Joe Harrison Carter Elementary School Lesson Plan

Joe Harrison Carter Elementary School Lesson Plan
Unit Title:
Unit 1
Aug. 20-24
Week 3”Exploring Space
with an Astronaut”
Day One Learning Targets:
 RFS2.3a I can identify long vowels in one-syllable words.
 R.W.2.7 I can use sources and tools to research a topic.
 R.W.2.7 I can organize important information about a topic.
Day One Activities:
* Sing, “Planet Poem” by Dr.
* K-W-L chart
* Read “Exploring space with
an Astronaut” by Patricia
Murphy whole group.
Students will follow along in
books as teacher reads.
* Assign student to a specific
planet for researching
* Discuss and model
strategies and how to use
sources (internet, books) to
research using graphic
organizer, “Strokes of
Information” about the Sun
* Provide graphic organizer,
“Strokes of Information” for
children to research their
Introduce & Chant
Spelling and Words of
the week
ABC order
Thompson &
Kela Wright
Day One Formative Assessments:
*K-W-L chart
* Research graphic organizer
Day One Summative Assessments:
Day One HOT Questions:
Q: If you were in a place with no up
and down, how would you sleep?
How would you move around?
Day Two Learning Targets:
 RFS2.3a I can identify long vowels in one-syllable words.
 R.W.2.7 I can use sources and tools to research a topic.
 R.W.2.7 I can organize important information about a topic.
 RF2.4 I can read 2nd grade text fluently. This means I can read easily, smooth, and
automatically with expression.
 RF 2.4 I can recognize when a word I have read does not make sense in the text.
 RF 2.4 I can use context clues to self correct reading mistakes I make while reading.
 RF 2.4 I can reread with corrections when needed.
Day Two Activities:
Day Two Formative Assessments:
*Guess the Covered Word
* Guess the Covered Word
*Observation of Reading
 Write a question for
using vocabulary words from
*Nonfiction News
each spelling words.
story (context clues)
*Spelling word questions
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Joe Harrison Carter Elementary School Lesson Plan
* Read, “Exploring space
with an Astronaut” by Patricia
Murphy chorally together
* Model (using the Sun
graphic organizer) how to use
information gathered to write
about planet
*Students will use “Nonfiction
News” to write about their
planet using the info they
gather from graphic organizer
Day Two Summative Assessments:
Day Two HOT Questions:
Q: How is being an astronaut
different from other jobs?
Day Three Learning Targets:
 RFS2.3a I can identify long vowels in one-syllable words.
 RFS2.3a I can distinguish between words with short and long vowel patterns.
 R.W.2.7 I can use sources and tools to research a topic.
 R.W.2.7 I can organize important information about a topic.
 RLA2.2e I can use materials such as dictionaries to check correct spelling.
 RLA2.4e I can determine the meaning of an unknown word by using glossaries and beginning
Day Three Activities:
Day Three Formative Assessments:
*Building Words
*Word Sort-Sort short vowel
* Word sort
 Shaving Cream
and long vowel words
* Research Papers
* Read, “The Planets in our
*Observation of editing, revising, and
Solar System” aloud
dictionary use
*Model how to use a
Day Three Summative Assessments:
dictionary to check spelling
and finding the meaning of
Day Three HOT Questions:
Q: Text to Self-Based on the story,
*Allow time to finish and edit
Would you like to be an astronaut.
research papers (nonfiction
Why or why not?
news article) about planets
Q: What if I were to look up the word
* Provide dictionaries to
“star”? Where would I find it in the
correct spelling
dictionary? Why?
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Joe Harrison Carter Elementary School Lesson Plan
Day Four Learning Targets:
 RLA2.1a I can identify collective nouns.
 RLA2.1a I can use collective nouns in writing
Day Four Activities:
* Review Nouns by Gathering
Up Nouns from the poem
“Astronauts in Space”
* Introduce collective nouns
using poster
*Come up with collective
nouns on board (Ex. A pack
of dogs.) Use packet to help.
*Collective Nouns Memory
Whole Group-if the noun
matches the collective noun,
the player keeps the match.
* Collective Noun Class Book
Cut out letters from
magazines and paste
on paper to spell
spelling words
Day Four Formative Assessments:
* Gathering Up Nouns
* Observation of Collective Nouns
Memory Game
*Collective noun Book
*Magazine Spelling
Day Four Summative Assessments:
Day Four HOT Questions:
Q: What is the difference between a
noun and a verb?
Day Five Learning Targets:
 RFS2.3a I can identify long vowels in one-syllable words.
 RFS2.3a I can distinguish between words with short and long vowel patterns.
Day Five Activities:
Sing, “Drip, Drop, Slip,
Word Family –op
(Gather words in -op
family for Word Family
–op family flipbook
Long and Short Vowel
Cherry Pie
Spelling Test
Day Five Formative Assessments:
* Observation of word family
* Observation of Cherry Pie
Day Five Summative Assessments:
 Long Vowel/Short Vowel
 Spelling Test
Day Five HOT Questions:
 What if I changed the
consonant to a ___(different
letter) when building word
family words)?
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