(2015b). A secondary literature bibliography of the English language

A secondary literature bibliography of the English language works of premier league
writers on Husserl
Allen, J. (1976) A Husserlian phenomenology of the child. Journal of Phenomenological
Psychology, 6, 164-179.
_______ (1978) Husserl’s communal spirit: A phenomenological study of the fundamental
structure of society. Philosophy and Social Criticisms, 5, 68-82.
_______ (1978) Fundamental paradigms for the study of intersubjectivity. Research in
Phenomenology, 8, 263-272.
________ (1978) Husserl’s overcoming of the problem of intersubjectivity. The Modern
Schoolman, 55, 261-271.
Armstrong, E.G. (1977) Intersubjective intentionality. Midwestern Journal of Philosophy, 5,
Atwell, J.E. (1969) Husserl on signification and object. American Philosophical Quarterly, 6,
Bernet, R. (1982) Is the present ever present? Phenomenology and the metaphysics of
presence. Research in Phenomenology, 12, 85-112.
________ (1987) Presence and absence of meaning: Husserl and Derrida on the crisis of (the)
present time. In R. Bernet, J.B. Brough, E.S. Casey, & B.P. Dauenhauer Phenomenology of
temporality: Time and language. 33-64. Pittsburgh: Simon Silverman Phenomenology
________ (1988) Husserl’s theory of signs revisited. In R. Sokolowski (Ed) Edmund Husserl
and the phenomenological tradition: Essays in phenomenology. 1-24. Washington: Catholic
University Press of America.
________ (1993a) Forming the past: Husserl, Proust and Barthes. In T. de Boer, R. Bernet,
J.E. Faulconer, & J. Scanlon, The Husserlian foundations of phenomenological psychology.
1-20. Pittsburgh: Simon Silverman Phenomenology Center.
________ (1993b) Derrida-Husserl-Freud: The trace of transference. Southern Journal of
Philosophy, 32, 141-158.
________ (1994a) An intentionality without subject or object? Man and World, 27, 231-255.
________ (1994b) Phenomenological reduction and the double life of the subject. (trans F.
Renaud). In T.J. Kisiel & J. van Buren (Eds) Reading Heidegger from the start: Essays in his
earliest thought. 245-267. New York: SUNY Press.
________ (1996) The unconscious between representation and drive: Freud, Husserl, and
Schopenhauer. In J.J. Drummond & J.G. Hart (Eds) The truthful and the good: Essays in
honour of Robert Sokolowski. 81-95. Dordrecht: Kluwer.
________ (1998a) My time and the time of the other. In D. Zahavi (Ed) Self awareness,
temporality, and alterity: Central topics in phenomenology. 137-149. Dordrecht: Kluwer.
________ (1998b) Husserl. In S. Critchley & W.R. Schroeder (Eds) A companion to
continental philosophy. 198-207. Oxford: Blackwell.
________ (2003) Unconscious consciousness in Husserl and Freud. In The new Husserl: A
critical reader, ed., D. Welton, trans. C. Jupp and P. Crowe, 199-219. Bloomington: Indiana
________ (2015) Transcendental phenomenology? In J. Bloechl and N. de Warren (Eds)
Phenomenology in a new key: Between analysis and history, essays in honor of Richard
Cobb-Stevens. 115-134. Dordrecht: Springer.
Bernet, R., Kern, I. & Marbach, E. (1993) An introduction to Husserlian phenomenology.
Evanston: Northwestern University Press.
Boehm, R. (1965) Basic reflections on Husserl’s phenomenological reduction. International
Philosophical Quarterly, 5, 183-202.
_________ (1970) Husserl’s concept of the “absolute”. In Elveton, R.O. (Ed & trans) The
phenomenology of Husserl: Selected critical readings. 174-203. Chicago: Quadrangle books.
Boer, T., De (1978) The development of Husserl’s thought. The Hague: Nijhoff.
