Net Games - Lornshill Academy

Lornshill Academy
S1-3 Broad General Education
Physical Education has the opportunity and responsibility to develop skills for
learning, life and work. Ensuring that practical performance is kept to the
forefront of all learning and teaching, Physical Education at Lornshill should
engage all learners to reach their full potential as well as preparing them for
making the next step in life.
Mental, emotional social and physical aspects of wellbeing are deeply
embedded in our curriculum and we will deliver them as follows. It is
important to note that physical aspects will be an overarching element in all
our lessons and although we have aligned mental, emotional and social aspects
to concepts lessons or blocks do not sit in isolation. Teachers are required to
make links across all aspects of wellbeing as well as literacy and numeracy.
MESP Table
Level of Arousal
Managing Anxiety
Decision Making
Mental Rehearsal
Mental Toughness
Cardio Respiratory Endurance
Contributing to a team
Reaction Time
Tactical Requirements
Net Games
Block Target (One-off performance target):
“To develop knowledge on the rules of badminton and enhance technique”
Targets attached can be repeated over a number of techniques or run over more than
one lesson. The block target can be looked at in more detail by recording evidence of
skills success rates at the start and end of the block/lessons.
Physical Education Experience and Outcome:
As I encounter new challenges and contexts for learning, I am encouraged and
supported to demonstrate my ability to select, adapt and apply movement skills and
strategies, creatively, accurately and with control. (HWB 3-21a)
I practise, consolidate and refine my skills to improve my performance. I am
developing and sustaining my levels of fitness. (HWB 2/3-22a)
Literacy Experience and Outcome:
When I engage with others, I can make relevant contribution, encourage others to
contribute and acknowledge that they have the right to hold a different opinion.
I can respond in ways appropriate to my role and use contributions to reflect on,
clarify or adapt thinking. (LIT 3-02a)
Numeracy Experience and Outcome:
I can use a variety of methods to solve number problems in familiar contexts, clearly
communicating my processes and solutions. (E.g., Scoring in games/working out
percentages of success)
Health and Wellbeing Experience and Outcome:
I am aware of and able to express my feelings and am developing the ability to talk
about them. (HWB-3-01a)
ICT Experience and Outcome:
 I can explore and use the features of a variety of familiar and unfamiliar software to
determine the most appropriate way to solve problems or issues (TCH 3-03a)
Target 1: Show accuracy and control whilst practising _________
Example-Net shot in badminton
(Confidence/Self-Esteem/Concentration (L4-Flair))
Success Criteria:
Green: Maintain a rally for an extended period of time using the _______ only. Apply the
shot effectively in a conditioned game.
Amber: Maintain a rally for a short period of time. Apply the shot some of the time in a
conditioned game.
Red: Maintain a rally for a short period of time.
Target 2: Develop and self-evaluate ______ serves
Example-Forehand serve in table tennis
(Independence/Confidence/Concentration/Motivation (L4))
Success Criteria:
Green: Perform two serving techniques consistently and offer two points for development
to a partner
Amber: Perform two serving technique most of the time and offer one point for
development to a partner
Red: Perform two serving techniques some of the time
Target 3: Apply appropriate movement when practising a/an ________
Example-Volley in tennis/OHC in badminton
Success Criteria:
Green: Understand and apply the movement required to play a ______ in isolation and a
game situation
Amber: Understand and apply the movement required to play a ______ in isolation
Red: Apply the movement required to play a ______ some of the time when practising
Target 4: Adapt the technique of a (previous technique) to perform a ______. (This can be
repeated with different techniques over two lessons).
Example-Changing an OHC to a drop shot in tennis
Success Criteria:
Green: When in a game situation apply the movement for one technique before executing a
different technique at appropriate times
Amber: When practising, apply the movement for one technique before consistently
executing a different technique
Red: When practising, apply the movement for one technique before executing a different
technique some of the time
Target 5: To apply and explain appropriate movement across the court
Success Criteria:
Green: Return to the base position after every shot in order to prepare for the next. Explain
why this strength helps your performance.
Amber: Return to the base position after most shots in order to prepare for the next.
Explain why it is important that you improve upon this.
Red: Return to the base position after some shots. Explain why this weakness affects your
Target 6: Confidently apply the rules of the game
Confidence/Self Esteem/Independence/Concentration/Mental Toughness
Success Criteria:
Green: Show confidence when umpiring a game of singles. Keep the score accurately, show
fairness at all times and authority in the role.
Amber: Show confidence when umpiring a game of singles. Keep the score and show
fairness at all times.
Red: Show confidence when umpiring a game o f singles. Keep the score with the help of
someone else and show fairness at all times.
Target 7: Independently organise a badminton tournament
Success Criteria:
Green: Organise a badminton tournament for your group. Consider the points, time
available, equipment and ability of those in the tournament. Do this on your own.
Amber: Organise a badminton tournament for your group. Consider the points, time
available, equipment and ability of those in the tournament. Do this with help from one
other person.
Red: Organise a badminton tournament for your group. Consider the points, time available,
equipment and ability of those in the tournament. Do this with help from others.
Resources/ Content:
iPads for recording evidence, comparisons and feedback
Assessment Criteria: (to be completed as an authority)