Art History Test on Gothic Art

Gothic Art
The following is taken from the 2012
Advanced Placement Art History
______1) Both sculptures are from
which art-historical period? a) Early
Christian b) Carolingian c) Romanesque
d) Gothic
______2) Both sculptures reveal the
influence of a) Marian devotion b)
Classical mythology c) Neoplatonic
philosophy d) Reformation theology
______3) The elegant style of the
sculpture on the left is most often
associated with a) court patronage b)
monastic scriptoria c) public
commissions d) guild halls
______4) The sculpture on the right
depicts a) holy family group b) sacra
conversazione c) Pantocrator d) Pietà
______5) The medium of the sculpture
on the right is a) multicolored marble b)
polychromed wood c) glazed terracotta
d) painted gesso
______6) The distortion and the anguish
seen in the sculpture on the right are
intended to inspire a) civic pride b)
personal piety c) iconoclastic action d)
humanistic ideals
The following is taken from the 2000
Advanced Placement Art History
______7) These sculptures are from
which of the following art historical
periods? a) Early Christian b)
Romanesque c) Gothic d) Baroque
______8) They are part of the
decoration of a a) cathedral b) city hall
c) theatre d) palace
______9)What is the subject of the two
figures on the left? a) Lamentation b)
flight into Egypt c) Annunciation d)
______10) The two figures on the right
reflect the influence of which of the
following earlier styles? a) Archaic
Greek b) Islamic c) Roman d) Byzantine
______11) The two figures on the left
reflect the impact of a) the French court
style b) vase painting c) Renaissance
naturalism d) Mannerism
______12) The differences in style
between the two pairs of figures confirm
the fact that a) the works were carved in
different centuries b) several workshops
were involved c) different materials
were used d) works were imported from
other countries
______13) Which of the following is an
innovative feature of these four figures?
a) they are part of a decorative program
b) they represent biblical characters c)
they portray French royalty d) they are
nearly freestanding
The following is taken from the 2007
Advanced Placement Art History
Identify the medium and art-historical
period of the object shown. Explain the
religious and visual reasons for the
extensive use of this medium during its
The following is taken from the 2002
Advanced Placement Art History
The following passage was written by
Abbot Suger (1081-1144).
Moreover it was cunningly provided
that… the old [church] should be
equalized, by means of geometrical and
arithmetical instruments, with the central
nave of the new addition; and, likewise,
that the dimensions of the old side aisles
should be equalized with the dimensions
of the new side aisles, except for that
eloquent and praiseworthy extension, [in
the form of] a circular string of chapels,
by virtue of which the whole [church]
would shine with the wonderful and
uninterrupted light of most luminous
windows, pervading the interior beauty.
The apse of the building Suger is
describing is shown in this plan and
interior view. What new architectural
style does the building introduce?
Referring to both the plan and the
interior view, explain how the apse
reflects Suger’s description.
The following is taken from the 1994
Advanced Placement Art History
Both of these works were created in the
same period. Name the period and
identify the earlier work. Compare the
ways in which the figures in each work
relate to their architectural setting.
The following is taken from the 2009
Advanced Placement Art History
The two works shown were made in the
same period about 100 years apart.
Identify the period. Explain how the two
works exemplify developments in
sculpture during that period. Refer to
specific characteristics of both works to
support your answer.
The following is taken from the
sample Advanced Placement Art
History examination.
Identify the period of this work. Support
your identification by discussing both
the style and function of the work.
The following is taken from the 1996
Advanced Placement Art History
On the left is the Temple of Ramses II
(circa 1257 B.C.) and on the right is the
Royal Portals of Chartres Cathedral
(circa 1145-1170). Compare and
contrast the compositional organization
and the meaning of the sculptural
decoration on each monument.
The following is taken from the 1997
Advanced Placement Art History
What is the style of the building?
Discuss the characteristics of the
building and its plan that indicate its
country of origin.
The following is taken from the 1998
Advanced Placement Art History
Discuss the aspects of the work that date
it to the Late Gothic period.
The following is taken from the 2004
Advanced Placement Art History
Both buildings are from the same art
historical period. Name the period.
Account for the differences in the
interiors of these buildings.
The following is taken from the 2001
Advanced Placement Art History
In what ways do this medieval
Florentine Church and its plan show the
influence of Early Christian architectural
forms? In what ways do this church and
plan show elements of the later medieval
Answers: 1-D, 2-A, 3-A, 4-D, 5-B, 6-B,
7-C, 8-A, 9-C, 10-C, 11-A, 12-B, 13-D