Supplementary Information (docx 33K)

Supplemental Figure Legends
Figure S1. Amount of alcohol consumed per mouse throughout the 30 experimental days. Data
points represent ethanol intake (g/kg/24 hours) averaged over two days.
Figure S2. Quality of mRNA and microRNA in SN preparation. Representative images of (A)
mRNA quality (Bioanalyzer Nano RNA kit, Agilent) and (B) microRNA quality (Bioanalyzer Small
RNA chip, Agilent) generated from an SN preparation.
Supplemental Table Legends
Table S1. A flowchart of the study design and the bioinformatics analyses.
Table S2. The complete list of microRNAs in SN and TH. MicroRNA name (A), WGCNA coexpression module (B), Pearson correlation coefficient with alcohol consumption (C) and the
correlation P-value (D). If a microRNA was not co-expressed using the WGCNA criteria, it is indicated
as NA. Pearson correlation between alcohol consumption and level of microRNA expression is
presented (this was calculated using only the alcohol data). Fold-changes (E and G) and P-values
(F and H) are presented for the alcohol treatment in SN and TH. For comparison of expression
levels between alcohol and control groups, fold-changes were calculated as the ratio of alcohol
to control. Thus, fold-changes greater than 1 are referred to as ‘up-regulated’ and fold-changes
less than 1 are referred to as ‘down-regulated’. Fold-changes (I and K) and P-values (J and L) are
presented for the SN enrichment analysis in the control and alcohol groups. For comparison of
SN and TH expression levels, fold-changes were calculated as the ratio of SN to TH. Foldchanges greater than 1 are referred to as ‘SN-enriched’ and fold-change less than 1 are referred
to as ‘SN-depleted’.
Table S3. SN and TH average fold-changes and the P-values for the difference in fold-change
between the preparations are shown (t-test).
Table S4. SN alcohol-responsive mRNA/microRNA interactions for the 1,039 alcohol-responsive
mRNAs (column A) and the 15 alcohol-responsive microRNAs (row 1). MRNA fold-changes
(column B) and P-values (column C) and microRNA fold-changes (row 2) and P-values (row 3)
are shown. The sum of mirSVR prediction scores is presented for each of the mRNAs (column D)
and microRNAs (row 4). Individual mirSVR scores are given for each pair of microRNA-mRNAs
(columns E-S). NA indicates no interaction was predicted. The microRNAs shown are those that
target the 3'UTR of their mRNA targets.