
McCune, Robert Ryan
September 19th 2011
Grad OS, Striegel
Annotated Bibliography
(Book) S. Brown, et al. “Field-Programmable Gate Arrays,” Kluwer
Academic Publishers, Norwell, Massachusetts, 1992. Solid technical
overview to FPGAs from Notre Dame Library. FPGAs versus VLSI, basics
of logic blocks, available software, transfer to hardware, as well as
industry discussion. Offers introduction and overview of FPGAs, valuable
moving forward, put into perspective the work to get an FPGA board from
start to finish.
(Book) Alford, Roger C. “Programmable Logic Designer’s Guide,” Howard
W. Sams & Company, Indianapolis, 1989. Could be a coursebook for Logic
Design 101. Begins with logic device overview that is helpful moving
forward, then moves into Boolean logic, and gradually builds up to more
elaborate PLDs. Pair nicely with journal articles from the early decades
that provide high-performance PLD design.
(Journal Article) Charles Baugh and Bruce Wooley, “A Two’s
Complement Parallel Array Multiplication Algorithm,” IEEE Transactions
on Computers, Vol C-22, No. 12, December 1973, pages 1045-1047. DOI
Old school paper presents an algorithm for high-speed multiplication.
Utilizes two’s complement rule in an m-bit by n-bit array. Uses
uncomplicated logic to run calculations in parallel, could easily
implement on an FPGA board for high-performance computations.
(Journal Article) Weinberger, Arnold. “High-Speed Programmable Logic
Array Adders,” IBM Journal of Research and Development March 1979,
Volume 23 Issue 2, pages 163-178. DOI Programmable logic arrays
implement combinational logic circuits, an early and basic type of FPGA.
This old school paper describes a one-cycle adder for ‘standard’ PLAs,
utilizing two-bit input decoders and XOR outputs. Could possibly
implement this design for a high-performance FPGA board, a large adder
that completes in a single cycle.
(Conference Article) B. R. Rau and C. D. Glaeser, “Some scheduling
techniques and an easily schedulable horizontal architecture for high
performance scientific computing.” Proceeding MICRO 14 Proceedings of
the 14th annual workshop on Microprogramming, Piscataway, NJ, Dec.
1981. AMC Link This well-cited paper provides horizontal architectures
that may work well for my project. I’ll attempt to build a simple FPGA
board emphasizing high-performance for simple calculations. This paper
provides comparable approaches for operating systems, i.e. cost-effective
& high-performancex. An interesting experiment could be implementing
the FPGA board against one of these performance-oriented OS’s. Begin to
think if high-performance computing becomes customization for your
particular algorithm, which is simple for a simple computation. Where do
you draw the line, what would be interesting problems for today?
(Conference Article) J. G. Tong, et al. “Soft-Core Processors for
Embedded Systems.” International Conference on Microelectronics,
2006, pages 170-173. DOI The Soft-core processor is specially designed
CPU modeled using hardware description language (HDL), common in
FPGAs. The paper provides an overview, examples, and applications,
including open-source processors that could possibly be implemented for
research. A table comparing soft core specs can be used later when
experimenting with performance.
(Conference Article) Roman Lysecky and Frank Vahid, “A Study of the
Speedups and Competitiveness of FPGA Soft Processor Cores using
Dynamic Hardware/Software Partitioning.” DATE ’05: Proceedings of the
conference on Design, Automation and Test in Europe – Volume 1. DOI
Soft core processors have become more common in FPGA boards offering
increased flexibility, but at the cost of performance/slower clock speeds
compared to hard-core processors. Warp processing dynamically
converts typical software instruction binary into an FPGA circuit binary
for performance. This paper explores the positive effects of the
MicroBlaze warp processor. Very relevant topic offering current research
(Conference Article) S. Sirowy, G. Stitt and F. Vahid. “C is for Circuits,
Capturing FPGA Circuits as Sequential Code for Portability.” Symposium
on Field-Programmable Gate Arrays, 2008. DOI FPGA boards are used
more and more often to increase performance, speeding up C code. The
authors analyzed circuits submitted to an IEEE Symposium and found
82% could be implemented as C code, offering important advantages
including easy FPGA application distribution.
