history essay plan and bibliography

History 200: Research Paper Proposal/Annotated Bibliography
Victoria Hughes 200701675
For: Professor Martha Walls
Essay Plan:
The topic of my research essay is women in the Canadian military. I will argue that
women’s participation in the military was a major influence in changing the identity of Canadian
women in the twentieth century. My essay will show how the role of women has evolved from a
domestic position to present day members serving in the Canadian military. I will explain how
women’s participation in the military was a major influence in changing the identity of Canadian
Annotated Bibliography:
Mann, Susan. The War Diary of Clare Gass 1915-1918. Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University
Press, 2000.
The purpose of this book is a series of diary entries written by Clare Gass who served as a
nurse in the war during 1914 and 1918. Ms. Gass’ entries will help give me a sense of what it
was like to be a female in the war at that time. When Ms. Gass went to war as many as 2000
female nurses followed after her. Ms. Gass served in France and also served very close to the
line of fire. Her upbringing did not entail being listed as a nurse in the military but this proves
how the role of women went from domestic to the line of fire.
Winslow, Donna and Dunn, Jason. Women in the Canadian Forces: Between Legal and Social
Integration. Current Sociology (vol. 50) pp.641-667. 2002
The purpose of this article is to show the integration of women into the Canadian
military. This article provides two components (legal and social) of how women were integrated
into the military which has been predominantly a male dominated career. This article will help
me prove that through integrating women into the military it helped change the identity of
Canadian women.
Rambla, Xavier. European Journal of Women's Studies, (vol. 7) pp. 189 – 207. 2000
The purpose of this article is to prove that unequal social settings and relations give
women the power to gain skills and improve attitudes towards better gender relations. This
article will help me write my research paper by giving me examples of how unequal social
settings give women more reason to prove themselves equal to men.
Cruea, Susan M. Changing Ideals of Womanhood during the Nineteenth-Century Women
Movement. ATQ American Transcendental Quarterly. 19(3): 187-204 18p. 2005
The purpose of this article is to show how “true womanhood” let women expand their
participation in other activities and organizations outside of their homes. This will help
contribute to my essay but giving good examples of how women’s identities changed drastically
from domestic to more involved outside the home in the nineteenth century.
Hannant, Larry. “My God, Are They Sending Women?” Three Canadian Women in the Spanish
Civil War, 1936-1939. Journal of the Canadian Historical Association. 15: 153-176. 2004
The purpose of this article is to provide information regarding three women who went to
serve in the Spanish Civil War and their encounters as females in the profession. This article will
help me write my essay because each of these three women worked in a different part of the war,
one was a mechanic, a nurse and the third fought right at the front lines. This provides specific
examples of the hardship these three Canadian women encountered while serving in this war.
Bowley, Patricia and Wright, Kris. Canadian Enlisted Women: Gender Issues in the Canadian
Armed Forces before and After 1945. Minerva: Women & War. 15(1):9-25. 1997.
The purpose of this article is to allow readers to understand that women were not treated
equally in the Canadian military even after they were legally allowed to serve. This article
provides information that women faced sexism and discrimination during the 19th century. This
will help me with my essay because it has good detail about the time of discrimination women
were subject to in the military at the time.
Lounder, Barbara. Canadian Women and War. Atlantis. 12(2):86-89. 1987
The purpose of this article reflects on women in the war but also talks about the domestic
violence that happened to women in the 19th century. It also touches upon the neglect that some
have made of the peace efforts women have done. This will help my essay by giving me
knowledge about other aspects of women’s lives during the war and how they faced abuse.
Strong-Boag, Veronica. Canadian Historical Review. 72(4): 471-504. 1991
The purpose of this article is to give the reader information about post-war residential
neighbourhoods and women’s roles in them. Women played a large role in their communities.
This article will allow me to provide information in my essay about post-war efforts made by
women and if it has changed their identity.
Adams, Tracey L. “A Real Girl and a Real Dentist”: Ontario Women Dental Graduates of the
1920’s. Historical Studies in Education. 16(2):315-338. 2004
The purpose of this article is evidence that women were able to achieve good professional
jobs in the nineteenth century. This is a study of the educational lives of women who became
dentists after World War 1 and whom did not face discrimination while studying to become
dentists. This will help me with my essay because it provides positive change for women to
become professionals without facing scrutiny in a formerly male dominated profession.
Sangster, Joan. “Queen of the Picket Line”: Beauty Contests in the Post-World War 2 Canadian
Labor Movements, 1945-1970. Labor: Studies in Working Class History of the Americas. (Vol.5
Issue 4) pp. 83. 2008
The purpose of this article is to look at beauty contests and their increase over time 25
years after World War 2. This is an example of post-war popular culture. One specific contest
encouraged women and their work in the workforce. This will help contribute to my essay
because it provides examples of the types of activities women took part in after the war and also
shows proof of encouragement made by fellow Canadians of their efforts in the workplace postwar.