: context for learning (shared
across CATs); assessment; criteria or rubric; student work samples; tables and
commentary identifying patterns and analyzing results for class, subgroups and
individuals, etc. Due Wednesday, 11/20/12.