(Conference Article) R. Lysecky, G. Stitt and Frank Vahid, “Warp
Processors.” ACM Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic
Systems (TOAES) Volume 11, Issue 3, July 2006, pg 659-681. DOI
Describes architecture of a warp processor, used on FPGAs to improve
performance. The warp processor detects a binary’s critical region and
runs it through a customized circuit, requiring partitioning,
decompilation, synthesis, placement and routing tools. Interested in the
profiler, that dynamically detects the critical regions.
(Conference Article) G. Stitt, R. Lysecky, F. Vahid, “Dynamic
Hardware/Software Partitioning: A First Approach.” Design Automation
Conference (DAC), 2003, pp. 250-255. DOI Vahid’s team’s first approach
to dynamic partitioning of the binary. Includes architecture flow charts
and lean tool specs. Appears to be very limited implementation, a first
run, does not include very complex logic, more proof of concept.
(Professor Website) Frank Vahid’s webspace, Warp Processing
summary link. Thorough
overview of warp processing outside of a research paper context. Warp
processing is his method of dynamically converting software binary to
FPGA hardware instructions for dramatic performance increases.
Disappointing that no warp processing tools are made available,
impossible to reproduce results. Would like more details on profiler and
(Conference Article) Grant Wigley and David Kearney, “The
Development of an Operating System for Reconfigurable Computing.”
The 9th Annual IEEE Symposium on Field-Programmable Custom
Computing Machines, 2001. Here Explores OS requirements on
reconfigurable boards as FPGA boards become difficult to manage.
Includes a prototype implementing algorithms for resource allocation,
partitioning, placement, and routing, considering FPGA boards with over
10 million gates. Appreciated discussion on allocation and fragmentation
looking for largest contiguous rectangle on board. Suggests operating
systems across large FPGA boards is feasible.
(Conference Article) Maire McLoone and John V. McCanny, “High
Performance Single-Chip FPGA Rijndael Algorithm Implementations.”
CHES ’01 Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on
Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems. Here FPGA boards can
be utilized for high-performance computing, this conference provides an
instance applied to cryptography. The Rijndael algorithm was selected by
the NIST to replace DES as a new crypto standard. The paper outlines the
FPGA layout that can encrypt Rijndael at 7 Gigs/sec, 3.5 times faster than
any current implementation.
(Journal Article) A. Lofgren, et al. “An analysis of FPGA-based UDP/IP
stack parallelism for embedded Ethernet connectivity,” NORCHIP
Conference, 2005. FPGA boards and parallelism. While my project is
aiming to explore FPGA board computations versus a regular OS due to
computational optimization, another benefit from FPGA boards is
optimization. This paper explores FPGA boards with internet
connectivity, which ties into the Woods article, and different stacks for
(Conference Article) L. Woods, et al. “Complex Event Detection at Wire
Speed with FPGA,” Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment 3:1-2 September
2010, pages 660-669. AMC Paper discusses using FPGA boards between a
CPU and network interface, using the hardware to data mine. Complex
event detection comes across as recognizing data mining algorithms, cites
and implements regular expressions. Includes logic gate schematics and
state diagrams of non-deterministic finite automata. Complete and
thorough analysis, envision my project being along these lines but likely
less complex computations.
(Conference Introduction) D. Buell, et al. “High-Performance
Reconfigurable Computing,” The 2007 IEEE International Conference on
Information Reuse and Integration, Las Vegas. Link High-performance
reconfigurable computers implementing parallel processors as well as
FPGAs. Most code obeys 10-90 rule, 90 percent of execution from 10
percent of code, so run lengthy code over reconfigurable, personalized
hardware. Overview article includes introductions to other rich articles,
including a C-to-FPGA compiler.
(Conference Article) M. Herbordt, et al. “Achieving High Performance
with FPGA-Based Computing,” The 2007 IEEE International Conference
on Information Reuse and Integration, Las Vegas. DOI Article from above
journal with finer detail on FPGA design techniques. Identifies
challenges of implementing FPGA boards for performance, problem of
achieving speedups without excessive development while remaining
flexible, portable, and maintainable. Outlines four methods for
restructuring code for high-frequency computing on FPGA boards.
(Journal Article) I. T. S. Li, et al. “160-fold acceleration of the SmithWaterman algorithm using a field programmable gate array (FPGA),”
BMC Bioinformatics 2007, 8:185. DOI Case study implementing FPGA
boards for high performance bioinformatics database computation.
