Distance Learning Grant Applications for Off

FALL 2015
Note: Before submitting this application to the Center for Distance Education (CDE) selection committee,
please submit it to your Dean/Director and Department Chair for review and approval to ensure that
your proposal meets the overall departmental program requirements and specifications. Please visit
https://online.iusb.edu/for-faculty/grants/cdg-cfp.php for more information.
Should you have questions prior to submission, please email Dr. Marianne Castano Bishop at
cbishopm@iusb.edu or call ext. 4543.
DEADLINE FOR APPLICATION SUBMISSION IS Thursday, October 15, 2015. Since we need the
original documents with the signatures, please submit your application packet with all the
required documents and signatures by 5 p.m. at Northside 244 by Thursday, October 15th (for
Fall Semester). TO AVOID DELAYS PLEASE DROP OFF IN-PERSON. Late submissions will not be
For our funding purposes, the Center for Distance Education will fund courses that fall into one of these
categories: Online All, Online Interactive, Distance Live Video and Hybrid Traditional or Hybrid Distance.
For definitions of these categories, please visit our stipend information page.
Funding priority will be given to courses that are part of either: a) IU Online Class Connect (IUOCC), b)
New joint degree programs (e.g., Bachelor of Applied Science), c) Degree programs for the Academic
Master Plan, and/or d) Joint consortial agreements with other IU campuses.
Depending on availability of funds, courses that do not meet any of the four priority criteria but
academic departments have determined they need to be developed and taught may receive funding. A
review committee composed of faculty, staff and administrators will make the final selection after
careful review of applications.
Applicant Name ____________________________________ Email ____________________________________
Department _______________________________________ College/School ______________________________
Campus phone _________________ Preferred phone number for follow-up ___________________
Course Number (e.g., CSCI-C 101) ______________________________________________________________
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Course Title ______________________________________________________________
(Please make sure that the number and title of your course is consistent with the information posted in
the IU South Bend Bulletin found at https://www.iusb.edu/bulletin/index.php )
Number of course credit hours:
☐ 5+ ☐ 4
How many total class meetings per semester do you hold on campus? _________ (e.g., 32 classes, that is, 16
weeks x 2 classes per week)
How many hours does each class meeting last? _________
What is the average course enrollment per section of the existing face-to-face course? __________
What is the maximum enrollment per section of the existing face-to-face course? _________
If your course has historically low enrollment and/or was offered and then cancelled, please elaborate below how
moving the course as fully online or hybrid/blended will make it more likely to have students enroll and retain
students. Please make sure that your department chair/director (or dean if you are the chair/director) addresses
this issue in the letter of support.
How frequently is the course offered? ☐ once per semester
When is this course usually offered? ☐ Fall
☐ Spring
☐ once per year
☐ every other year
☐ Summer
How many sections of this course are usually offered per semester? __________
Does this course fulfill General Education requirements? ☐ Yes
☐ No
Is this course required within your department?
☐ Yes
☐ No
Is this course required within any other department?
☐ Yes
☐ No
How many total class meetings (excluding exams) per semester do you plan to hold on campus for your proposed
online or hybrid course? ______
How many total synchronous (i.e., all students must be present at the same time) class meetings per semester do
you plan to hold online (e.g., via Adobe Connect, Skype, EagleEye Classroom, etc.) for your proposed course?
The online or hybrid course will be developed during (Semester) ____________ (Year) _____
The online or hybrid course will be taught for the first time (Semester) ____________ (Year) _____
What computer platform do you currently use?
☐ PC
☐ Macintosh
Will any other proposal(s) related to this course be submitted to another funding source? ☐ Yes
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If yes, please describe briefly:
Will your proposed course be included in IU Online Class Connect
(http://online.iu.edu/faculty/iuoccfaq.php)? ☐ Yes ☐ No
If yes, please answer the following requirements for IUOCC. Please keep in mind that all requirements
below must be met.
o Your class must be 100 percent online (instruction mode = “OA”). ☐ Yes ☐ No
o Your class cannot be a labor studies, nursing, social work, or Indiana College Network class, as
these are already copied into each campus schedule of classes under different agreements.
☐ Yes ☐ No
o Your class must be a standard session or first eight-week session class to avoid problems
associated with different refund dates across campuses. ☐ Yes ☐ No
o Your course requisites and/or Enrollment Requirement Groups (ERGs) must match across all
regional campuses that have that course, unless the course is part of an approved joint degree
such as the Bachelor of Applied Science. ☐ Yes ☐ No
 Please attach copies of the course descriptions with pre-requisites from other IU campus
bulletins or other means to demonstrate the ERGs match.
o Your class cannot require department or instructor consent due to security/access restrictions
that prevent advisors and others from granting consent for classes offered by another campus.
☐ Yes ☐ No
o Your class cannot be a combined (“cross-listed”) section because the process for copying class
sections to other campus schedules does not correctly “match up” replicated copies of a class
when combined sections are involved. ☐ Yes ☐ No
Is your course part of the new joint online degree programs (e.g., Bachelor of Applied Science)? ☐ Yes
☐ No
o If yes, please specify the program ____________________________________
Is your course part of the degree programs for the Academic Master Plan
(https://www.iusb.edu/chancellor/iu-south-bend-academic-master-plan.pdf)? ☐ Yes ☐ No
o If yes, please specify the program ____________________________________
Is your course part any of the Joint consortial agreements with other IU campuses? ☐ Yes ☐ No
o If yes, please specify the program ____________________________________
Are you currently teaching any course using technology? ☐ Yes ☐ No
If yes, list the technological tools and how you have used them for your course(s). For example, you could
describe the supplemental materials you posted in Oncourse CL or Canvas for your students, how you recorded
PowerPoint lectures, etc.
If you have prior experience in developing an online course, please elaborate and state whether the course(s)
was a hybrid/blended or online.
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If you have prior experience in teaching an online course, please elaborate and state whether the course(s)
was a hybrid/blended or online.
If you have received any certificate or training in teaching or developing an online course, please elaborate.
Explain your own readiness to teach your online or hybrid course. (If you know now what kind of assistance or
training you would need, indicate that here.)
Provide as many details as possible to the questions below, including your rationale.
Which areas of the course will be synchronous (e.g., students must be present online at the same
time, through virtual meetings in Adobe Connect or in the classroom) ?
Which areas of the course will be asynchronous (i.e., students access material online at any
If you want your students to attend on-campus class meetings, exams, etc., please elaborate.
How do you plan to facilitate student and faculty interactions?
How do you plan to facilitate student and student interactions?
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List the technological tools that you plan to use in this course. Describe 1) reasons for this choice, 2) your
experience and 3) training you would like to receive. A Supplemental Technology Grant may be available through
the Center for Distance Education outside of the SEED Grant (see https://www.iusb.edu/distance-learning/forfaculty/grants/seed_grant.php) after your proposal has been approved. The SEED Grant Call for Proposals is
scheduled every March. Contact the CDE staff (visit https://www.iusb.edu/distance-learning/contact.php) for more
information and for an application form.
The final decision to approve or deny a course proposal for funding rests with the Course Proposal Review
Committee composed of faculty, staff and administrators. It is important for you to provide as many
details as possible about the course in order for the committee to make an informed decision.
Successful applicants will participate in one of the following:
o Complete (1) a one-day Applying the Quality Matters Rubric (APPQMR) face-to-face workshop,
(2) develop the required course elements (for the first week of your course and a complete
course module including learning objectives, instructional materials, activities, and assessment
for that module), (3) showcase the developed materials, and (4) complete an internal QM
assessment, review results with CDE staff and make necessary modifications to the course.
o Complete (1) 8-week Distance Education Course Development Seminar/Certificate. Topics
include, but may not be limited to, Quality Matters standards and rubrics, learning objectives,
instructional materials, interaction and engagement, assessment and measurement, course
navigation, and technology, (2) develop the required course elements (the first week of your
course and a complete course module including learning objectives, instructional materials,
activities, and assessment for that module), (3) showcase the developed materials, and (4)
complete an internal QM assessment, review results with CDE staff and make necessary
modifications to the course.
o If you were previously funded and participated in the distance education course development
seminar during or after fall 2013, or completed the APPQMR, then you are required to do the
following: (1) develop the required course elements (for the first week of your course and a
complete course module including learning objectives, instructional materials, activities, and
assessment for that module), (2) showcase the developed materials, and (3) complete an internal
QM assessment, review results with CDE staff and make necessary modifications to the course.
The faculty course developer will receive a stipend as detailed in https://online.iusb.edu/forfaculty/grants/cdg-stipends.php
The Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) will be developed collaboratively between the faculty course
developer and the CDE staff. The MOU will include the technological tools to be used in course
development and in teaching, you and your department chair’s responsibilities, and other specifications.
Moreover, with CDE staff, you will develop the Scope of Work and Timeline which you will submit with
the MOU.
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First fifty percent (50%) of the stipend will be processed after you have successfully completed the
internal QM assessment, reviewed the results with CDE staff, and make necessary modifications to the
developed course materials.
The remaining fifty percent (50%) will be processed the third week of the semester you are teaching the
course. If the course is cancelled for any reason, then you will be able to get stipends only after
demonstrating to the CDE staff that the entire course materials development is complete, and your
department chair and/or dean/director agrees.
Note that stipends are subject to payroll tax deductions.
All courses are subject to the Indiana University Intellectual Property guidelines. To review these
guidelines, go to https://www.indiana.edu/~vpfaa/academicguide/index.php/Policy_I-11
Signatures below indicate agreement among the faculty course developer, department chair/director and dean to
transform the existing face-to-face course to a DE course.
Department Chair / Director
Please submit:
1) your signed application form (with signatures from faculty course developer, department chair/director
and dean)
2) a signed letter from your department chair/director in support of your proposal [if you are the
department chair or director, the letter must be written by your dean]:
a. detailing how the course meets the funding priorities
b. detailing the benefits of the proposed course to your department, school or college, and
c. how the proposed course fits into your department’s program and curricular requirements
d. if the course had low enrollment or has been cancelled before, elaborate on why an online or
hybrid course will increase enrollment and retain students
e. how students will know about the course
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f. any other relevant information
3) a copy of your existing face-to-face course syllabus
Since we need the original documents with the signatures, please submit your application packet with all the
required documents and signatures by 5 p.m. at Northside 244 by Thursday, October 15th (for Fall Semester). TO
AVOID DELAYS PLEASE DROP OFF IN-PERSON. Late submissions will not be reviewed. Last revised: September 3, 2015
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