October 6

Multicultural Greek Council
University of Northern Colorado
Tuesday, October 6, 2015
Call to Order
Roll Call
Guest Speakers
a. Jimmy Kohles – I help connect students to volunteer opportunities, and we have
a couple coming up.
i. Weld Project Connect: helps with health related costs. People can go to
Weld Project Connect and get flue shots, dog tags, library cards, or pay
parking tickets. People can even talk to a judge if they need to. The
Friday of Homecoming Week (before the bonfire) we need volunteers to
help guide guests that are there to the correct services they need.
ii. November 7 is Bears Pay It Forward, it is a cleanup event. You can
volunteer as a group or organization, or alone. Basically, we are helping
people in the community that are unable to clean up their yards on their
iii. We also do alternative spring breaks, which are drug and alcohol free. It
is a week-long trip that we go to volunteer in different states. There are
several trips this year doing a variety of service projects and applications
for that are due October 23 . The applications for alternative spring break
are on the UNCO website.
Panhellenic Liaison
a. October 23rd is Alpha Omicron Pi’s AOPi-a-la-mode from 10pm-2am
b. October 24th is Sigma Kappa ‘Sig Kapture the Flag’ 5-9pm
c. October 28th is Alpha Sigma Alpha’s Sweets 10pm-2am
a. Alpha Kappa Lambda These Hands Don't Hurt in the cross sections of the UC
and Central Campus and the UC and West Campus this week!
b. AKL Olympics- November 14th, 9am-noon location TBD.
c. IFC Root Beer Floats on Wednesday- come early (12:30-2).
d. Lambda Chi Alpha Pumpkin Bash will be October 26th- 30 .
e. Pi Kappa Phi War of the Roses is this week!
Officer Reports
a. President Report:
i. Unity Meeting Discussion - 1 per semester
b. VP Report:
i. We are bringing in a speaker on October 22nd at 7pm. We encourage
you all to come as he is a nationally recognized speaker. It will also serve
as the make-up speaker if you miss either mandatory events!
ii. Career Services:
1. Fall Job & Internship Fair, October 14th (1pm-4pm)
2. How to Work a Job Fair Workshops, Oct 8th & 12th (3:30-4:30)
3. Fall Teacher Employment Days (TED) Tuesday, October 27th (104:30)
c. Treasurer Report:
i. Dues are $20 this semester and due by meeting this week (October 6 )
d. Secretary Report:
i. Please send any announcements that you have by Monday night so we
can include them on the agenda.
Advisor Reports
a. Updated active rosters are due to Rebecca.Ingraham@unco.edu
b. UC Room Reservation Guidelines form needs to be signed by president and
turned into me by this Friday.
c. Take Back the Night Survey was sent out to chapter presidents - please have all
members fill it out!
Chapter Reports
a. Lambda Theta Nu
b. Pi Lambda Chi
i. Buen Provecho: Oct. 8th at the CCCC
c. Sigma Lambda Gamma
i. Hosting Karaoke night with coffee from the Human Bean
ii. Qdoba coupon book fundraiser $10 for great coupons!
d. Lambda Sigma Upsilon
i. Tamale fundraiser Sep. 28th- Oct. 2nd delivery postponed due to a family
emergency - should be delivered soon
e. Nu Alpha Kappa
i. Nakos Tacos- October 15th 10am-5pm at the CCCC
Sigma Lambda Beta
i. Still looking for mentors for the conference. Let us know if you can
ii. Doing a Krispy Kreme fundraiser next week. $10 for a dozen glazed $12
for a dozen frosted
Old Business
New Business