


Chapter 5: Igneous Rocks

Rocks are formed from combinations of______________. There are three major types:

The ____________________Cycle.

The ___________________change that occurs between all three major forms of rock is called the _______________Cycle. a.

Igneous: formed directly from the crystallization of________________.


Metamorphic: rocks exposed to extreme

___________________and____________________________. c. Sedimentary: formed from the _____________________of other rocks

5.1 Igneous Rocks

Where magma (lava) ______________________has a major impact on the type of igneous rock that forms. Fine grained igneous rocks form on the surface

(__________________________) and cool quickly while coarse-grained igneous rocks form beneath the earth’s surface (______________________________).

5.2 Classifying Igneous Rocks

In addition to being classified as either intrusive or extrusive, igneous rocks are grouped based upon their mineral__________________________, ________________size, and________________________.

Igneous rocks are commonly used as _________________________materials because of the _____________________________mineral grains that give them added strength.

Chapter 6: Sedimentary and Metamorphic Rock

Although igneous rocks are the most common type of rock on Earth, the most common type of rock on the _____________________of the Earth is___________________.

This is because the forces of weathering (___________________, __________________,

gravity, and______________________________) and erosion only occur on the

___________________to create sediments.

_____________________________refers to the breaking of rock into smaller and smaller pieces. There are two common types of weathering:


____________________________: changes the actual chemical composition of the

_____________________: no change in composition; only a change in size.

______________________________refers to the process where weathered materials are carried to a new location (_______________________). Erosion almost always occurs downhill.

___________________________refers to the settling of eroded material on the ground. As more and more sediments are deposited they may undergo

____________________________(change to stone) due to increasing pressure and temperature.

Sedimentary rock typically has the following features: a.

_____________________________: horizontal layering (Principle of



_________________________: bedding occurs at angles to each other c.

_________________________: the remains of once living organisms

6.3: Metamorphic Rock

So far you have learned that _____________________and _____________________ both increase as depth increases. As a result, if rocks are carried far enough into the mantle (subduction) they will turn into____________________.

Rocks can experiences changes in texture and composition even if they don’t reach the extreme conditions needed for melting. During _________________________(

Greek for changing form) rocks change while remaining a__________________-.

Different combinations of temperature and pressure can result in different types (or___________________) of metamorphism (Figure 6-12 on page 133). When these conditions occur over large geographic areas regional metamorphism occurs.
