Title I Compact - Newton County Schools

66 Jack Neely Road
Covington, Georgia 30016
Mr. Fred Richard
Assistant Principal
Mrs. Carla Peck
Assistant Principal
School-Parent Compact
Revised June 23, 2015
Dear Parent/Guardian
Clements Middle School students participating in the Title I, Part A program, and their families, agree this
compact outlines how the parents, the entire school staff, and the students will share the responsibility for improved
student academic achievement as well as describes how school and parents will build and develop a partnerships that will
help children achieve the State’s high standards. Please review the attached School-Parent Compact.
Please sign and date below to acknowledge that you have received, read, and agreed to the School-Parent
Compact. Once signed, please return the form to your child’s teacher and keep the School-Parent Compact as a reminder
of your commitment. The School-Parent Compact will be discussed with you throughout the year at different schoolfamily events as we work together to help your child succeed in school. We look forward to our school-parent
Principal’s Signature: _________________________________________________Date______________
Teacher’s Signature: _________________________________________________Date______________
Parent/Guardian Signature: ____________________________________________Date______________
Student Signature: ___________________________________________________Date______________
School Parent Compact
Clements Middle School
Revised June 23, 2015
Clements Middle School students participating in the Title I, Part A program, and their families, agree that this compact
outlines how the parents, the entire school staff, and the students will share the responsibility for improved student academic
achievement. This compact also outlines and describes how the school and parents will build and develop a partnership that will help
children achieve the State's high standards.
To understand how working together can benefit your child, it is first important to understand our district’s and school’s goals for
student academic achievement.
Newton County School Districts Goal: To ensure that all students are college and career ready upon graduation.
Clements Middle School Goals:
Clements Middle School will meet the individual needs of students and maximize their academic and social potential by
utilizing all stakeholders and technological resources with a holistic approach to produce high-school ready, college and career
focused, and productive citizens:
Goal: To increase student achievement in Math in grades 6-8. Focus areas will include:
6th Grade: Write, interpret, and use expressions, equations.
7th Grade: Write, interpret, and use expressions, equations, inequalities.
8th Grade: Formulate and reason about expressions and equations, including modeling function with linear equations
and systems of linear equations.
Goal: To increase student achievement in Math in grades 6-8. Focus areas will include:
6th Grade: Use site credible sources in formal style
7th Grade: Cite multiple pieces of text evidence.
8th Grade: Determine author biases and response to conflicting views in informational text.
School Responsibilities:
Clements Middle School administrators, teachers and support staff will:
Provide high-quality curriculum and instruction in a supportive and effective learning environment that enables children to
meet the State’s student academic achievement standards as follows:
In an effort to provide high-quality curriculum and instruction Clements Middle School will provide targeted academic and
behavioral supports to students ensuring all subgroups of students meet their learning targets. We will also ensure a safe
environment conducive to learning. Student’s progress is monitored with formative assessments that are used to ensure students
to ensure all students show growth in Reading and Math. Provide parent workshops in math and science to offer grade and
content specific math and science strategies. Provide a parent resource area that offers instructional resources that include
strategies that parents can use at home to promote academic success.
Hold parent-teacher conferences twice a year during which this compact will be discussed as it relates to the individual
child’s achievement. Specifically, those conferences will be held:
Scheduled conferences will be held September 11, 2015 and February 26, 2016. Parents and teachers may also schedule
conferences as needed throughout the school year. The Home-school compact will be used as a tool to redirect the student,
parent, and teacher what was agreed upon at the beginning of the school year.
Provide parents with frequent reports on their children’s progress. Specifically, the school will provide reports as follows:
Clements Middle School will send home progress reports for parents to review four times a year, mid-quarter: September 3,
2015, November 6, 2015, February 10, 2016, and April 21, 2016. Parents are invited to ask questions about their child’s
report. Report cards are sent home quarterly: October 8, 2015, January 7, 2016, March 17, 2016, and May 24, 2016. Parents
are invited to contact their child’s teacher with questions.
Provide parents reasonable access to staff. Specifically, staff will be available for consultation with parents as follows:
To ensure continuous contact with our parents Clements Middle School staff will be available through phone and voicemail,
E-mail, written notes in child’s Agenda, and two scheduled conferences a year and any additional conferences as requested
by the parent or teacher. Clements Staff is available during planning times and afterschool; these times should be prescheduled to assure the teacher’s availability and time to prepare for the meeting.
Provide parents opportunities to support their child’s education by volunteering and participating in their child’s class, and to
observe classroom activities as follows:
Clements Middle School parents will be given many opportunities to support their child’s education by joining their children
for lunch, observing classrooms, serving on the PTO, attending school events such as Open House, performances, Title I
Parent Nights, field day, and volunteering to chaperoning field trips, helping to review and revise Title I plans and
Parent Responsibilities
We, as the parents, will support our children’s learning in the following ways:
As parents of Clements Middle school students, we will ensure our children attend school daily if possible and come
to school on time.
Attend parent conferences to gather information and give input on student progress.
Attend reading and math workshops to receive assistance in promoting their child’s learning.
Will read and sign progress reports and return to the homeroom teacher in a timely manner.
Ensure that students fulfill Accelerated Reader (AR) requirements as a assigned
Continuously update contact information to ensure parent accessibility and to ensure receipt of student information.
Utilize opportunities to volunteer at the school to aid in student success.
Student Responsibilities:
Students will share the responsibility to improve their academic achievement and achieve the state’s high standards.
Specifically, we will:
1. As a Clements Middle school student, I will ensure that I attend school daily if possible and arrive to school on time.
2. Inform parents of parent workshops and conferences by taking home and sharing flyers and conference forms.
3. Return progress reports with parent and student signatures.
4. Ensure that I satisfy Accelerated Reader (AR) requirements as assigned.
5. Self-monitor progress by asking questions in class and informing teachers when he/she does not understand the
6. Encourage parents to attend school activities and to volunteer.
Please review this School-Parent Compact with your child. This School-Parent Compact will be discussed with you throughout the
year at different school-family events as we work together to help your child succeed in school.