The Colony of Maryland

The Colony of Maryland
General Details:
Established in 1634 by Cecilius Calvert, George Calvert’s son.
The charter to settle the land was originally granted to George Calvert by King Charles I, but passed to
Cecilius upon his father’s death.
The settlement of St. Mary’s and Maryland were named after Queen Henrietta Maria, King Charles’s wife
who, by slowly converting her husband to a Catholic, allowed for the charter to be passed.
One of the smallest states, located in the Atlantic region. Borders: Delaware, West Virginia, Virginia, and
Chesapeake Bay also the major waterway of the area.
Originally was to be established by George Calvert for financial benefit.
Later established as a place of religious tolerance and refuge for Catholics fleeing from England.
Difficulties in the Colony:
Land disputes with the Virginians and Jamestown caused much political bickering.
Kent Island and William Claiborne also a source of harassment and danger.
Life in St. Mary’s:
Tobacco plantations and the exportation of tobacco became the major economic activity.
Fishing and farming, along with trade with the Native population were also sources of work.
Timeline of Events:
1635: Naval skirmish between Maryland ships and ships of William Claiborne, a Virginian man who
operated a trading center on Kent Island. Tensions between Maryland and Virginia continue to rise.
1645: St. Mary’s is attacked by Protestant Richard Ingle based on disagreement with Catholic leaders in
Maryland that stemmed from the civil war in England. Property is damaged, some are imprisoned, and
Ingle goes largely unpunished.
1646: Leonard Calvert is Governor of St. Mary’s. Order restored.
1649: Virginian Protestants establish the settlement of Annapolis, in Maryland. The Maryland Act
Concerning Religion is also passed.
1655: Battle of the Severn. Fought between William Stone the third governor of Maryland and William
Fuller of Annapolis. William Stone and his men are defeated.
1658: Land disputes between Virginia and Maryland are concluded and renounced.
Famous People of Maryland:
Lewis Black, Michael Phelps, Kevin Durant, Tom Clancy.