
We have now completed the third simulation of the class scheduling project which
was based on Fall 2008 / Winter 2009 data. We have incorporated into this
simulation the feedback you have provided to us on the results of simulation 2.
Thank you all for the information that was submitted. We appreciate both the time
and effort that went into coordinating and getting the information to us and your
subsequent help in clarifying your requirements where necessary.
Attached are the results of simulation 3. Below is information about it and
preparation for simulation 4 as well as a timeline for the 2009 calendar year.
The following information is attached based on the results of the 3 rd simulation:
 Master Timetable (Excel file) – Go to the department column and filter on your
department code.
 Department Timetable (Calendar format) - This includes all course sections
required by programs in the department
 Instructor Timetables (PDF file) – The Instructor Timetables for the Instructors of
a Department attached to the course sections are being attached for Fall/Winter.
 Instructor Unavailability (PDF file) - Instructors who have provided us with their
unavailability days/times are listed in the attached PDF document
 Course Section Constraint (PDF file) – This is the information that had been
provided to us for each course section. This includes patterns, room preassignment, day/time constraints, ties to other sections, cross listed groups etc.
 Course combinations (PDF file) – list of courses for both terms in each program
year that need to be conflict free
 Department meeting (PDF file) – list of departmental meetings/activities
Please review the information attached and provide feedback that needs to be
incorporated for Simulation 4 in which data for Fall 2009 / Winter 2010 will be used.
We recognize that, due to the large volume and complexity of the data collection,
there are a few oversights in the constraints and rules. Therefore it is necessary for
us to add a fourth simulation which will help us produce better results (by
incorporating items that could be missed due to oversight or new issues that might
surface). Please take into account the following when you are reviewing simulation 3
Course combinations – Please identify the following:
1) If there are any courses that are not part of the course combinations. If a
course was not offered in 200809/200901 but will be offered in
200909/201001, we would need to know which course combination it belongs
2) If there are any courses that are part of the course combination but should
not be.
3) Counts – numbers of students expected to take courses in each course
Course section constraints – Please identify the following:
1) Any course section constraints that are missing or any constraints that have
been provided to us but are no longer necessary. Some course section
constraints include:
a. Two course sections of the same course that should not be at the
same time
b. A seminar that must be offered back to back with a lecture
c. For a lab course section, ensure that it has been assigned the proper
lab room
2) Any patterns that will need to be changed for 200909/201001.
Instructor unavailability – Please identify the following
1) Instructors need to review their unavailability and provide us with any
changes pertaining to the Fall 2009 / Winter 2010 academic year
Below is the timeline for the scheduling project:
Deadline Date
January 30th, 2009 to
Week of March 9th 2009
May 31st, 2009
June 19th, 2009
End of November 2009
Departments provide feedback on simulation 3 to be
considered for simulation 4 (to be based on Fall 2009 /
Winter 2010 data). Departments need to:
● Review Course Combinations - inform ES of new
courses to be added in course combinations. Ensure
the course combinations include all courses being
offered in the program (even alternate year courses).
● Review Course Section Constraint information
previously provided and provide Enrolment Services
with constraint forms for new course sections
● Provide ES with Instructor Unavailability forms as
approved by the chair or director
● Review Department Constraint information
previously provided such as departmental meeting
● Scheduling team available to provide training to
departments on how to complete the above
Enrolment Services sends out simulation 4 results
(based on Fall 2009/Winter 2010 data) to the
Feedback on simulation 4 as necessary from
Deadline for departments to update Banner with
course sections for Fall 2010/ Winter 2011 and provide
ES with updated information about course
combinations, department, course and instructor
constraint forms in preparation for coordinated
scheduling for 2010/2011
Activity Type
Simulation 4
Simulation 4
Simulation 4
Live Run 2010/2011
Please note that providing us with courses that absolutely need to be in course
combinations as well as accurate counts for them, minimizing the number of course
section constraints, and scheduling departmental meetings outside prime time help
us produce a more comfortable schedule; the more constraints we put in the system,
the harder it becomes to schedule.
We will be having information sessions the last week of January to go over the above
information, provide examples and answer any questions that you may have. In the
meantime, if you have any questions, please feel free to email us at: