July 2014 - St. George`s School, Battersea

St. George’S CE Primary School Newsletter – July 2014
Attendance and Punctuality
Year 1
Year 1
Year 2
Year 2
Year 3
Year 3
Year 4
Year 4
Year 5
Year 5
Year 6
Year 6
Well done to Year 1 for the best
attendance and punctuality this year.
Remember expected attendance is
96% or better.
Outstanding attendance is 98%.
Goodbye and Thank You
We say a fond farewell to four of our teachers this year, Miss Powell, Miss Nye, Miss
Borrajo and Miss Knight. A big thank you to them all for their service to the children
of St. George’s. .
The classes for next year are as follows:
Miss Bowler
Reception Mr Custance
Miss Neal + Mrs Plummer
Miss Limon + Mrs O’Mahony
Mrs Woolford
Miss Malanaphy
Mrs O’Malley (Miss
Stephens’ married name in
Mrs Hinton and Miss Griffith
Teaching Assistants
Mrs Kutsoati and Mrs Wisdom
Miss Orr and Miss McLeod
Miss Barnfield, Miss Hichisson and
Mrs Reed
Ms Hutson +Miss Wright
Miss Wilkins
Miss Povey
Mrs Povey
SATS Results
We have had another year of successful results in Year 6. A big well done to the
children for all of their hard work and the teaching team across the school for
making it possible for them to achieve so highly.
Spelling and Grammar
Level 4+
Level 5 +
Level 6
Level 4 is the level that children are expected to leave primary school with.
Level 5 is the higher level which means over half the class are working above the nationally expected level
for their age.
Level 6 is the level that children should be working at when they are at the end of Year 8 in secondary
Holiday Homework
Dulwich College Scholarship
All children will receive homework from their new
teacher this week to complete over the holidays.
Please make sure this is returned on the first day
of term.
Children will be given a project task to complete,
a reading list and times tables practise.
Please help them to set up a homework routine
for the holidays so that they remember
everything they’ve learned this year.
The libraries are running a ‘Summer Reading
Challenge’ and we would like all of the children to
take part in this. Please take your child to your
local library straight away to sign up.
The libraries are also holding lots of fun, summer
Wandsworth has lots of summer activities for
children and families. Have a look at their website
for more details.
We are pleased to announce that Urva Patel has
been awarded a full scholarship to Dulwich
College, one of this country’s top independent
Urva had to work exceptionally hard to pass all of
the tests and interviews and was competing
against hundreds of boys all hoping to gain a
We are so proud of the determination that Urva
has shown. He has set his goals this year, taken
responsibility for his learning and achieved great
What a great role model for St. George’s.
We wish you every success in the future, Urva.
Year 6 Leavers
We can’t believe another year has flown by and
another class are ready to leave us.
After eight years at St. George’s, the Year 6’s are
all ready for the next stage in their education.
They are all going off to the best secondary
schools with the best results so that they can
continue to be ‘the best that they can be’.
We look forward to hearing all about their
secondary adventures next year.
We know they will achieve great things and wish
them well in everything they do.
For some parents, this is also the end of your
time at St. George’s. We thank you for all of the
support you have given over the years and wish
you the very best in the future.
Year 4 Art Project
Our Year 4 class took part in a project with
Battersea Pump House Gallery this term. They
went up to Battersea Park Road and found out
all about the gas tower that is about to be
They then created ceramic tiles which have all
been fixed together to look like the gas tower.
The ceramics are on display at the Engineer’s
House and will return to school next term.
Year 1 and Year 2 Singing Project
A huge thank you and well done to the Year 1
and 2 classes for your performance on Thursday
We were all so proud of you. You sang
beautifully and performed with clear, confident
A big thank you to Miss Neal and Miss Limon for
preparing the children so that they could shine.
Natalie and Sam from the music service were
very proud and the composer, who had come all
the way from Australia, was thrilled with the
performance. Well done KS1.
Uniform in September
A uniform brochure went home a few
weeks ago. Please make sure that
children are in full school uniform
from the very first day of term.
If you are unsure about any of the
uniform please speak to the office
and they will give you a new list.
The key points are:
 All children from Y1-Y6 must
now wear school PE kit.
 Children must wear black shoes
only, no trainers/no boots.
 Shirts and ties must be worn
from Reception to Year 6.
Please refer to your brochure for all
other details.
Superstar Trip
On Monday 14th July we had another successful Superstar Trip. Eighty-five children headed off to
Chessington World of Adventure for a full day on the rides. That is over 50% of the children from
Y1-Y6! We are hoping to be able to take even more children next year.
The Superstar trip is a huge reward to say well done to the children who have successfully been
‘H.A.P.P.Y’ this year.
A huge thank you to Emilia (Nicola’s mum) for securing the funding to take the children this year.
We have been so fortunate to have people around us working tirelessly to fundraise for the
A special thanks to Miss Povey for organising the whole day. What a success.
Please help your child to be a St. George’s Superstar:
H – homework – in on time and to a high standard
A – Attitudes to learning are outstanding
P – Participation – you join in with all aspects of school life
P – Punctuality – you are always on time
Y – Yourself – your uniform is outstanding, you behave in a dignified way and act with integrity.
Dinner Money
From September we have a new company providing school dinners at St. George’s. The company
is called Edward and Ward. Miss Joseph will be sending you a menu this week – the lunches look
The cost of a meal will now be £2 per day or £10 per week.
All children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 will get a free school meal from September.
Everyone will need to complete a form in September to check whether you are eligible for free
school meals, even if you are going to get a free meal anyway in Reception, Year 1 and Y2. This is
because the school will also get an extra £900 into the school budget to support the children who
would be eligible for free school meals with their learning.
Important Dates for Next Term
School starts on Wednesday 3rd September.
Remember to be here by 8.45am so that the children are in the playground before
the bell rings at 8.55am.
For other dates and information check the school website – www.st-georges.wandsworth.sch.uk