DARCY Data Warehouse Project Overview


DARCY Data Warehouse Project Overview

The AYA/Development technical team, along with the functional partners, is working hard on the DARCY

Data Warehouse project to provide a critical level of usable capability, with the highest quality possible, to exist in the warehouse in the first release. With continuing help from the Functional partners and other members of the Office of Development, we will be delivering the list of capability shown below:

Release 1

(anticipated go-live date: September 1, 2014)

Underlying data models



Constituent Profile Report (Individual)

Report Sections (in alphabetical order, not by order of appearance in the report):

- Biographical Information

- Communications

- Contact Information (Other)

- Contact Information (Primary)

- Education

- Events

- Giving Statistics

- Group Activity

- Individual Giving History

- Interactions

- Name Formats

- Prospect Data

- Prospect Research

- Relationships

- Select Attributes

- Select Flags

- Solicit Codes


Users will be able to access constituent information in one place on the record, rather than navigating through pages and tabs to see a full picture of the constituent

Users will be able to copy/paste information from the report into other applications, such as MS Word and PowerPoint

Users will be able to see consolidated giving information for a constituent (if the user’s security access includes giving)

Users will be able to filter the report to show only the information relevant to their business need

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DARCY Data Warehouse Project Overview

The report will only show sections available to each user, based upon his/her security role in DARCY

Users will be able to save the report for distribution to other staff via email or hard copy

This capability will lessen the need to access DARCY directly when working remotely

Giving Statistics:

Users will be able to easily see summary totals of a constituent’s giving by the School or Unit receiving credit for the gift

Users will be able to see the designations credited for the constituent’s largest gift and most recent gift, by School or Unit

Total Giving on Record Including Anonymous will be available by School or Unit

Pledge Tab


Users will be able to access all Pledge information, including payments, on a tab in the Revenue and

Recognition section for all constituents in DARCY, rather than navigating through multiple tabs and pages

Pledges will be categorized with a new “Yale Pledge Status” field, indicating open, closed and writtenoff pledges

The header of the tab will display the total outstanding amount due for all open pledges, by constituent o Quick-access when a donor calls with questions

A new “% Complete” field will indicate proximity to key payment thresholds to trigger Stewardship, documentation, or special communication with the donors

Users will be able to save the report for distribution to other staff via email or hard copy

Individual Gift Report


Intended for consumption by the donor, this report is a simplified, but comprehensive collection of a donor’s historical giving

Includes detailed Matching Gift information

Users will be able to save the report for distribution via email or hard copy

Supplemental Release

(anticipated go-live date: shortly after September 1, 2014)

Query views for use with the query tool. We expect UAT of this functionality to begin in late August.

Query View

Source View: DW Constituent Revenue-Recognition Credits


Users will be able to more easily navigate through the query “tree”, and will find the most common fields accessible for filtering or output

DW calculated fields will be available for use as filters or output, including Current Prospect Manager,

Fiscal Year, and all flags that have been developed to date

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DARCY Data Warehouse Project Overview

Users will be able to use common fields for output similar to their use of an Export Definition in DARCY

(i.e. Business Phone, Home Phone, Cell Phone and selected Name Formats are individual fields which can be output in query without duplicating rows)

Users will be able to more easily combine common Constituent and Revenue Recognition Credits fields together in a single query source view

Users will be able to directly output to Excel up to 10,000 lines of query results, rather than creating an

Export Process

Users will be able to access in DARCY, their existing DW Constituent Revenue-Recognition Credits saved selections, with the ability to incorporate a pre-filtered select list of constituents

Users will be able to access in the new query, their existing Constituent or Revenue Recognition Credits saved selections in DARCY, with the ability to incorporate a pre-filtered select list of constituents or transactions into a new query

Later releases

Once the foundational work has been completed, we anticipate delivering more capability to the Data

Warehouse over a series of releases throughout the year. Below is a schedule of releases as well as capability we anticipate delivering. Releases were timed with the annual business schedule in mind. The composition of each release will be planned in the beginning of the next fiscal year and communicated later this summer.

Release Date

Release 2 Beginning of November 2014

Release 3 Beginning of February 2015

Release 4 Beginning of June 2015


Foundational Enhancements (e.g. Additional Flags, Pledge Report, and Constituent Profile


Prospect/Fundraiser/Volunteer Data Models

Query Enhancements

Giving Analytics

Organization Constituent Profile

A Graphic Reporting Tool (Tableau)

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