Grade 11 Biology Genetics Unit Review

Grade 11 Biology Genetics Unit Review
This is a checklist of all of the concepts we have covered in this unit that you will need to use to prepare
for the final unit test:
I understand the basic cell theory of biology.
I know the 4 parts of the Cell Cycle and can briefly describe what is happening in each stage.
I can give reasons why cells need to undergo division and what can alter/effect the rates of cell
division in different types of cells (rapidly vs. slowly dividing cells, cancerous cells. etc.)
I understand the process of cell division in the production of cells based on MITOSIS:
I can examine a diagram of a cell and explain which stage it is in, or draw a cell in a
specific stage of division.
I understand the process of cell division in the production of cells based on MEIOSIS:
I can describe what is happening in the different stages of Meiosis.
I can examine a diagram of a cell and explain which stage it is in, or draw a cell in a
specific stage of division.
Based on its diploid or haploid chromosome number, I know how to determine the number of
chromosomes that a cell will have after completing mitosis or meiosis.
I understand the impacts of abnormal division on cells, particularly non-disjunction impacts on
I know an example of a condition caused by a non-disjunction.
I can recognize a normal karyotype pattern and know how a karyotype is used.
I understand the terminology used in Mendelian heredity, such as pure-bred, dominant,
recessive, alleles, genes, traits, P and F1 generations, and Punnett Squares.
I can solve each of the types of genetic problems showing parent genotypes and gametes,
Punnett squares and F1 generation genotypes and phenotypes.
I can describe what is happening in the 4 stages of Mitosis and Cytokinesis.
Monohybrid crosses: normal dominant/recessive, incomplete dominance, codominance, multiple allele and x-linked.
Dihybrid crosses
I know how to create and interpret a pedigree to analyse hereditary patterns of trait within
I understand why genetic variety increases the strength of a species (with an example).
I can explain at least 1 genetic technology (basic concept, uses, and moral/ethical controversies)
such as:
Genetic screening
Gene Therapy
Genetically Modified Foods/Organisms