Cairns, D. (1972) The many senses and denotations of the word Bewusstsein
(“consciousness”) in Edmund Husserl’s writings. In L. Embree (Ed) Lifeworld and
consciousness: Essays for Aron Gurwitsch. 19-31. Evanston: Northwestern University Press.
_________ (Ed)(1976) Conversations with Husserl and Fink. The Hague: Nijhoff.
Cho, K.K. (1990) Phenomenology as a cooperative task. Philosophy and Phenomenological
Research, 50(Supp), 27-43.
Davidson, L. (1988) Husserl’s refutation of psychologism and the possibility of a pure
psychology. Journal of Phenomenological Psychology, 19, 1-11.
Drummond, J.J. & Embree, L. (Eds)(1992) The phenomenology of the noema. Dordrecht:
Elliston, F.A. (1977) Husserl’s phenomenology of empathy. In F.A. Elliston & P.
McCormick (Eds) Husserl: Expositions and appraisals. 213-231. Notre Dame: University of
Notre Dame Press.
Embree, L. (1992) Some of the noetico-noematic analysis of action and practical life. In J.J.
Drummond and L. Embree (Eds) Phenomenology of the noema. 157-210. Dordrecht: Kluwer.
________ (1996) Advances regarding evaluation and action in Husserl’s Ideas II. In T.
Nenon & L. Embree (Eds) Issues in Husserl’s Ideas II. 173-198. Dordrecht: Kluwer.
Fink, E. (1970) The phenomenological philosophy of Edmund Husserl and contemporary
criticism. In R.O. Elveton (Ed and Trans) The phenomenology of Husserl: Selected critical
readings. 73-147. Chicago: Quadrangle Books.
_______ (1972) What does the phenomenology of Edmund Husserl want to accomplish?
(The phenomenological idea of laying-a-ground). Research in Phenomenology, 2, 5-27.
_______ (1981) The problem of the phenomenology of Edmund Husserl. In W.R. McKenna,
R.E.M. Harlan, L.E.Winters & J.N. Mohanty (Eds) Apriori and world. 21-55. The Hague:
Gurwitsch, A. (1966) Studies in phenomenology and psychology. trans. F.J. Crosson, D.J.
Herman, A., Rosenthal, R.M., Zaner and F. Kersten. Evanston: Northwestern University
Hartimo, M.H. (Ed.) (2010) Phenomenology and mathematics. Dordrecht: Springer.
Ingarden, R. (1973) Apriori knowledge in Kant vs. Apriori knowledge in Husserl. Dialectics
and Humanism: The Polish Philosophical Quarterly, 2, 5-18.
Jaspers, K. (1963) General psychopathology. (trans J. Hoenig & M.W. Hamilton).
Manchester: Manchester University Press.
Jennings, J.L. (1986) Husserl revisited: The forgotten distinction between psychology and
phenomenology. American Psychologist, 41, 1231-1240.
Kasely, T.S. (1997) The method of the geometer: A new angle on Husserl’s Cartesianism.
Husserl Studies, 13, 141-154.
Kern, I. (1977) The three ways to the transcendental phenomenological reduction in the
philosophy of Edmund Husserl. In F.A. Elliston & P. McCormick (Eds) Husserl: Expositions
and appraisals. 126-149. Notre Dame: Notre Dame University Press.
_______ (1986) Trinity: Theological reflections of a phenomenologist. In S.W. Laycock &
J.G. Hart (Eds) Essays in phenomenological theology. 23-37. Albany: SUNY Press.
______ (1988) The structure of consciousness according to Xuanzang. Journal of the British
Society for Phenomenology, 19, 282-295.
______ (1992) Object, objective phenomenon and objectivating act according to the
‘Vijnaptimatratasiddhi’ of Xuanzang (600-664). In D.P. Chattopadhyaya, L.E. Embree and
J.N. Mohanty (Eds) Phenomenology and Indian Philosophy, 262-269. New York: SUNY.
______ (1993) Our experience of the other. In R. Bernet, I. Kern and E. Marbach, An
introduction to Husserlian phenomenology, 154-165. Evanston: Northwestern University
______ (1997) Intersubjectivity. trans. W.R. McKenna. In eds. L. Embree, E.A. Behnke, D.
Carr, C. Evans, J. Huertas-Jourdas, J.J. Kocklemans, W.R. McKenna, J.N. Mohanty, T.M.
Seebohm and R.M. Zaner, Encyclopaedia of phenomenology, 355-359. Dordrecht: Kluwer.
______ (2008) Three questions from Chinese philosophy addressed to Husserl’s
phenomenology. Tijdschrift voor Filosofie, 70, 705-732.
________ (2012) Mengzi (Mencius), Adam Smith and Edmund Husserl on sympathy and
conscience. In C. Fricke and D. Føllesdal (Eds) Intersubjectivity and objectivity in Adam
Smith and Edmund Husserl: A collection of essays. 139-170. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter.
Kern, I. & Marbach, E. (2001) Understanding the representational mind: A prerequisite for
intersubjectivity proper. Journal of Consciousness Studies, 8, 69-82.
Klev, A. (2013) Form of apprehension and the content-apprehension model in Husserl’s
Logical Investigations. Logical Analysis and History of Philosophy/Philosophiegesichte und
Logische Analyse, 16.
Landgrebe, L. (1970) Husserl’s departure from Cartesianism. In R. O. Elveton (Ed & trans)
The phenomenology of Husserl: Selected critical readings. 259-306. Chicago: Quadrangle
___________ (1981) The phenomenology of corporeality and the problem of matter. (trans
D. Welton). In The phenomenology of Edmund Husserl: Six essays. 33-49. London: Cornell
University Press.
Larrabee, M.J. (1986) The noema in Husserl’s phenomenology. Husserl Studies, 3, 209-230.
Lee, N-I. (1998) Edmund Husserl’s phenomenology of mood. In N. Depraz and D. Zahavi
(Eds) Alterity and facticity: New Perspectives on Husserl. 103-120. Dordrecht: Kluwer.
_______ (2000) Practical intentionality and transcendental phenomenology as a practical
philosophy. Husserl Studies, 17, 49-63.
_______ (2005) Phenomenology of feeling in Husserl and Levinas. The New Yearbook for
Phenomenology and Phenomenological Philosophy, 5, 189-209.
Levin, D.M. (1968) Induction and Husserl’s theory of eidetic variation. Philosophy and
Phenomenology Research, 29, 1-15.
Marbach, E. (1982) Two directions in epistemology: Husserl and Piaget. Revue
Internationale de Philosophie, 36, 435-469.
___________ (1984) On using intentionality in empirical phenomenology: The problem of
‘mental images’. Dialectica, 38, 209-229.
___________ (1988a) How to study consciousness phenomenologically or quite a lot comes
to mind. Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology, 19, 252-268.
___________ (1988b) “Genetic explanation in Husserl and Piaget,” by Wolfe Mays – a
response. New Ideas in Psychology, 16, 19-25.
___________ (1992) What does noematic intentionality tell us about the ontological status of
the noema? In J.J. Drummond & L. Embree (Eds) The phenomenology of the noema. 137155. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic.
___________ (1993) Mental representation and consciousness: Towards
phenomenological theory of representation and reference. Norwell: Kluwer Academic.
___________ (1994) Understanding phenomenology. European Journal of Philosophy, 2,
___________ (1996) Understanding the representational mind: A phenomenological
perspective. Human Studies, 19, 137-152.
___________ (1999) Building materials for the explanatory bridge. Journal of Consciousness
Studies, 6(2-3), 252-257.
___________ (2000a) The place for an ego in current research. In D. Zahavi (Ed) Exploring
the self: Philosophical and psychopathological perspectives on self experience. 75-94.
Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
___________ (2000b) On depiction. Facta Philosophica 2: 291-308.
___________ (2003) Why it is hard to be a monist – if you want to be a phenomenologist. In
A. Bächli & K. Petrus (Eds.). Monism. 279-292. Frankfurt: Ontos Verlag.
___________ (2005) On bringing consciousness into the house of science - with the help of
Husserlian phenomenology. Angelaki: Journal of the Theoretical Humanities, 10, 145-162.
__________ (2007) Towards integrating Husserlian phenomenology with cognitive
neuroscience of consciousness. Synthesis Philosophica, 44, 385-400.
__________ (2010a) Towards a formalism for expressing structures of consciousness. In S.
Gallagher & D. Schmicking (Eds.), Handbook of Phenomenology and Cognitive Science, 5781. Dordrecht: Springer.
__________ (2010b) Is there a metaphysics of consciousness without a phenomenology of
consciousness? Some thoughts derived from Husserl’s philosophical phenomenology. Royal
Institute for Philosophy Supplement, 67, 141-154.
__________ (2010c) “So you want to naturalize consciousness?” “Why, why not?” – “But
how?” In C. Ierna, H. Jacobs and F. Mattens, (Eds.), Philosophy, phenomenology, sciences:
Essays in commemoration of Edmund Husserl, 391-404. Dordrecht: Springer.
McIntyre, R. and Smith, D.W. (1989) Theory of intentionality. In J.N. Mohanty and W.R.
McKenna (Eds) Husserl’s phenomenology: A textbook. 147-179. Washington: Center for
Advanced Research in Phenomenology and University Press of America.
McKenna, W.R. (1989) Husserl’s theory of perception. In J.N. Mohanty and W.R. McKenna
(Eds) Husserl’s phenomenology: A textbook. 181-212. Washington: Center for Advanced
Research in Phenomenology and University Press of America.
Mensch, J.R. (1998) Instincts – A Husserlian account. Husserl Studies, 14, 219-237.
Merleau-Ponty, M. (1962) Phenomenology of perception. (trans C. Smith). London:
Miller, J.P. (1982) Numbers in presence and absence: A study of Husserl’s philosophy of
mathematics. Dordrecht: Nijhoff.
Mohanty, J.N. (2003) The unity of Husserl’s philosophy. Revue Internationale de
Philosophie, 224, 115-132.
___________ (2008) The philosophy of Edmund Husserl: A historical development. New
Haven: Yale University Press.
___________ (2011) Edmund Husserl’s Freiburg years, 1916-1938. New Haven: Yale
University Press.
Moran, D. (2011) Edmund Husserl’s phenomenology of habituality and habitus. Journal of
the British Society for Phenomenology, 42, 53-77.
Nenon, T. (1990) Willing and acting in Husserl’s lectures on ethics and value theory. Man
and World, 24, 301-309.
Pfander, A. (1967) Phenomenology of willing and motivation: And other phaenomenologica.
trans. H. Spiegelberg. Evanston: Northwestern University Press.
Salmon, C.V. (1929) The starting-point of Husserl’s philosophy. Proceedings of the
Aristotelian Society, 30, 55-78.
Scanlon, J.D. (1972) The epoche and phenomenological anthropology. Research in
Phenomenology, 2, 95-109.
___________ (1981) A transcendentalist’s manifesto: Introduction to “phenomenology and
anthropology”. In P. McCormick & F.A. Elliston (Eds) Husserl: Shorter works. 311-314.
Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press.
___________ (1989) Phenomenological psychology. In J.N. Mohanty & W.R. McKenna
(Eds) Husserl’s phenomenology: A textbook. 445-464. Washington: Center for Advanced
Research in Phenomenology & University Press of America.
___________ (1992) The manifold meanings of ‘life world’ in Husserl’s Crisis. American
Catholic Philosophical Quarterly, 66, 229-239.
