Progressive Mathematics Initiative Mathematics

Progressive Mathematics Initiative
Mathematics Curriculum
Unit Plan # 11
Title: Area and Perimeter
Subject: Geometry
Length of Time: 2 weeks
Unit Summary: The unit review and expands upon the concepts of area and perimeter. This unit also
prepares students for the surface area and volume unit that follows.
Learning Targets
Conceptual Category: Geometry Domain: Expressing Geometric Properties with Equations
Cluster: Use coordinates to prove simple geometric theorems algebraically
Use coordinates to compute perimeters of polygons and areas of triangles and rectangles, e.g., using the
distance formula.
Unit Essential Question:
 How can knowing a few basic
formulas be used to find new formulas
for new figures?
Unit Enduring Understandings:
 The area of rectangular regions can be found by dividing
the region into rectangles.
 The area of an irregular region can be approximated using
a grid and the number of squares. This approximation
improves as the squares become smaller.
 The area of a regular polygon can be found by creating
isosceles triangles with vertex at the center.
 The geometric probability is the area of a success divided
by the total area.
Unit Objectives:
 Students will be able to calculate the area of squares, rectangles, triangles, trapezoids,
parallelograms, kites, rhombi, regular polygons, rectangular regions, and circles.
 Students will be able to calculate the perimeter of polygons.
 Students will be able to calculate the circumference of circles.
 Students will be able to calculate the perimeter of composite figures.
 Students will be able to calculate the area of triangles using Heron’s Formula.
 Students will be able to calculate the area of quadrilaterals using Brahmagupta’s Formula.
 Students will be able to calculate the geometric probability of an event.
Evidence of Learning
Formative Assessments:
 SMART Response questions used throughout the unit.
 5 Quizzes
Summative Assessment:
 Unit Test
Lesson Plans
Lesson #1: Perimeter and Circumference
Lesson #2: Area of Squares, Rectangles, and
Rectangular Regions
Quiz 1: Perimeter and Circumference
Lesson #3: Area of Irregular Regions
Lesson #4: Area of Triangles, Parallelograms, Kite
and Rhombi
Quiz 2: Area of Squares, Rectangles,
Rectangular Regions, and Irregular Regions
Lesson #5: Area of Trapezoid
Lesson #6: Area of Regular Polygons
Lesson #7: Area of Circles, Sectors, and Segments
Quiz 3: Area of Triangles, Parallelograms, Kites,
Rhombi, and Regular Polygons
Lesson # 8: Heron’s and Brahmagupta’s Formula
Quiz 4: Area of Circles, Sectors, and Segments
Lesson #9: Geometric Probability
Quiz 5: Heron, Brahmagupta, and Geometric
Lesson #10: Review and Unit Test
Curriculum Resources: