Calculus Syllabus - Hood River County School District


Our Mission: Educate and support every student, every day, for success now and in the future.

Algebra 2 Syllabus Mallon


Topics of Study

Chapter 1 - Data and Linear Representations

Chapter 2 - Numbers and Functions

Chapter 3 - Systems of Linear Equations and


Chapter 5 - Quadratic Functions

Chapter 6 - Exponential and Logarithmic


Chapter 7 - Polynomial Functions

Chapter 8 – Rational Functions and Radical


Chapter 13 - Intro to Trigonometric Functions

GRADING : Grades in this course are based on specific measurable progress on the Common Core State Standards

(CCSS) in the area of mathematics. This course is graded on proficiency.

Proficiency means . . .

Your grade is based solely on the Algebra you have learned.

Your class work is designed as practice for assessments.

Your promotion is based on proven readiness .

You will have multiple opportunities to learn the material, including possible test and quiz retakes** .

Your grade is determined by your mathematical performance in the following areas:

Summative Assessments

A summative assessment is a comprehensive measure of a student’s ability to demonstrate the concepts, skills, and knowledge within a course. Examples of summative assessments include Unit Tests and Final Exams. It is an assessment of learning and will be used to determine 90% of your grade for this course. (65% Unit Tests, 25%

Final Exam)

Formative Assessments

A Formative assessment is an assessment for learning that captures a student’s progress through the learning process. It shows to what extent a student is learning a concept, skill, or knowledge set. A formative assessment is

“practice” and essential in determining a student’s readiness for successful completion of a summative assessment.

Examples of formative assessments include, but are not limited to quizzes, warm-ups, homework assignments, exit tickets and notebook checks. Formative assessments will be used to determine 10% of your grade for this course .

The Final Exam will measure how well you have learned the concepts from the entire semester – this is known as a cumulative exam. Because all math classes we offer build on previous knowledge, it is very important that you not only learn the information, but that you also remember it for future study. The Final Exam will be worth 25% of your semester grade.

**Retesting Policy: The maximum score for all requizzes and retests is 80%. It is always beneficial to study and do your best during the first test. Retesting is not a right, it is a privilege you earn by demonstrating responsible behavior and meeting the teacher-designated requirements and is designed to help all students reach a proficient level of understanding.

To earn a retest you should be prepared to do the following…

Turn in all completed homework assignments on time with work shown and answers verified.

Turn in all completed quiz correction forms on time.

Show detailed notes and class examples for the unit.

Work in my room outside of class as necessary.

Consistently demonstrate a high level of responsibility and excellent work ethic in class.

Consistently demonstrate a high level of responsibility and excellent work ethic in class.

Complete additional review assignments as necessary

If you qualify for retesting:

You must retest during the scheduled retest dates.

You must complete the retest in one sitting.

You will have at most one opportunity to retest per unit.

You will keep the highest grade you earn.

You may NOT retest on final exams.


A 90% and above



80% - 89.99%

70% - 79.99%



60% - 69.99% less than 60%

Our Mission: Educate and support every student, every day, for success now and in the future.

Algebra 2 Syllabus Mallon


Syllabus Changes: I reserve the right to change this syllabus during the year. In the case that the syllabus is changed I will communicate all changes to you.

Mallon’s Rules-

If you need to leave class to use the restroom, get water, turn something in to another teacher, etc., follow this procedure: 1) Pick up a Hall Pass from the table near the door, under the light switch, 2)

Complete the information in the blanks, 3) AT AN APPROPRIATE TIME, present it to me for a signature.

YOU ARE ALLOWED 6 PASSES PER SEMESTER. If you require more, each one will require 10 minutes of your lunch time.

Earbuds or headphones are NEVER allowed in class. Other devices are only allowed when they are needed as classroom tools and I will decide that.

When you need extra help outside of class: Your best opportunity to see me is before school. I am always in the building by 7AM. I eat lunch in my room most days. Wednesdays and Fridays are the best days to catch me after school. My prep periods are 4 th and 8 th . If you are available those periods because of a study hall or off site you can make arrangements to see me then.

How to contact me:

Cary Mallon

541-346-4500 Ex 4663
