Endangered Species Facebook Project

Endangered Species Facebook Project
The purpose of the project is to create a Facebook page for an endangered plant or animal species
(must be on endangered species list). You will have 3 days of computer time to complete the
research and construction of the page. Use this sheet to complete your research before you begin
constructing the page and finding pictures. You will use the PowerPoint template and write the
“facebook” page from the perspective of the animal/plant. You will be rewarded for creativity or
humor. All information on the sample page must be changed to information about your species or you
receive no points for that entry.
While you are working on your page, you may save it to your H: drive (both partners need to save it
in case one is absent the next day) or email it to yourself.
Upon completion of the page, please email it to: staylor@pdsd.org
Create a Facebook page for a species on the endangered species list. You must be
specific! Use the following guidelines:
 Name of species at the top of the page and appropriate status – some activity or behavior that
your species does
o Status should be the same on all three pages
 1 Profile Picture of your species in the upper left corner
o Profile picture should be the same on all three pages
Information Corner/Basic Information (see examples - you are not limited to these!)
 Network – ex. a group that protects your organism
 Niche – organisms job or role in the environment
 Species scientific name – first word (Genus) capitalized, second name (species) lowercase –
both in italics – see sample page for example
 Habitat – where does your species live?
Friends Corner:
 6 pictures of organisms/native people that share your species habitat with titles
The Wall
 Write 6 significant facts on The Wall (pg. 1). There must be at least 6 facts highlighting
important interactions that your species has with other members of the same species or other
organisms in your community (you can include human beings as other organisms).
Pg.2 - Personal Information:
 Habitat (or Biome)and geographic location – what type of habitat/biome does your species live
and the state, country or continent in which it’s found
 Level of Endangerment (vulnerable, threatened, endangered, etc.)
 About – physical description of your organism – 3-5 sentences
 Biography – how did your species become endangered? – 3-5 sentences
 Personal information – 3-5 sentences about your species daily activities
Photo albums (pg. 2 bottom) – 2 pictures of your species or species that it interacts with normally;
albums should be titled appropriately
Photos – last page: (5 pictures of your species)
on page 2 with same titles)
Photo Album covers: (Use pictures from albums
Name: _________________________
Species: _______________________
Partners Name: _______________________
Endangered Species Facebook Site Rubric
Profile Picture and status
Information Corner/Basic Information
Species Scientific Name
Friends Corner
6 Pictures
The Wall
6 Significant Facts
Photos (5)
Albums (2 pictures with titles)
Personal Information
Habitat and Geographic location
Level of Endangerment
Personal Information