English - Alter Summit

Dr. Hans-Jürgen Urban, Member of IG Metall Executive Board
Statement Alter Summit
in Athens
Dear colleagues,
dear friends and comrades,
Things cannot go on like this. Europe is in danger of failing.
The great idea of European mutual understanding between people has been finally
degenerated into a project of neo-liberal market radicalism by the stranglehold of the
The economic and political crisis serves as an 'excuse' for the European political-economic
oligarchy to aggressively attack the welfare state, democracy and the European citizens!
The austerity policy…:
 …imposes the costs of the financial market crisis on the employees, unemployed and
retired persons;
 …destroys the welfare state and forces people into poverty and leads to a lack of
 …breaches trade union rights and collective bargaining systems and
 …sets the orders of the financial markets as weapons against the political democracy!
Only one thing will be achieved:
Social problems will become national problems.
Thus countries and people will be set against each other. Consequently Europe will be torn
That is what we must end!
We do not want a neo-liberal and capitalist Europe!
We want a democratic Europe and a Europe based on solidarity, ecology and equality among
the sexes!
It is high time that the people across Europe stand up against the plundering of their
This is one reason why we have gathered here in Athens.
To show resistance is necessary now – the more international the better!
Dear colleagues!
With its economic and political power Germany plays a key role in the fatal austerity policy
of the European Union.
Thus, resistance against the politics of Angela Merkel’s government is inevitable.
It is true that many more people wish for more resistance and protests. Also in Germany the
alliances for a different, better Europe form up.
 The trade unions fight in collective bargaining rounds and on the company level
against wage dumping, cuts in social systems and precarious work.
 In May trade unions protested during an action day in particular against the
scandalous youth unemployment in the EU. From 7th to 9th June the German trade
unions will participate in the action weeks of the European Trade Union
Confederation (ETUC).
 At the beginning of June thousands of young people protested in the BlockupyMovement in Frankfurt against the politics of the European Central Bank.
 Together with researchers, intellectuals and progressive politicians we have engaged
ourselves in the appeal for “Founding Europe anew!”. This call is against austerity
policy and supports solutions of solidarity within the debt crisis, a push for
democracy and a European-wide social reform movement.
 Finally, trade union leaders have publicly declared their solidarity for the Alter
Dear colleagues,
dear friends and comrades!
There is not only Merkel & Co. There is also a different Germany.
This is a country where people fight against German power politics and for a better Europe.
From these people I send you a message of solidarity and a promise: we stand on your side!
Yes, colleagues!
After the cold winter of austerity Europe is in need of a warm spring of solidarity.
This will not happen automatically.
To this end it is vital to create a European-wide social movement.
This shall be a resistance movement against the neo-liberal Europe of banks and Eurocrats.
This shall be a reform movement for a different, better Europe for the people!
We have gathered in Athens in order to strengthen this movement and to encourage
ourselves for these fights.
Let us strive to ensure that our Alter Summit is the beginning of this movement.