Pre appointment info

Biokinetics, Kinesiology (Exercise Therapy) & Strength and Conditioning
Personal Contact Details
Full name and Surname: _________________________________________________________
Address: _____________________________________________________________________
City: _____________________________________
Postal Code: ________________________
Phone (Home): ______________________ (Work): ___________________________________
(Mobile): __________________________
Email: _______________________________________________________________________
Date of Birth: _______________________
Age: __________
Occupation: ___________________________________________________________________
Emergency Contact Person: _______________________________ Phone: _________________
Family Doctor: _________________________________________ Phone: _________________
Physiotherapist (if required) _______________________________ Phone: _________________
Other therapist (if required) _______________________________ Phone: _________________
Reason for Appointment:
Orthopedic Conditions
Sports Performance
5002 51st Street, Cold Lake, AB, Canada
Tel: (780) 594 0133 Fax: (780) 594 0685
Youth Athletic Development
Health Promotion
5010 51st Street, St Paul, AB, Canada
Tel: (780) 614 2055 Fax: (780) 614 2032
Biokinetics, Kinesiology (Exercise Therapy) & Strength and Conditioning
Pre-Screening Health History
Has your doctor ever told you that you have cardiovascular/heart disease? Yes/No
Do you have a family history of cardiovascular/heart disease, stroke, elevated cholesterol
levels or sudden death before the age of 65? Yes/No
Are you diabetic? Yes/No
If yes, do you use medication Yes/No If yes, type?
Have you ever had a stroke (including mini strokes)? Yes/No
Are you asthmatic? Yes/No If yes please
Are you taking any asthma medication? Yes/No Type:____________________________
Has your doctor ever told you that you have hypertension? Yes/No
If yes when was it last checked and what was the reading? Date: ____________________
Reading: Systolic______ Diastolic______
Stress levels (0 – 5) ___________
Are you pregnant or trying to get pregnant? Yes/No
Are you using any form of prescribed medication at present? Yes/No
Are you using any non-prescription drugs, including, street drugs or performance
enhancers? Yes/No
Have you ever been advised by your doctor not to exercise? Yes/No
Have you ever had any pain or palpitations in the chest, heart or surrounding areas,
especially during exercise? Yes/No
Do you ever feel faint or dizziness during exercise? Yes/No
Do you experience unusual fatigue or shortness of breath at rest or during mild exercise?
Do you have a pacemaker? Yes/No
Orthopedic Conditions
Sports Performance
5002 51st Street, Cold Lake, AB, Canada
Tel: (780) 594 0133 Fax: (780) 594 0685
Youth Athletic Development
Health Promotion
5010 51st Street, St Paul, AB, Canada
Tel: (780) 614 2055 Fax: (780) 614 2032
Biokinetics, Kinesiology (Exercise Therapy) & Strength and Conditioning
Have you ever been awakened at night by an attack of shortness of breath or had an
attack of shortness of breath after exercise? Yes/No
Do you ever get pain in your calves or lower legs that is not due to stiffness or soreness?
Have you been hospitalized recently? Yes/No Date: ______________________
Operation within the last 12 months? Yes/No Date: ______________________
Pre-Screening Health History (cont.)
Do you smoke cigarettes? Yes/No
How many per week? __________
Alcohol Consumption? Yes/No How much? _____________________
Do you drink coffee/caffeinated products? Yes/No
How much per day (Cups)? ___________________________________
Are you currently dieting or fasting? Yes/No
Do you have any of the following: (tick)
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Injury History
Dominant Hand ___________ Leg___________
Have you ever had injury, surgery to your (if yes, please elaborate):
o Ankles:_________________________________________________________________
o Knee:__________________________________________________________________
o Hip/Pelvis:______________________________________________________________
Orthopedic Conditions
Sports Performance
5002 51st Street, Cold Lake, AB, Canada
Tel: (780) 594 0133 Fax: (780) 594 0685
Youth Athletic Development
Health Promotion
5010 51st Street, St Paul, AB, Canada
Tel: (780) 614 2055 Fax: (780) 614 2032
Biokinetics, Kinesiology (Exercise Therapy) & Strength and Conditioning
o Shoulder:_______________________________________________________________
o Neck:__________________________________________________________________
o Back/Spinal injury:______________________________________________________
o Elbow:_________________________________________________________________
o Wrist:__________________________________________________________________
o Other:__________________________________________________________________
Exercise History
What are your activity patterns (including gardening, housework etc?)
Frequency: ________ exercise sessions per week.
Intensity: Sedentary
Duration:_______ minutes/session
Do you play a sport? ____________________________________________________________
Level: _______________________________________________________________________
Thank you for completing the screening. Your complete and thoughtful answers enable us to
develop safe, effective rehabilitation/conditioning protocols, ensuring that the outcomes are
achieved as efficiently as possible.
I, the undersigned, confirm that I have answered all questions truthfully and to the best of my
Name: _____________________________________ Signature: ________________________
Date: _____________________
Orthopedic Conditions
Sports Performance
5002 51st Street, Cold Lake, AB, Canada
Tel: (780) 594 0133 Fax: (780) 594 0685
Youth Athletic Development
Health Promotion
5010 51st Street, St Paul, AB, Canada
Tel: (780) 614 2055 Fax: (780) 614 2032