The Clinic

The Clinic
Theme: The doctor sitting on his desk , chatting and playing with his phone..
3 patients are waiting!
Patient 1: (with back pain…almost not able to breathe): Oh..Ohhh!! My back is hurting …
The secretary: you should wait sir, the other two came before you..
Patient 1: But..I going to die…for God sake!!
Secretary: Hope not Sir..
Patient 2: (with a headache): comes in …Ohhh!!!I have a headache
The doctor takes his stethoscope and put it on his stomach…
The doctor : I think you need to take some panadol …which color do you like!!
The patient: well, I am travelling by car..and I need a strong one… I like the purple tastes better than the others
(Patient 2 is out)
Patent 3: (with a stomach ache): OMG…help me me..I have a severe stomach ache doctor…
The doctor (while holding his phone and saying WOW while reading on what’s up!! ) yes..what have you got..
Patient 3: My stomach is hurting a lot..
The doctor: putting his stethoscope on his head..mmm!!! you need to take two days have been thinking too
much about work!!
Patient 3: Yes please doctor!!—
Final scenePatient 1 (with the serious case) is allowed to come in:
Almost not able to breath..
The doctor: MMM…what do we have over here..
The nurse: he is suffering a strong pain in his back beside ..he cannot breath..
The doctor: (putting his stethoscope on his legs…mmmmmm need a an immediate surgery SON!!
Patient 1: Please…do anything..I need to recover..
The doctor: It is ganna cost you a ,ot son,,,
The patient: it does not matter…
The doctor: the cost is 2000 BD ..
The patient: I can pay 1500
The doctor: this is fine for now, and if you survive the surgery ,,you can pay the rest later..
(The patient is unconscious..on bed…and the doctor is conducting the surgery..Throwing some body parts (fake ones—
saying..Take this kidney and put it in the freg…I cut it by mistake,,I think that he will be fine with one…)..away…in few
seconds he is done)..
In few seconds..
The doctor finishes the surgery..
The nurse (running towards him while cleaning the surgery equipments)..OMG..Doctor..
The doctor: ( in a careless voice…)..what is it now!!
The nurse: I think we forgot the seizers inside him
The mean the small ones..
The Nurse: Yes!!
The doctor: well..nothing we can do now..that is another surgery in few weeks..