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Recreational Fishing Policies
RecFish SA is the peak body representing recreational fishers in South Australia. We have compiled a policy checklist and now
request that political parties indicate their support or otherwise for recreational fishing initiatives as listed in the table below. This
information will then be widely distributed within South Australia.
Recreational fishing is not only a healthy lifestyle activity for developing relationships with family and friends, but also an opportunity
to learn about and respect the marine and freshwater environments through direct contact with it. Recreational fishing is also a
significant contributor to the economy and social fabric in Adelaide and regional areas of South Australia.
Will your party support South Australia's 236,000 recreational fishers, and recognize the significant social and economic benefits
provided by recreational fishing by agreeing to the following commitments: Please insert only one or  in each cell together with
a short comment if desired.
 Not supported 
Fully supported
Policy checklist
Political Entity ................................
or 
1. Resourcing
Short Comment if Desired
Supporting $3.2 million in funding (mechanism to be determined) to the recreational fishing
sector in South Australia annually to achieve the following outcomes:
 Improved engagement in policy development and decision-making through a professional, full-time
state peak body that will provide better, more representative advice to government.
 Enhanced quality of fishing experiences by restoring fish habitat, installing fish ways at barriers to
migration, undertaking stock enhancement, preservation of spawning/nursery areas and improved
access opportunities and fishing infrastructure, including artificial reefs.
 Research into fisheries and the ecosystems that sustain them.
 Aquatic habitat protection and rehabilitation.
 Education programmes based on the social value and environmental experience of recreational fishing.
 Promotion of recreational fishing to boost regional tourism.
 Development of Regional Recreational Fishing Plans based on NRM regions.
 Enhance participation and community support through promotion and marketing.
 Optimal compliance of recreational fishing participants.
 Equitable buy out of commercial fishers where appropriate and creation of recreation fishing only areas
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Policy checklist
Political Entity ................................
or 
2. Engagement
Appointing a parliamentary secretary for the recreational fishing sector within the appropriate
senior ministerial portfolio.
3. Recognition
Recognising recreational fishing as an official recreation and sport within the Department for
Recreation and Sport
4. Access
Supporting the capping of breakwaters, enhanced access to jetties, wharves, beaches (to and
along), roads, and fenced-off access points (freshwater and marine), particularly for aged,
people with disabilities and children.
5. Access
Supporting retention of Port Stanvac Jetty as an all-purpose recreational facility as part of a
development Master Plan that creates a new destination for SA.
6. Access
Directing SA Water to action (within 1 year of the election) the stocking of recreationally
attractive fish, and allowing boat access to, Warren Reservoir (near Williamstown).
Short Comment if Desired
Directing SA Water to action (within 2 years of the election) shoreline access, the stocking of
recreationally attractive fish, and boat access to the following water bodies - Bundaleer
Reservoir (near Spalding) Baroota Reservoir (near Gladstone) Tod Reservoir (near Pt Lincoln) &
Hindmarsh Valley Reservoir (near Victor Harbor).
7. Access
8. Access
Directing SA Water (within 3 years of the election) to re-admit recreational fishing shoreline
access to South Para Reservoir (near Williamstown) to stock recreationally attractive fish, and
to allow boat access.
Committing to no expansion of existing marine parks and sanctuary zones for at least 10 years,
or thereafter without firm, peer-reviewed scientific justification.
Supporting a review of the Marine Parks Act 2007 to provide a 'threats-based' approach in lieu
of the current 'Comprehensive, Adequate and Representative' (the so called CAR method used
in the Marine Parks initiative in South Australia).
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Policy checklist
Political Entity ................................
or 
9. Access
Maintaining the current threats-based determination of species-specific possession limits, and
committing not to countenance aggregate (Total weight) possession limits.
10. Compliance
Increasing fisheries compliance through inspections, fines and education.
Taking immediate action to return Garfish to a maximum IUCN harvest rate of 32% of biomass,
a basic fisheries management technique as specified in PIRSA's own Garfish Management Plan,
within 3 years
Implementing sustainable commercial catch limits for Snapper, Garfish and Blue Crabs in
Spencer Gulf and Gulf St. Vincent.
Support the Fisheries Research and Development Corporation $350M proposal for “Revitalising
Australia’s Estuaries ”, including SA proposals such as Fish Passages for Lake Bonney SE and
Lake George in the South East of SA.
Short Comment if Desired
14. Sustainability Implementing improvements for the Murray River fishery and its aquatic systems to ensure a
sustainable future for the iconic Murray Cod, Freshwater Catfish and Silver Perch.
15. Sustainability
Commitment that in any Marine Parks review, any current sanctuary zones that provide
demonstrable protection for the spawning and/or nursery areas for iconic recreational species
not be removed or altered.
16.Enhancement Implementing a pilot program of installing artificial fish habitats at strategic marine and
freshwater locations to improve recreational fishing outcomes and the social and economic
benefits that they provide.
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Please use this and more pages and attachments if needed to provide any further comment or
conditions applicable to any of the numbered items in the Matrix.
Thank you for your time.
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