CFP: Arguing with Dan Hutto, Lisbon Workshop

CFP: Arguing with Dan Hutto, Lisbon Workshop
We are inviting submissions to give talks at the day workshop titled
Arguing with Dan Hutto and sponsored by the ArgLab to be held on
the 16th and 17th of June at IFILNOVA New University of Lisbon.
The workshop is themed around the recent and current research of
Professor Hutto. Prof. Hutto´s work broadly concerns issues in the
philosophy of mind and cognitive science, and philosophical
methodology. He has developed a number of distinctive and influential
positions concerning Wittgenstein’s philosophy, folk psychology (his
narrative practice hypothesis) and, perhaps most notably, enactivism,
under the banner of which he advances a theory of biosemiotics for
explaining basic minds, including those of humans. His enactivist
approach to mind and cognition is defended in his award-winning coauthored book Radicalizing Enactivism, and are developed further in a
forthcoming book, Enriching Embodied Cognition, also written with Erik
Hutto will be speaking on topics and themes from the forthcoming MIT
Other presentations will include
Dina Mendonça: Narrative Structure of Emotion
Nuno Venturinha: Enactivism and Wittgenstein's Philosophy of
Robert Clowes: Representations Outside In: Can embodied
cognitive science do without representations?
Submitted papers will be presented for up to 40 minutes with 15
minutes of questions. Short abstracts of no more than 750 words should
be submitted to OR before 15th May 2015 (be sure to get a
reply to guarantee reception of abstract submission). Presentations that
relate to recent themes in Hutto´s work are especially encouraged.
The conference in being organised by Robert Clowes and Dina
Mendonça who are happy to respond to any questions on the meeting.
Exact times of the meeting on the 16th and 17th of June and further
details to be confirmed.