
El-Shourouk Academy
Higher Institute for Computer &
Information Technology
Department of Computer Science
Acad. Year : 2014/ 2015
: Second
: First
Computer Package
Exercise Sheet #3(Excel Fuctions)
1-write excel function that calculate the number of cells with a value greater than or equal to 32 and less
than or equal to 85 in cells B2 through B5.
2- According to the given Excel Sheet answer the following questions :
A- write excel function that calculate the number of cells ending with the letters "es" in cells A2 through A7.
B- write excel function that calculate the number of cells ending with the letters "les" and having exactly 7
letters in cells A2 through A7.
C- write excel function that calculate the number of cells containing any text in cells A2 through A7.
D- write excel function that calculate the number of cells not containing text in cells A2 through A7.
E- write excel function that calculate the average number of No votes (including blank cells) in cells B2
through B7.
=COUNTIF(B2:B7,"No") / ROWS(B2:B7)
F- write excel function that calculate the average number of Yes votes (excluding blank cells) in cells B2
through B7.
=COUNTIF(B2:B7,"Yes") / (ROWS(B2:B7) -COUNTIF(B2:B7, "<>"&"*"))
Elaborated by: Dr. Fahima Maghraby
3- According to the given Excel Sheet answer the following questions :
A- write excel function that calculate the sum of the commissions for property values over 160,000.
B- write excel function that calculate the sum of the property values over 160,000.
C- write excel function that calculate the sum of the commissions for property values equal to 300,000.
D- write excel function that calculate the sum of the commissions for property values greater than the value
in C2.
=SUMIF(A2:A5,">" & C2,B2:B5)
4- According to the given Excel Sheet answer the following questions :
A- write excel function that calculate the sum of the sales of all foods in the "Fruits" category.
B- write excel function that calculate the sum of the sales of all foods in the "Vegetables" category.
C- write excel function that calculate the sum of the sales of all foods that end in "es" (Tomatoes, Oranges,
and Apples).
D- write excel function that calculate the sum of the sales of all foods that do not have a category specified
Elaborated by: Dr. Fahima Maghraby
4-write excel function that multiplies all the components of the following two arrays and then adds the
products .
5- what is the MROUND function do?
Returns a number rounded to the desired multiple.
Number is the value to round.
Multiple is the multiple to which you want to round number.
6-According to the given excel sheet ,complete the following sentences .
C-VLOOKUP(0.7,A2:C10,3,FALSE)= #N/A
D-VLOOKUP(0.1,A2:C10,2,TRUE)= #N/A
7-complete the following sentences.
1) ABS(-10)=10
2) INT(-8.9)=-9
3) MOD(7,3) =1
4) ROUND(-1.475, 2)=-1.48
5) MROUND(126,25)=125
6) SIGN(10)=1
7) LARGE({1,3,6,10,15,25,30},3)=15
8) SMALLE({1,2,4,6,10,25,30,40},3)=4
9) LEFT(“Microsoft”,5) =Micro
10) LEFT(“Hello”,10)=Hello
11) RIGHT(“Microsoft”,4) = soft
12) MID(“Bookkeeper”,5,4) = keep
13) PROPER(“HELLO Superman”) = Hello Superman
Elaborated by: Dr. Fahima Maghraby
14) what is the Function that Removes all spaces from text except for single spaces between words?
15) what is the Function that Returns the Number of Characters, Including Blanks, in String?LEN
16) LEN("Excel Sheet")=11
17) FIND("m","Miriam McGovem")=6
18) FIND("M","Miriam McGovem",3)=8
19) SUBSTITUTE("Quarter 1, 2011", "1", "2", 3)= Quarter 1, 2012
20) SUBSTITUTE("Sales Data", "Sales", "Cost")= Cost Data
Elaborated by: Dr. Fahima Maghraby