MGE Lesson Plan Template Instructions: Complete this lesson plan

MGE Lesson Plan Template
Instructions: Complete this lesson plan in enough detail so that another teacher or substitute can
replicate it. REMOVE these directions and the blue prompts before submitting. Be mindful of
formatting and appearance of this lesson plan. Remove bold print when not appropriate. Spacing
and indenting should be appropriate. Modify as needed. During student teaching, you may use this
lesson plan template as a guide, but you MUST include all required elements from the edTPA
Handbook for your content area for your edTPA submission.
Grade Level/Subject
Description of Student Population from Context for Learning (Number of students,
language, SES, gender, culture, abilities, etc. Summarize from your Context of Learning).
Central Focus- List important (enduring) understandings and core concepts for this
lesson. Address what you want students to know when they have completed the lesson.
Make sure to reference standards and objectives.
State Standards (Content and Skills)
A. Lesson Objectives- Knowledge and skills to be achieved. Each objective should
include a measurable verb, the content/skill stem, and support.
B. Interdisciplinary/Integrated- Utilize standard(s) from another content area
Academic Language
A. Language Function- Typically, the measurable verbs from your objectives. Be sure
to refer to the edTPA handbook for your content area.
B. Additional Language Demands
i. Vocabulary- Vocabulary with different meanings across subject areas
and subject-specific vocabulary
rev. Sp14
ii. Syntax/Discourse- The use of explicit and precise content specific
language, the explanation and clarification of the language for an
unfamiliar audience, and evidence of support for the use of the language
(how you teach it).
Assessments - Correlate with lesson objectives
A. Pre-assessment/Assessment of Prior Knowledge (including potential
misconceptions, partial understandings, or misunderstandings)- Describe how you will
determine students’ prior knowledge of essential concepts and skills needed to be
successful in this lesson? What are some potential misconceptions, partial
understandings, or misunderstandings about the lesson’s central focus that students
may bring to the learning experience?
B. Formative- Provides information needed to adjust teaching and learning while they
are still occurring. An understanding checkpoint that guides future instruction decisions.
This type of assessment can take place during or at the conclusion of a learning activity
or a lesson. The purpose is to monitor progress toward mastery of the skill being taught.
Informal- During or at the conclusion of an activity or lesson, students respond
individually or as a group to a question or demonstrate a task.
Formal- At the conclusion of a lesson or activity, students respond individually –
verbally or in writing – to a question or task. Typically, these responses are
documented in some way.
C. Summative- Evaluates student learning at the end of an instructional unit by
comparing it against some standard or benchmark. The purpose is to demonstrate
mastery of the skill being taught.
A. Materials Needed- List all materials needed by the teacher and the students for the
lesson. You may assume that students have writing paper and utensils.
B. Preparation- Describe all preparation that must occur before the lesson.
rev. Sp14
C. Resources- List all resources used in the development of this lesson. Cite all
sources appropriately, including books, websites, and other teachers.
D. Safety Considerations (as appropriate)
VII. Instructional Strategies and Learning Tasks
Anticipatory Set- A brief activity that effectively engages students' attention,
activates their background knowledge, builds background when needed, and
focuses their thoughts on the learning objective. Should be directly related to the
instructional objective.
Learning Tasks- Learning tasks must demonstrate evidence of what students are
supposed to be learning. See the edTPA Handbook for specific components and
considerations. Your instructor/supervisor/cooperating teacher may have specific
Support for Varied Student Learning Needs- Identify the various instructional
strategies that access different learning preferences and multiple intelligences, giving
learners choices in process and product.
A. Responses to misconceptions, partial understandings, misunderstandings,
etc.- Describe how you have provided supports in your learning tasks that respond
to the potential misconceptions, partial understandings, and misunderstandings
described in the assessment section.
B. Responses to learning needs of the whole class- Identify the instructional
strategies that address different learning styles and multiple intelligences, giving
learners choices in process and product.
C. Responses to learning needs of individuals and groups with similar needsHow you will support the needs of the individuals and groups with similar needs –
including ELs – that you identified in your Context for Learning.
rev. Sp14