Doc3 - Teachers Development Group

Reading Guide: Functions Progressions
Document Section and
Reading Focus
Overview (pp 2-4)
 What is the mathematical meaning of
 How is this meaning similar to/different
from the everyday meaning?
 What is students’ preparation in grades K7 for formal learning of function in grades
Grade 8 (pp 5-6)
 How are functional relations explored?
 What is the main focus on Grade 8? How
is that focus developed?
 How do qualitative graphs support
student understanding of the relationship
between quantities?
HS: Interpreting Functions (pp 7-10)
 What activities will support students’
ability to interpret functions?
 Why are graphs and contexts important
for students to use?
 What functions should be treated
HS: Building Functions (pp 11-15)*
 How do contexts support students’ ability
to build functions?
 What is the role of transforming
 What are the expectations around
inverse functions?
HS: Linear and Exponential Models (pp
 How will students distinguish between
relationships that can be modeled using
linear or exponential functions?
 What is the role of context in supporting
these standards?
HS: Trigonometric Functions (pp 1821)*
 What is the role of geometry in extending
the domain of trigonometric functions?
 What contexts can be modeled with
trigonometric functions?
*Includes STEM standards
Denver Public Schools, February 2015
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