Carbon Foot Print Quiz

What’s your Carbon Foot Print?
Always = 2 points
Sometimes = 1 points
Never = 0 points
1. _____Do you recycle newspapers, magazines, glass bottles, aluminum cans, etc.?
2. _____When possible, do you buy products made from recycled materials?
3. _____When you go shopping do you bring your own shopping bags?
4. _____When possible, do you ride the bus or train instead of riding in a car?
5. _____When possible, do you refrain from using the air conditioner?
6. _____Do you use energy saving electronics?
7. _____Do you use the bath water to wash your laundry?
8. _____Do you refrain from using a lot of detergents and soaps?
9. _____Do you remove the oil from oily plates before washing them?
10. _____Do you go to bed early at night and wake up early in the morning?
_____ Total Score
How many points did you get?
You are doing everything possible to protect our planet.
You are making a very good effort.
You are doing well, but you should try a little harder.
Please start thinking more about the earth.
Do you ever think about our planet. The earth is dying?