Survey review questions

Survey review questions-Second semester
What legislation “Americanized” Native Americans living on U.S. Reservations?
2. What is the belief that one’s own groups is superior to other groups called?
What two factors did the most to stimulate rapid western settlement?
What was the result of the Battle of Little Big Horn?
5. From where did most of the “New Immigrants” come from?
6. What specific mode of transportation connected America from east to west during
7. What new political movement was started in order to give farmers a greater voice in
8. What were formed during the Industrial age to fight for worker’s rights?
9. What process allowed growth in skyscrapers, railroads and bridges by providing a new way to
produce steel?
10. Where did most of the “new immigrants” come from between 1890-1920?
11. What is the name given to the 1920’s African American era for achievements in music, art, and
12. Andrew Carnegie promoted what ideology?
13. Explain laissez-faire.
14. Immigrants from Asia immigrated through which processing port?
15. Civil Service Exams replaced which system?
16. Political and economic reform were major goals of which movement?
17. Which president from the Progressive Movement worked to expand the national parks system?
18. Explain the 19th amendment.
19. Explain the 18th amendment.
20. The Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire resulted in what new regulations?
21. The technique used to exaggerate stories and sell newspapers was called what?
22. What is a policy of nation self-containment and freedom from political entanglements called?
23. What military strategy was used during WWI?
24. What country used U-Boats to attack enemy ships in the Atlantic?
25. What holiday ended WWI?
26. The League of Nations encountered resistance in America in which ways?
27. What term best describes Theodore Roosevelt’s foreign policy in dealing with Latin American
28. In 1919, the peace treaty ending WWI was called what?
29. The fear of communism during the 1920’s-1940’s was called?
30. What is the Southern organization first formed after the Civil War which promoted white
superiority and reached its height in membership during the 1920’s?
31. What were two main causes of the Great Depression?
32. The song, “Buddy, Can You Spare a Dime?” would be from which era in American History?
33. What was the name given the unemployed WWI veterans who marched to DC demanding early
34. What did FDR call his plan to help people recover from the Great Depression?
35. What modern invention did FDR use to communicate with the American people in his fireside
36. The New Deal agency which provided 15-18 year old males with work planting trees and other
conservation work was called what?
37. Under the New Deal what was established to provide financial assistance to the elderly and aid
dependent children called?
38. Name two additional programs from the New Deal.
39. Which pact ended between Germany and the Soviet Union and caused the caused the Soviets
to join with the Allies in WWII?
40. Who were the “Big Three” leaders of the Allies during WWII?
41. What was the purpose of the “Manhattan Project?”
42. What occurred on December 7, 1941 which brought the U.S. into WWII?
43. What is the genocide by the Nazis during WWII referred to as?
44. Map questions. Know where these countries are on the map!!! Which country did Churchill
lead during WWII?
45. Mussolini led which country? KNOW on the map.
46. Which country was invaded by Hitler, resulting in a declaration of war by France and Great
Britain on Germany? KNOW on the map.
47. What was the mass amphibious invasion by the Allies on June 6th, 1944 called?
48. Which country was divided into eastern and western segments after WWII?
49. Which two super-powers opposed on another during the Cold War?
50. What did the Truman Doctrine declared that the U.S. should oppose?
51. Who was the American senator who capitalized on American fear of communism during the
Cold War era?
52. What is the current impact America experienced after WWII when the population increase
significantly called?
53. Name the organization President Kennedy promoted to encourage young people to share their
expertise with underdeveloped countries called?
54. Which types of classes did American educators begin to fully emphasize as a result of the Soviet
Union’s Sputnik?
55. President Kennedy created a naval blockade to prevent Soviet missiles from entering Cuba
during which crisis?
56. Who was the president who established a policy to push the exploration of space?
57. What did the Supreme Court case Brown v. The Board of Education overturn? Hint: Separate
but _______________________.
58. Who was the leader of the Soviet Union (USSR) during the Cuban Missile Crisis?
59. What did the “Great Society” programs focus to improve?
60. The invasion of Cambodia led to a student demonstration on various college campuses. Where
were college students killed during one of these demonstrations?
61. Which president in known for extending an “olive branch of peace” toward China?
62. What led to Nixon’s resignation as president?
63. Which president was controversial by pardoning Nixon?
64. The policy of glasnost means what?
65. The policy of perestroika means what?
66. Which president mediated the Camp David Peace Accords between Israel and Egypt?
67. Which country invaded Kuwait forcing the U.S. to intervene during the Gulf War?
68. Which President appointed Sandra Day O’Connor as the first female Supreme Court Justice?
69. Which President was never actually elected into the office as president?
70. Who was the leader of Iraq during the Gulf War?
71. Who was the U.S. commander of the troops during the Gulf War?
72. Which source would provide the best historical perspective on WWII; a text book or a letter?