Integumentary System Study Guide
NAME: ______________________________________
Anatomy & Physiology
Due Date: _________________
_____________________ 1. The skin and its accessory structures together
_____________________ 2. The integumentary system is vital in maintaining this
_____________________ 3. The four tissue types found in the integumentary system
_____________________ 4. Another name for epidermal dendritic cells
_____________________ 5. Two main layers of the skin
_____________________ 6. Another name for the skin as a membrane
_____________________ 7. Outer layer of skin
_____________________ 8. Main tissue type of the epidermis
_____________________ 9. The five distinct layers of the epidermis from outer to inner
_____________________10. Outermost layer of epidermis that consists of dead, keratinized epithelial cells
_____________________11. The process of older skin cells thickening, developing desmosomes, and hardening
_____________________12. Aka older skin cells
_____________________13. A tough, fibrous, waterproof protein
_____________________14. Found mainly in the epidermis of your palms and soles, its cells appear clear
_____________________15. Consists of 3-5 layers of flattened cells that contain shrunken fibers of keratin and
shriveled nuclei
_____________________16. Composed of multiple layers of cells with a large, centrally located nuclei and
developing fibers of keratin
Integumentary System Study Guide
Anatomy & Physiology
NAME: ______________________________________
Due Date: _________________
_____________________17. The deepest layer of the epidermis, consisting of cuboidal or columnar cells
_____________________18. Specialized cells that produce melanin
_____________________19. Layer of skin beneath the epidermis
_____________________20. The two distinct layers of the dermis
_____________________21. Composed of areolar connective tissue and forms cone-shaped extensions into the
_____________________22. Another name for the dermis layer
_____________________23. Dark pigment that absorbs UV radiation
_____________________24. Two locations where dermal papilla is most abundant
_____________________25. Structures found in the dermis layer
_____________________26. Layer of the skin responsible for fingerprints
_____________________27. Accessory structures of the skin
_____________________28. Are the protective coverings on the ends of fingers and toes
_____________________29. Four parts of a nail
Integumentary System Study Guide
Anatomy & Physiology
NAME: ______________________________________
Due Date: _________________
_____________________30. Overlies the nail bed
_____________________31. The whitish, thickened, half-moon shaped region at the base of the nail plate
_____________________32. Surface of skin beneath the nail plate
_____________________33. Percentage of the time your hair is in the growth phase
_____________________34. A tube-like depression in which a group of epidermal cells produces hair
_____________________35. Part of the hair follicle that is embedded in the skin
_____________________36. The epidermal cells at the base of the hair follicle form this structure
_____________________37. Projection of connective tissue that provides the blood supply to the hair follicle
_____________________38. Pigment found more abundantly in dark hair
_____________________39. Pigment found more abundantly in blonde or red hair
_____________________40. This color of hair lacks pigment altogether
_____________________41. Color of hair that is a mixture of pigmented and unpigmented hairs
_____________________42. A bundle of smooth muscle cells attached to each hair follicle
_____________________43. The two types of skin glands
_____________________44. Epithelial cells associated with hair follicles
_____________________45. Also known as sudoriferous glands
_____________________46. Responsible for goosebumps
_____________________47. These are a type of holocrine glands
_____________________48. Globules of fatty material produced by sebaceous glands
_____________________49. Two locations that sebaceous glands do not exist in the skin
_____________________50. Three functions of sebum in regards to hair and skin
Integumentary System Study Guide
Anatomy & Physiology
NAME: ______________________________________
Due Date: _________________
_____________________51. Excessive secretions of sebum lead to this skin disorder
_____________________52. A tiny tube that originates as a ball-shaped coil in the deeper dermis of the skin
_____________________53. The opening of a sweat gland is called this
_____________________54. The most numerous type of sweat gland in the skin
_____________________55. Composition of sweat
_____________________56. This type of sweat gland develops a scent as skin bacteria metabolize its secretions
_____________________57. Name two specialized sweat glands
_____________________58. Average of normal body temperature in both temperature scales
_____________________59. Body temperature is sensitive to this, especially in women
_____________________60. Product of cellular metabolism
_____________________61. Three major heat producers of the body
_____________________62. Part of the brain that controls the set point of body temperature
_____________________63. The process of blood vessels dilating
_____________________64. The process of blood vessels constricting
_____________________65. The primary means of body heat loss
_____________________66. The transfer of heat from the body to cooler objects it is in contact with
_____________________67. The continuous circulation of air over a warm surface, which heats the air
_____________________68. Heat loss through evaporation is called this
_____________________69. Occurs when the core body temperature exceeds 106°F
Integumentary System Study Guide
