
This is how you can help me at home…
On Fridays I will be a piece of homework.
Please help me complete it and ensure my
book is in my book bag on Mondays.
Please listen to me read EVERYDAY and help
me learn my high frequency words so I can
recognise these on sight. Please make a note
in my reading record book.
Please ask me what I have been doing at
school and if I can’t remember feel free to
pop into the classroom to have a look.
PE kit – I must have my PE kit in school everyday.
These can be taken home at the end of each half
term to be washed. PE is on a Wednesday and
Snacks – I do not need to bring a snack to school
as I am provided with one everyday. If I want
milk I need to register with CoolMilk.
Book Bag – I must remember to use a Book Bag
to bring my reading book and reading record
into school each day- please make sure these are
checked regularly for letters etc from school.
On Mondays it is ‘show and tell’ and I can bring
something interesting to talk about at school.
(We discourage the same plastic toys week after week and
encourage home made craft items, photographs and
tickets/leaflets from weekend visits etc!)
I can bring a pair of wellies to leave at school so
that I can play outside in all weathers. These can
be taken home at weekends if preferred.
I will need appropriate clothing for the weather.
It would be useful to have a rain coat if it’s
raining and a warm coat (and hat and gloves) if
it’s cold because I will be going outside whatever
the weather. If it’s sunny I will need a sun hat
and suncream.
If I have a toilet accident at school I will use
school spares – please wash and return any
items to school ASAP.
Revision of phonics phases 2, 3 & 4
Continue Letters & Sounds phases
Revision of sight words, phonemes & blending
Reading words of more than one syllable
Continue to listen to stories and read above
Guided reading activities: text, title,
comprehension, discussion and turn taking
Correct letter formation, writing on the line
Think, Say, Write, Check.
Display writing, captions and labels, recounts,
Beginning to think about narrative – sequence &
Beginning to include conjunctions and plurals
Using capital letters, full stops, finger spaces
Vocabulary: capital letter, full stop, word,
sentence, punctuation
Art & DT:
Drawing and painting to share ideas – houses & homes
Using tools and equipment
Evaluate models – our houses
Investgate how can make structures stronger,
purposeful – homes for 3 Little Pigs
Revision counting and recognition 1-20, looking
beyond 20
Beginning to recognise numerals to 100
Ordering 1st, 2nd, 3rd etc
Writing numbers 1-20
Beginning to use number sentences using symbols
+, -, =
Beginning to use number bonds to 10 (and of other
number), beginning to look at number bonds to 20
Compare length, height, weight, capacity, volume
Chronological sequencing
2D & 3D shapes
Position and direction
Clever Caterpillars
Autumn 1
Houses & Homes
Creation & Thanksgiving
Good to be Me
Autumn 1 2015-16
History & Geography:
Recognise pictures representing the
Looking at changes in living memoryown lives, families
History of Cononley
Local area study – houses & homes
Drawing plans and looking at
information in maps
Distinguishing manmade and physical
Observations, comments and
opinions of local area
Seasonal changes – observe and describe changes & the
Predicting and recording changes, observations
Identifying everyday materials and their properties
Working scientifically to group materials
Store and retrieve digital content – labels and captions
Using internet to investigate and answer questions
Program Beebot