Newsletter July 2014 - Auchtermuchty & Dunshalt Parish Church

Dates for your diary:
Day and Date
Sunday 6 July
Sunday 13 July
Sunday 20 July
11.15 a.m.
11.15 a.m.
11.15 a.m.
Sunday 27 July
11.15 a.m.
Sunday 3
Sunday 10
11.15 a.m.
Church Service
Church Service
Church Service taken by Rev Ian
Church Service taken by Rod and Kay
Church Service taken by Mr Bill Imlay
11.15 a.m.
Festival Service taken by Mr Bill Imlay
The Minister will be on Annual Leave from 14 July until 13 August 2014.
Our congratulations go to Mr Bill Imlay who will become the 4th Lay Moderator of
the Presbytery of St Andrews and we will remember him in our prayers as he takes
on this role for the next 12 months.
Prayer Group Meeting takes place on the 2nd Thursday of the
month in the Session House – for further information please contact either
Tio on 828021 or Jean on 827723.
Messy Church – A messy church event is being planned for Sunday
afternoon September 28th. This is a time for all the family, grandparents,
mums and dads, children, uncles and aunts. There will be a variety of
activities, a short celebration of worship and a meal together. WATCH THIS
SPACE!! There will be more information in the September newsletter.
Rev J Redpath, Minister, The Manse, Strathmiglo Tel: 01337 860256
Rod McCall, Session Clerk, 24 The Riggs, Auchtermuchty
Tel: 07770 990379
July 2014
My dear friends
There are times when your mind plays tricks on you. Sometimes it is a
failure of our memory that leads us to believe we have done something we
should have done, when in reality, we have not done the thing we should
have done!! That rather complicated sentence reminds me of Sir
Humphrey, the Civil Servant in ‘Yes Minister’ and ‘Yes Prime Minister’
wonderfully acted by Nigel Hawthorne. Sir Humphrey reels off a long and
difficult sentence that, ultimately, can be summed up in a few words. My
first sentence simply means ‘I forgot’ – I forgot that there was one more
magazine before the summer.
However much we might forget to do something or other, the thought can
always remain with us that God, our heavenly Father, never forgets us. In
Matthew’s Gospel, Jesus says these words, ‘For only a penny you can buy
two sparrows, yet not one sparrow falls to the ground without your
Father’s consent. As for you, even the hairs of your head have all been
counted. So do not be afraid; you are worth much more than many
sparrows.’ Put simply, Jesus was saying ‘God loves us’.
Over the summer, keep that thought in your mind, and don’t forget that
God loves YOU!
Jim Redpath
Flower Festival – 9 and 10 August - Help Required
The Flower festival event, which has a remembrance theme this year, needs
your help both in the cafe and in the church. Each “shift” is only one hour.
Can you spare some time on either day? If you don’t have time available,
could you please donate some of the items on the “wanted” list? Please
contact Wendy Greig on 828413 who will be delighted to hear from you.
you to all who took part and also everyone who donated to this event.
Auchtermuchty Memorial Group – Muchty Remembers those who died
and served during World War 1
A Remembrance Service commemorating the start of World War 1 will take
place at the War Memorial on the Monday 4th August at 7.30 p.m. Mr Bill
Imlay, Presbytery Moderator, will lead the service in prayer and dedication,
followed by the laying of a wreath. Among those in attendance will be
Menzies Campbell, North East Fife MP, local Councillors and representatives
of the uniformed organisations. At 8 p.m. Ruari Halford-MacLeod will open
an Exhibition in the Church and give a short talk, followed by tea and coffee.
The exhibition will be open for viewing by the public on:
Tuesday 5th August
2 – 4 p.m.
Wednesday 6th August
7 – 9 p.m.
Thursday 7th August
2 – 4 p.m.
Friday 8th August
7 – 9 p.m.
Saturday and Sunday 9th and 10th August – during flower festival times.
A Renewed Sense of Purpose in our Partnership: Auchtermuchty Namadzi
Air late arrival on 26 April may have delayed our Faithshare visitors,
Oscar and Austin, by a couple of hours, but did not diminish the
impact of this, the fifth reciprocal visit since June 2009. Austin’s
sensitivity and his perspectives as a water engineer helped identify
the short-term priority for their church community : addressing the
needs of the 1500 children attending Namadzi Primary School in
restoring their water supply. . All agreed that an immediate response
was needed, and Auchtermuchty and St Mary’s Episcopal Church,
Ladybank, joined forces to raise funds around a Wateraid event to
address this.
The highlights for Oscar included joining a weekly prayer group,
which he found deeply moving. Oscar talked of his faith healing work
in Malawi, and emerged from the evening saying, ‘Now I understand
what this Faithshare programme is all about. Worshipping together is
very powerful!’
Oscar spoke passionately about the 3 key challenges of his
congregation: addressing the impact of HIV/AIDS in supporting over
30 child-headed orphan families; empowering women to support the
improvement in the lives of these and other families facing
destitution, and the building of youth leadership capacity which will
bring sustained improvement and build a stronger future.
He concluded, ‘Sharing this journey of ‘Walking, Working and
Worshipping together’ is so important in giving us hope. We will
always be your friends’.
Many thankful prayers were shared for the support given by the
congregation for making this so successful.