September - Marquette Neighborhood Association

Marquette Neighborhood Association (MNA) Board
September 18, 2014
Board Members Attending: Cheema, John Coleman, Carl Durocher, Colleen Hayes,
Jack Kear, Ralph Kuehn, Lynn Lee, Michael Jacob, Mike Soref, Anne Walker
Absent: Karyn Chacon, Chris Lukas
Others Attending: Jesse Pycha-Holst, David Lohrentz, Curt Brink, Cheryl Sullivan,
Andre Lewis, Michele Dickinson, Darcy Haber, Steve Ohlson, Maryline Beurg, Marsha
Rummel, Peter Wolff, Laura Cob, Linda Lehnertz
Madison Police Update—Andre Lewis
Officer Lewis reported incidents from the last two months: “bar-jacking” (unruly crowd)
at the Brass Ring and a disturbance at Plan B. He asked about the effects of the
Johnson St. construction on neighborhood traffic. People thought there was increased
traffic on Williamson St., but did not see an effect on traffic in the interior streets.
Committee Reports
Preservation and Development (P&D)
Madison Sourdough expansion and liquor license
Madison Sourdough is expanding into the part of the building vacated by the Clary
Project. ALRC must approve the increase in capacity. Alcohol is very small part of
Madison Sourdough’s business. David Lohrentz presented the site plan. The questions
were about parking, bike parking and hours. David will check with city about installing
posts for additional bike parking. Carl moved to support the application for the license
change. Cheema seconded. The motion passed unanimously. Michael will
communicate MNA support of the application.
Paint Bar, 1224 Williamson St., ALRC Application
Karen and John Salituro propose to open the Paint Bar in one of the buildings under
renovation in the 1200 block of Williamson. The business provides painting classes and
painting instruction in which a customer can do a painting in one session. It will serve
food and wine, and would have live background music. The expectation is that 50
percent of revenue would come from painting instruction and materials, 25 percent
would come from beer and wine, and 25 percent from food. It will have outdoor seating
in front, in back and in a garage in back with open doors. The Alcohol License Review
Commission (ALRC) has referred it until site and zoning issues are sorted out.
P&D recommended support of the application at its September meeting. Lynn and
Alder Rummel visited the site and found problems with parking and outdoor seating and
lack of a site plan. Michael had also been in contact with the Salituros. The consensus
was to defer voting on the project at this meeting. Marsha will hold a neighborhood
meeting and board members should attend. If the site plan is approved
board members will do an e-vote after the neighborhood meeting.
State Archive Preservation Facility
The Wisconsin State Historical Society (WSHS) will file for a demolition permit for the
state Archive Preservation Facility on Dickinson St. on September 24. The Plan
Commission will act on the application in October. The demolition permit is the only city
approval for the facility. WSHS will not go through the normal city approval process for
the new facility. Ellsworth Brown, Jim Brown, and Michael Telzrow presented plans for
the facility to P&D at the September P&D meeting. John said that the architect would
not give him the latest plan for the facility without permission from the state Department
of Administration. John moved that MNA support sending a letter to the Plan
Commission identifying where the project does not comply with neighborhood plans.
Anne seconded. The motion passed with 8 ayes and 1 nay. John will draft the letter.
1018 Williamson St. Demolition Request and Promoting Affordable Housing
Jim Glueck, representing Dr. Mike Kohn, met with P&D twice, and several committee
members visited the property. The P&D Committee voted against a motion to support
demolition. There is not a recommendation before the board, but the sense of the
committee was to oppose demolition. Committee members opposed to the demolition
thought the building could be rehabilitated and opposed further loss of residential
housing on Williamson St. John asked Commonwealth Development about purchasing
and rehabilitating the building. The Madison Development Corporation might be
another agency to provide assistance. John suggested having an Affordable Housing
fund to support initiatives like this (see budget item below). John moved that the MNA
Board oppose demolition of 1018 Williamson St., and that single family housing on
Williamson St. should be retained. Lynn seconded. The motion passed with 8 ayes
and 1 abstention. John will draft the letter to the Plan Commission and Landmarks
Commission, and John and Cheema will follow up with the Madison Development
706 Williamson St. Project Appeal Update
The Common Council voted against the appeal of the Plan Commission decision on the
Rifken Group project. Alder Rummel said that the important issue was the step at which
the building plans are reviewed for standards—she said that under the current zoning
law, the appropriate place is for public review and review by the Plan Commission.
Some of the neighbors are looking into a legal challenge to the Plan Commission
Meeting with City Staff
P&D members met with city staff on July 28. Its purpose was to open channels of
communication with city staff. A test of this meeting is if neighborhood residents meet
on the 706 Williamson St plan. Marsha will request a meeting with city planning staff.
At the last Traffic Committee meeting the committee recommended that the Board
communicate to Madison Metro MNA's opposition to closing any Metro bus stops in the
neighborhood. Michael suggested first developing a rationale for keeping bus stops.
The question of the status of the bus stops after reconstruction of Jenifer St. was raised.
Alder Rummel will meet with Metro, and will report back about the imminence of the
closings. Mike moved to table the recommendation. Colleen seconded. The motion
passed with 8 ayes and 1 nay. If there is an urgent need for the board to act on the
committee recommendation, the board could take an e-vote.
MNA Budget draft to be presented to annual membership meeting
The Finance Committee met on September 10. General budget decisions made at the
meeting were to make the lines broad spending categories to give MNA flexibility during
the year, and to attempt to have a balanced budget, i.e., to keep expenditures from
exceeding revenues. The proposed budget assumes about $45,000 in net revenue, an
amount lower than revenue in last year’s budget. Projected revenue is consistent with
lower income from festivals and sponsorships this year. MNA did not provide funds for
the Skate Park during the current year, but plans to do that next year, and the Skate
Park funds will come out of reserves. The East Side Express is budgeted at about what
was spent. There will be a reduction in Parks and Gardens and Neighborhood
Enhancement Grants, but the budget is about what was spent during the current year.
There will be an increase in funds to Wil-Mar and for scholarships. The board will try to
find a less expensive option for maintenance of the stone bench.
There was discussion about having a line for affordable housing. Michael suggested
not setting an amount, but that the initiative could be funded from reserves once there is
a plan. Michael moved to approve the budget as recommended by the Finance
Committee, plus a note empowering the board to develop an affordable housing
initiative and being able to tap into reserves pending a vote at a MNA board meeting in
the year ahead. Mike seconded. The motion passed unanimously.
MNA Annual meeting planning
There was consensus to hold the annual meeting in October as in previous years: it is
set for Thursday, October 16. Discussion was on the meeting program and
assignments to set up the meeting.
Approval of July Minutes
Approval of the July minutes was tabled.
Alder Report
Alder Rummel is looking for ways to resolve problems between bicycle riders and
pedestrians in Orton Park. (Bicyclists may ride on paths within parks.)
Mayor Soglin intends to form a committee of alders on noise at city events.
The city has issued a “mini-RFP” for the Don Miller parcel in the 800 block (south side)
of East Washington Ave. The committee formed to review proposals will include the
alder and a neighborhood representative, Daniel Grossberg.
Curt Brink and the Korb family are planning for the 900 block of East Washington.
Adjournment: Colleen moved to adjourn, Anne seconded. The motion passed
unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 9:55 pm.
Submitted by Mike Soref, Secretary, MNA Board