Special Assessment Arrangements Policy A. IB Diploma Programme

Special Assessment Arrangements Policy
A. IB Diploma Programme
1. Parents must inform the Learning Development Coordinator (LDC) of any special needs
before the student starts the IB programme and provide appropriate documentation.
This information will then be passed to the Diploma Programme Coordinator (DPC). (IB
Regulations 2011)
2. The Learning Development Coordinator will then provide the DPC with the necessary
documentation, description of any special assessment arrangements needed and
subjects for which the special arrangements are requested, in time for the DPC to make
a request to IB by the IB deadline of November 1st in Grade 11.
3. At the same time, the school must make equivalent arrangements in internal
4. Late requests for special assessment arrangements will be dealt with on a case by case
basis but there is no guarantee that these will be authorised. Very late requests i.e.
those made once the school's preparations for external examinations have begun
cannot be accepted.
1. Parents must inform the Learning Development Coordinator (LDC) of any special needs
before the student starts the IGCSE programme and provide appropriate documentation.
This information will then be passed to the IGCSE Examinations Officer. (IGCSE
Handbook 2013).
2. In order to offer any access arrangements, the school must take into account the
 the candidate's normal way of working and any arrangements they use in the
 performance and arrangements made in internal examinations
You need one of the following types of evidence on file for candidates with learning
 a psychological assessment carried out by a qualified psychologist confirming a
learning difficulty
an assessment confirming a learning difficulty carried out by a specialised
teacher who holds a relevant qualification
4. In each case, for the above, the evidence must cover the candidates’ period of
secondary education.
5. The Learning Development Coordinator will then provide the IGCSE Examination’s
Officer with the necessary documentation, description of any special assessment
arrangements needed and subjects for which the special arrangements are requested.
6. Deadlines for notifying the examination board of access arrangements are mid-February
for May/June examinations and mid-August for October/November examinations. It will
not be possible to offer access arrangements beyond the published deadlines.
For both IB and IGCSE examinations if it is necessary for the school to appoint a dedicated
invigilator, or any other additional resources, in order to apply any authorised special
arrangements, then parents will be charged for this.
C. Internal Examinations/General
1. Where authorisation has been received the Vice Principal (Academic) will put in
place special provisions for the internal tests (Grades 9-12, taken in July-October).
2. In order to identify the students who are in need of special provision in internal
examination, the Vice Principal liaises with the Diploma Programme Coordinator,
the IGCSE Examination Officer and the Learning Development Coordinator.
3. Once special assessment arrangements have been authorised the student must
remain in good standing with the school; for example regular attendance and
punctuality and appropriate attitude towards learning.
4. It is the task of the LDD Coordinator to provide a summary of the team
recommendations to support the formal application and, also, to contact the
parents to apply for the SEN students’ EP/Medical’s formal assessment. As with all
matters relating to SEN, the parents/carers are kept fully informed.