Anatomy & Physiology
NAME: ______________________________________
Due Date: _________________
_____________________70. Occurs when your core body temperature drops only a few degrees
_____________________71. Normal response to injury or stress
_____________________72. Four stages of healing for deep wounds
_____________________73. Consists of mainly fibrin, blood cells, and platelets trapped in protein fibers
_____________________74. A blood clot and dried tissue fluid over a wound
_____________________75. Extensive production of collagenous fibers that leads to an elevation above the
normal epidermal surface
_____________________76. Also known as a superficial partial-thickness burn
_____________________77. Three types of burns
_____________________78. Occurs when the skin becomes dry, warm and reddened
_____________________79. Example of a 1st degree burn
_____________________80. Also known as a deep partial-thickness burn
_____________________81. Also known as full-thickness burns
_____________________82. Three things that are affected by the skin aging
_____________________83. First step in aging skin
_____________________84. The main types of skin cancer
Integumentary System Study Guide
Anatomy & Physiology
NAME: ______________________________________
Due Date: _________________
_____________________85. Most frequently occurring type of skin cancer, origin, cause, and 1 treatment option
_____________________86. Type of skin cancer that is due to prolonged exposure to UV rays over your lifetime
_____________________87. 1 treatment option for SCC
_____________________88. Most fatal type of skin cancer, origin, and treatment
_____________________89. The two diagnostic methods for malignant melanoma
_____________________90. A chronic widespread condition that causes skin cells to grow too quickly and leads
to thick, white, silvery, or red patches of skin
_____________________91. Also known as dermatitis
_____________________92. The blistering of the skin caused by a bacterial infection
_____________________93. Two main culprits of impetigo
_____________________94. An autoimmune condition, where the body attacks the skin’s melanocytes resulting
in a loss of pigmentation
_____________________95. Pus-filled spots
_____________________96. Also known as a nevus
_____________________97. A harmless, saclike swelling under the skin that contains fluid or semisolid materials
_____________________98. Caused by a localized overproduction and aggregation of melanocytes
_____________________99. Most common type of cyst
_____________________100. A collection of pus inside of hair follicle or sebaceous gland
_____________________101. A cluster of boils
Integumentary System Study Guide
Anatomy & Physiology
NAME: ______________________________________
Due Date: _________________
_____________________102. A boil on the eyelid
_____________________103. Five problems that make people susceptible to boils
_____________________104. A small growth caused by an infection of the human papilloma virus
_____________________105. A type of hair loss caused by an autoimmune disorder
_____________________106. Another name for warts
Short Answer:
107. What are the six functions of the integumentary system? (6 points)
108. What determines skin color? (3 points)
Integumentary System Study Guide
NAME: ______________________________________
Anatomy & Physiology
Due Date: _________________
109. Describe the feedback mechanism for maintaining body temperature. (6 points)
110. Explain the process of deep wound healing. (5 points)
Integumentary System Study Guide
NAME: ______________________________________
Anatomy & Physiology
Due Date: _________________
111. Explain the occurrence of each type of burn and its treatment process. (6 points)
112. Explain how the skin ages. (7 points)
Integumentary System Study Guide
NAME: ______________________________________
Anatomy & Physiology
Due Date: _________________
Identify the layers of the epidermis and distinguishing features using the word bank provided.
stratum granulosum
stratum lucidum
dendritic cell
dead keratinocytes
stratum spinosum
living keratinocytes
stratum corneum
stratum basale
1. ______________________________
6. ______________________________
2. ______________________________
7. ______________________________
3. ______________________________
8. ______________________________
4. ______________________________
9. ______________________________
5. ______________________________
10. ______________________________
Integumentary System Study Guide
NAME: ______________________________________
Anatomy & Physiology
Due Date: _________________
Identify the layers of the skin using the word bank provided.
dermal papillae
2. ______
1. ______
3. ______
1. _________________________________
2. _________________________________
3. _________________________________
Integumentary System Study Guide
NAME: ______________________________________
Anatomy & Physiology
Due Date: _________________
Identify the layers of a nail using the word bank provided.
nail plate
nail bed
1. _________________________________
2. _________________________________
3. _________________________________
4. _________________________________
Integumentary System Study Guide
Anatomy & Physiology
NAME: ______________________________________
Due Date: _________________
Identify the layers of a nail using the word bank provided.
hair bulb
hair root
hair shaft
dermal papilla
sebaceous gland
arrector pilli muscle
1. _______________________________
4. _______________________________
2. _______________________________
5. _______________________________
3. _______________________________
6. _______________________________