Smith-Waterman algorithm is used to find optimal local alignment
between two sequences utilizing dynamic programming. Includes
schematics and state diagram of implementation. Background on SmithWaterman algo demonstrates relevance in bioinformatics.
(Conference Article) M. Sadoghi, et al. “Towards Highly Parallel Event
Processing through Reconfigurable Hardware,” DaMoN ’11 Proceedings
of the Seventh International Workshop on Data Management on New
Hardware, New York. DOI The team presents an event processing
platform built on FPGAs with varying emphasis on flexibility, adaptability,
scalability, or pure-performance, taking on four different designs. The
Propogations key-based counting algorithm ideal for the experiment. The
FPGA boards are programmed using a soft-processor, programmable
logic using C rather than Verilog that can be ported to other FPGAs,
possible for my project.
(Journal Article) A Pertsemlidis and John W Fondon III. “Having a
BLAST with bioinformatics (and avoiding BLASTphemy),” Genome
Biology 2001, September 2001. PubMed BLAST, the basic local alignment
search tool, performs comparisons between pairs of genomic sequences
and is a popular tool for computational biologists. Discusses the past
searches for genome matching, beginning in 1995. Several
implementations of the BLAST algorithm exist. Identifying similar
sequences, a pretty basic problem, is a very important and
computationally expensive procedure that could benefit greatly from
high-performance computing.
(Journal Article) S. Altschul, et al. “Gapped BLAST and PSI-BLAST: a new
generation of protein database search programs.” Nucleic Acids
Research, Volume 25, Issue 17, pp 3389-3402. DOI Several variations of
the BLAST program have been implemented, with this paper yielding
three times faster performance than the original. The authors tweak the
triggering for word extensions, and implement a matrix scheme for better
identification of word gaps. A highly cited paper but doubtful about
direct application to FPGA, but helpful in weighing on the significance of
the BLAST algorithm.
(Conference Article) M. Herbordt, et al. “Single Pass, BLAST-Like,
Approximate String Matching on FPGAs.” 14th Annual IEEE Symposium
on Field Programmable Custom Computing Machines, Napa, CA, 2006. Pp.
271-226. DOI Two algorithms are presented for implementing BLAST on
an FPGA board, as well as FPGA/Dynamic Programming. The two
algorithms operate on a single pass through a database at streaming rate.
Results are supplied for several implementations. Interesting results and
application of BLAST to FPGA boards, but not directly applicable for this
(Conference Article) Oskar Mencer, Martin Morf and Michaelf J. Flynn,
“PAM-Blox: High Performance FPGA Design for Adaptive Computing.”
IEEE Symposium on FPGAs for Custom Computing Machines, April 1998.
Pp.167 DOI PAM-Blox is an object-oriented circuit generator on top of the
PCI Pamette design environment. Using FPGA compiler technology, only
with a hand-optimized library can the authors compete in providing a
high performance, low power consumption solution, compared to current
processors. It’s possible to outperform current environments, but only
with meticulous detail. FPGA boards are non-trivial and take expert
designers to construct hardware to outperform what’s readily available. I
may have better luck with my project in pursuing a simple FPGA board
(Journal Article) Y. Dandass, et al. “Accelerating String Set Matching in
FPGA Hardware for Bioinformatics Research.” BMC Bioinformatics, 9:197
2008. DOI String set matching is one of the fundamental problems in
bioinformatics, this paper presents yet another case of utilizing FPGA
boards for performance. The Aho-Corasick algorithm is adapted to the
boards to run in parallel. Experiments reveal 80% storage efficiencies
and speeds of over 20 times faster using a 100Mhz clock, compared to tha
on a 2.67 GHz workstation.
(Conference Article) N. A. Woods, et al. “FPGA acceleration of quasiMonte Carlo in finance.” International Conference on Field
Programmable Logic and Applications, 2008. Pp 335-340. DOI QuasiMonte Carlo methods are often used in quantitative finance for their
accurate modeling of derivatives pricing. This paper presents a method
for accelerating the simulation of several derivatives classes using FPGA
boards. While using unconventional methods for traditional FPGA use,
performance on the FPGA board runs more than 50 times faster than that
of a single-threaded C++ implementation on a 3 GHz multi-core