2014-15 MISD Science Workshops

2014-15 Science Workshops
Macomb Intermediate School District
Managing Exploration and Modeling: Summer Workshop
Target Audience:
Science Teachers, grades 4 – 8
8/19/2014 & 8/20/2014
8:30 AM – 3:30 PM
The Science and Engineering Practices of the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) emphasize the importance of
providing opportunities for students to plan and carry out investigations and to develop models that they use to
generate evidence, test ideas, and make predictions. At this two-day workshop, we will examine ways to manage a
student-centered classroom where these types of practices are routine.
Managing Exploration and Modeling: School-Year Workshop
Target Audience:
Science Teachers, grades 4 – 8
10/23/2014, 10/30/2014, & 12/2/2014
8:30 AM – 3:30 PM
The Science and Engineering Practices of the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) emphasize the importance of
providing opportunities for students to plan and carry out investigations and to develop models that they use to
generate evidence, test ideas, and make predictions. At this three-day workshop, we will examine ways to manage a
student-centered classroom where these types of practices are routine.
Classroom Assessment in Elementary Science
Target Audience:
Elementary teachers, grades K-5
12/16/2014 & 2/24/2015
8:30 AM – 3:30 PM
The Next Generation Science Standards emphasize the need to build classroom formative assessments that incorporate
all three dimensions of science learning: the Science and Engineering Practices, the Disciplinary Core Ideas, and the
Crosscutting Concepts. This two-day workshop is designed to support teachers as they design, implement, and interpret
classroom level assessments that are aligned with this vision.
Macomb Intermediate School District
Classroom Assessment in Secondary Science
Target Audience:
Science teachers, grades 6-12
12/11/2014 & 2/12/2015
8:30 AM – 3:30 PM
The Next Generation Science Standards emphasize the need to build classroom formative assessments that incorporate
all three dimensions of science learning: the Science and Engineering Practices, the Disciplinary Core Ideas, and the
Crosscutting Concepts. This two-day workshop is designed to support teachers as they design, implement, and interpret
classroom level assessments that are aligned with this vision.
Argument and Explanation Development in Elementary Science
Target Audience:
Elementary teachers, grades 3-5
10/8/2014, 11/12/2014, 1/27/2015
8:30 AM – 3:30 PM
The Next Generation Science Standards recognize that argumentation and explanation development are essential
components of the work of scientists. In order to meet these expectations, teachers will need to develop classroom
tasks that focus on the crafting of evidence based arguments rooted in science content. Through argumentation,
students not only learn content, but they apply it and develop their confidence as scientists. At this three-day
workshop, discover ways to maximize learning in your classroom by providing opportunities for students to develop
their own arguments and explanations as they build understanding of content. Developing tasks that lead to scientific
argument, managing classroom discourse, and the writing of scientific arguments and explanations will be emphasized.
Argument and Explanation Development in Secondary Science
Target Audience:
Science teachers, grades 6-12
10/2/2014, 11/6/2014, 1/21/2015
8:30 AM – 3:30 PM
The Next Generation Science Standards recognize that argumentation and explanation development are essential
components of the work of scientists. In order to meet these expectations, teachers will need to develop classroom
tasks that focus on the crafting of evidence based arguments rooted in science content. Through argumentation,
students not only learn content, but they apply it and develop their confidence as scientists. At this three-day
workshop, discover ways to maximize learning in your classroom by providing opportunities for students to develop
their own arguments and explanations as they build understanding of content. Developing tasks that lead to scientific
argument, managing classroom discourse, and the writing of scientific arguments and explanations will be emphasized.
Macomb Intermediate School District
Creating Meaning through the Crosscutting Concepts
Target Audience:
Science teachers, grades K-12
9/25/2014, 10/21/2014, 11/24/2014, 1/22/2015, 2/16/2015, 3/26/2015, 5/13/2015
5:00 PM – 8:00 PM
$70 (includes dinner at each session)
When educators begin to embrace the Next Generation Science Standards, they often begin with the Disciplinary Core
Ideas (DCI) and the Science and Engineering Practices (SEP). As a result, the Crosscutting Concepts are in danger of
being overlooked. These powerful thinking tools allow students to make sense of the DCI and the SEP, and provide a
perfect perspective for engaging students in meaningful learning. Join our yearlong study of the Crosscutting Concepts
and learn ways to develop lessons that teach students to approach new ideas with these crosscutting concepts in mind.
Science Council
Target Audience:
Science educators and leaders, grades K-12
10/16/2014, 12/17/2014, 2/17/2015, 4/22/2017
5:00 PM – 8:00 PM
There is no fee, but please register
● Network with science educators from across the county ●
● Explore current trends in science education ●
● Build your capacity as a science leader ●
● Discover resources that support your work in the classroom and beyond ●
● Join the Macomb County Science Council! ●
Macomb Intermediate School District