Population and Conservation

Population and Conservation
Question Booklet
Target Grade…………………..
Grade achieved……………….
Unit 4- Woodford County High School
Attempts are being made to conserve the natterjack toad, which breeds in ponds. A
number of recommendations have been made about how to do this. Some of these are
shown in the table, together with a reason for each one.
Keep, or create, shallow ponds.
Deep ponds contain insect predators that eat
natterjack tadpoles.
Keep pH of ponds between 5 and 7.
Optimum pH for natterjack tadpoles.
Keep vegetation content of ponds low.
Large amounts of vegetation attract insect
Remove shrubs from around ponds.
Shrubs provide cover for common toads,
whose tadpoles kill natterjack tadpoles.
Keep grass around ponds short by
mowing, or allowing rabbits to graze.
Short grass suits beetles that natterjack toads
Explain two ways in which these recommendations could reduce populations of
animals other than common toads.
1 ..................................................................................................................................
2 ..................................................................................................................................
Most of the UK populations of natterjack toads are found on sand dune systems.
The communities of plants and animals on such systems usually change over time
as a result of succession. Explain how the natterjack conservation
recommendations could affect succession in a sand dune system.
(Total 5 marks)
Unit 4- Woodford County High School
The Solomon Islands are situated in the Pacific Ocean. The nearest large land mass is
Australia, which is about 1500 km away. The biggest islands are mountainous, with large
areas of tropical forest and a wide range of habitats. Some islands have a very high
species diversity, and many species are endemic, that is they occur only in the Solomon
The table shows the total number of species on the islands in four vertebrate classes and
the percentage which are endemic.
Vertebrate class
Total number of
Endemic species
How many reptile species are endemic?
Suggest an explanation for the high proportion of endemic species on the Solomon
Many of the endemic species of plants and animals are threatened with extinction
as a result of deforestation and the introduction of non-native species such as cats
and rats. Some of the populations of endemic species are now very small.
Describe ways in which the endemic species could be conserved and suggest
reasons for protecting them from extinction.
(Total 10 marks)
Unit 4- Woodford County High School
Question 3
Unit 4- Woodford County High School
Unit 4- Woodford County High School
Question 4
Unit 4- Woodford County High School
Unit 4- Woodford County High School
Question 5
Unit 4- Woodford County High School
Unit 4- Woodford County High School
Question 6
Unit 4- Woodford County High School
Unit 4- Woodford County High School
Unit 4- Woodford County High School
mark scheme
two suitable examples, e.g.
reduction in insect predators from ponds, because ponds kept shallow;
reduction in animals that prefer pH outside 5-7, because lime added;
reduction in species that feed on/live on trees/shrubs,
because these are removed/eaten by sheep/rabbits;
2 max
conservation (measures) tends to stop this;
keep communities the same;
(adding lime) stops abiotic change/pH change;
no climax community/community of trees and shrubs;
sheep/rabbits prevent growth of shrubs/trees;
3 max
10 (reject: 9.76)
isolation (on islands);
variety of habitats / conditions different from origin/other islands;
differing pathways of natural selection;
leading to organisms too different to interbreed.
1. protection of habitat;
2. legal measures, e.g. quotas, hunting bans;
3. capture/culling of non-native species;
4. captive breeding;
5. surrogacy / artificial insemination / genetic manipulation techniques;
6. ethical / aesthetic reasons for conservation / tourism;
7. possible undiscovered benefits, e.g. crop plants, drug sources;
8. maintaining genetic diversity for future breeding programmes;
9. avoid damage to food webs / control local pests;
(max 4 for either ways or reasons)
3 max
6 max
Question 3
Unit 4- Woodford County High School
Question 4
Unit 4- Woodford County High School
Question 5
Unit 4- Woodford County High School
Question 6
Unit 4- Woodford County High School