___________ (1993) Persons and their worlds: Limits of understanding. In T. De Boer, R.
Bernet, J.E. Faulconer & J. Scanlon The Husserlian foundations of phenomenological
psychology. 21-34. Pittsburgh: Simon Silverman Phenomenology Center.
___________ (1996) Objectivity and introjection in Ideas II. In T. Nenon & L. Embree (Eds)
Issues in Husserl’s Ideas II. 213-222. Dordrecht: Kluwer.
Schütz, A. (1964) Studies in social theory: Collected papers Vol 2. The Hague Martinus
_________ (1967) The phenomenology of the social world. trans. G. Walsh and F. Lehnert.
Evanston: Northwestern University Press.
Schütz, A. and Luckmann, T. 1973. The structures of the life-world. trans. R.M. Zaner and H.T.
Engelhardt. Evanston: Northwestern University Press.
Smith, Q. (1977) A phenomenological examination of Husserl’s theory of hyletic data.
Philosophy Today, 21, 356-367.
Soffer, G. (1996) Perception and its causes. In T. Nenon & L. Embree (Eds) Issues in
Husserl’s Ideas II. 37-56. Dordrecht: Kluwer.
Sokolowski, R. (1964) The formation of Husserl’s concept of constitution. The Hague:
____________ (1968) The logic of parts and wholes in Husserl’s Investigations.
Phenomenology and Philosophical Research, 28, 537-553.
____________ (1981) Husserl’s concept of categorial intuition. Philosophical Topics, 12,
Supplement, 127-141.
____________ (1984) Intentional analysis and the noema. Dialectica, 38, 113-130.
____________ (2000) Introduction to phenomenology. London: Routledge.
Ströker, E. (1980) Psychology: A new way into transcendental phenomenology: Some
thoughts on Husserl’s last part of the Crisis. Southwestern Journal of Philosophy, 11, 67-87.
_________ (1983) The role of psychology in Husserl’s phenomenology. In H.J. Silverman, J.
Sallis & T.M. Seebohm (Eds) Continental philosophy in America. 3-15. Pittsburgh:
Duquesne University Press.
_________ (L. Hardy Ed)(1987) The Husserlian foundations of science. Washington: Center
for Advanced Study in Phenomenology and the University Press of America.
_________ (1988a) Husserl and the philosophy of science. Journal of the British Society for
Phenomenology, 19, 221-234.
_________ (1988b) Phenomenology as first philosophy: Reflections on Husserl. In R.
Sokolowski (Ed) Edmund Husserl and the phenomenological tradition: Essays in
phenomenology. 249-263. Washington: Catholic University of America Press.
_________ (1993) Husserl’s transcendental phenomenology. (Trans L. Hardy). Stanford:
Stanford University Press.
_________ (1997) Science and the lifeworld: A problem of cultural change. Human Studies,
20, 303-314.
Thinès, G. (1977) Phenomenology and the science of behaviour: An historical and
epistemological approach. London: Allen & Unwin.
Trân, D.T. (1986) Phenomenology and dialectical materialism. (Trans D.J. Herman & D.V.
Morano). Dordrecht: Reidel.
Welton, D. (Ed)(1983) The origins of meaning: A critical study of the thresholds of
Husserlian phenomenology. The Hague: Nijhoff.
___________ (2003) The new Husserl: A critical reader. Bloomington: Indiana University
Williams, F. (1989) Intersubjectivity: A brief guide. In J.N. Mohanty & W.R. McKenna (Eds)
Husserl's phenomenology: A textbook. 309-344. Washington: Center for Advanced Research
in Phenomenology & University Press of America.
Zahavi, D. (2003) Husserl’s phenomenology. Stanford: Stanford University Press.
Zaner, R.M. (2012) At play in the field of possible: An essay on the foundation of self and
free-fantasy variational method. Bucharest: Zeta.