mark schemes 2011 engineering qs

2011: Explain how flooding can be managed using hard engineering
strategies. (6 marks)
What you could include ….
Hard engineering strategies in the specification are dams and
reservoirs and straightening of rivers. (Building up levees are not
mentioned, but if present are valid). There should be recognition that
building dams and creating reservoirs behind them leads to control of
the river’s flow. Thus, water can be held behind the dam until it is safe
to be released when there is no risk of flooding. Straightening
meanders means that the water is taken out of an area more quickly
as the course is shorter and so the flood risk is reduced in that
particular area. There may be reference to actual examples.
How the examiner decides what mark to give you ……
Level 1 (Basic) 1-4 marks
Describes 1 or 2 hard engineering strategies.
Some, tentative
Statements may be in a random order and/or
Dams are built. These are big concrete walls that hold back
water. A lake forms behind the dam. The Three Gorges dam has been built
in China. Rivers can be straightened and the meanders taken out.
Level 2 (Clear) 5-6 marks
Description of 2 or more hard engineering strategies.
There is a
clear explanation. Statements are developed and linked. 
The Three Gorges dam has been built at Yichang on the Yangtse River. This
dam will hold back a huge amount of water in the lake behind it. Flooding
will be reduced as the water can be released through the dam when it is safe
to do so. The dam is allowing people to control the flow of the river and stop
very high amounts of water going down it at any one time. Meanders can be
straightened. This shortens the course of the river and so the water can flow
faster between two places. The water is taken out of the area faster.
2011: Hard and soft engineering strategies are used to manage flooding.
Choose either hard engineering or soft engineering and explain why it is
the better strategy. (8 marks)
What you could include ….
Actual content will depend on strategies selected. Can refer to
advantages of selected strategy or disadvantages of one that is
For example if hard engineering is selected, likely to note the
effectiveness of dams holding back water to control flooding. (Three
Gorges Dam has reduced risk from 1 in 10 years to 1 in 100 years),
may refer to the fact that many dams and reservoirs are multipurpose projects and so there are other advantages such as HEP
(hydro electric power) and water supply. This approach means that
something is being done to control flooding and that people’s lives
and their property should be safe. It means that people do not have to
live in fear of flooding or face the consequences of cleaning up or
losing family and friends. It is more immediate than strategies like
planting trees that take a long time to grow. Warning systems may
save people’s lives, but their property is damaged and their
possessions and so this is not good way of managing floods. They
will be able to prepare but will suffer much more than if a dam had
been built.
How the examiner decides what mark to give you ……
Level 1 Basic (1-4 marks)
Describes 1 or 2 strategies.
Simple statements, may be in a random
Certain things are built in certain places. Next to the river, there are
playing fields and car parks, housing is further away. In some areas,
building is not allowed. Trees are planted to slow down to flow of
Level 2 Clear (5-6 marks)
Begins to consider why the strategy selected is better option.
Advantages of option clear and/or disadvantages of alternative are
Statements are developed and linked.
Land use zoning means that land next to the river may be used as
farmland or recreational use, but buildings are not allowed. This
reduces the impact of flooding.
It costs nothing and does not have
any negative impact on the environment – the river floods in a natural
way. Planting trees slows down the speed of the water and reduces
flooding. It can improve the environment, but works with the natural
Level 3 Detailed (7-8 marks)
Clearly focused on why the strategy selected is better option.
Advantages of option clear and/or disadvantages of alternative in a
Statements are developed and linked.
Land use zoning means that land next to the river may be used as
farmland or recreational use, but buildings are not allowed. This
reduces the impact of flooding.
It costs little, just the need to plan
and does not have any negative impact on the environment – the
river floods in a natural way. This is a much cheaper option than
building up banks and creating dams and reservoirs, which have a
bad effect on the environment. They interfere with the rivers natural
processes, causing erosion after a dam.
Over time, the lake behind the dam will silt up as the water is not
flowing as it would in the river. Planting trees slows down the speed
of the water and reduces flooding. This tries to help slow down the
water cycle in a natural way, rather than controlling a river with a dam
which is also very expensive.
It works with the natural environment. Warning people of floods is
useful as they can prepare, taking their possessions to higher floors –
floods can still happen with dams and people may not be prepared if
they are not warned.