Joshua crossing the jordan

2010, October - wk 3 (Grade 2)
St. Paul of Tamouh
 Abba Paul was from Tamouh, Egypt. Since a young age, the saint loved to lead a solitary life.
 He went to Ansena Mountain, with disciple Ezekiel, they lived a virtuous life of prayer and fasting.
 The Lord Christ appeared to comfort, strengthen, and bless the saint.
 When St. Bishoy (beloved of our Saviour) went to Mount Ansena, he was joined by the St. Paul.
 The Lord told St. Paul: "Your body will be buried with that of My chosen Bishoy".
 When St. Paul departed, his body was placed with the body of St. Bishoy.
 The people tried to move St. Bishoy’s body to the wilderness of St. Macarius in Scete, carrying it onto a boat,
leaving St. Paul's body behind.
 The boat did not move until they brought the body of St. Paul and placed it beside St. Bishoy's body.
 Both saints were brought to the wilderness of Scete. This fulfilled what the Lord had told St. Paul, that he will be
buried together with St. Bishoy.
 Book of Joshua – 6th book in the Bible (First 5 books – Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy).
 Joshua (Moses’ assistant for 40 yrs) was chosen to be Moses’ successor.
 For 40 yrs the Israelites wandered in wilderness. They were not allowed to enter the promise land due to their
lack of faith and disobedience to God; they refused to conquer Canaan (their sin).
 When Moses sent 12 spies to Canaan, 10 returned fearful and did not believe in God’s promise. Only Joshua &
Caleb had faith in God. The Israelites lost hope and rebelled against Moses & God.
 After 40 yrs, Joshua, Caleb and the younger generation were ready to obey God and enter the promise land.
 They must first cross the Jordan River. It was harvest season at the time of crossing, the river was fiercest and at
its highest level, overflowing its banks! God chose this setting to demonstrate His power.
 God appeared to Joshua to strengthen him 3 times:
o “As I was with Moses, so I shall be with you. I will not leave you nor forsake you. Be strong and of good
courage …” Joshua 1:5-6
o “Only be strong and very courageous, that you may observe to do according to all the law …” Joshua 1:7
o “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the
Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9
 With God’s encouragement, Joshua encouraged & reminded the people of God’s promise - victory over Canaan.
Note: When God promises victory, we still have to make the effort and do the work - to prove our faith!
 Spies were sent out, and were hidden and saved by Rahab the Harlot – who also had faith in God.
 The Israelites camped by the Jordan for 3 days.
 Joshua’s instructions: priests to carry the Ark of the Covenant leading ahead, people to sanctify themselves.
 What does Sanctify mean? To be set apart, to be holy. In Old Testament times, “sanctify” means to stay “clean”
by abstaining from certain food, diseases, touching dead bodies, etc. God uses these outwards signs of
uncleanness to illustrate the inward uncleanness of sin. We have to approach God with a clean and pure heart,
i.e. Repentance and Confession before receiving Communion.
 God instructed the priests: they must first set their feet into the river before the water would part. Why? Act of
faith! They didn’t stand at the edge of the river, they went into the river with raging water all around!
 After crossing over, God instructed the Israelites to build a memorial: 12 stones from 12 tribes of Israel placed in
the middle of the Jordan River. Why? To focus the Israelites’ attention on God, and to remind them of God’s
promise and give continual encouragement for the next task (conquering Jericho).
Verse of lesson
“And Joshua said to the people, “Sanctify yourselves, for tomorrow the Lord will do wonders among you.” Joshua 3:5
O come let us worship, let us ask Christ our God
O come let us worship, let us entreat Christ our King
O come let us worship, let us implore Christ our Saviour
2010, October - wk 4 (Grade 2)
Circle the correct answers below:
1) As Moses’ assistant, Joshua led the Israelites into the promised land
2) They must first cross over the river
J __ __ __ __ __
3) Before God makes the river dry, the priests who carried the Ark of God must first set their FEET into the
WATER, because:
* They must show that they have faith in God
* To try to swim over
4) With FAITH we must also have W __ __ __
5) God asked the Israelites to build a memorial from 12 stones because:
* God wants them to remember the victory and miracle of crossing the Jordan
* To decorate the river by stacking stones
6) SANCTIFY means to be SET APART and HOLY:
7) To approach God and receive COMMUNION, we must be CLEAN, through REPENTANCE and CONFESSION: