Honors Biology Review Sheet to Chapter 9 Test

Honors Biology Review Sheet to Chapter 9 Test
1. Label the following flower: sepal, petal, anther, filament, style, ovary, stigma
Draw in ovules and label. Color the female structure red and the male structures blue.
2. Put a “M” by Mendelian Genetics and a “NM” by non-Mendelian genetics:
_____Multiple alleles
_____complete dominance
_____Law of Segregation
_____homozygous and heterozygous
_____incomplete dominance
_____Law of Independent Assortment
_____polygenic traits
3. During which process does the Law of Segregation occur?_______________
4. Circle the alleles in each case: red
Plant height tall short
color of leaves
5. If you crossed a heterozygous green plant with a homozygous yellow plant, what would be the
phenotypic and genotypic ratio of the cross? Show your work with a Punnett square.
G = green
g = yellow
Honors Biology Chapter 9 Test Review p. 2
6. In a cross of AaBBcc x AaBbCC, what is the probability of producing a genotype of AABbCc?
(Hint: Do individual Punnett squares. What is the Law that you use to solve this?____________)
7. Describe how the human blood typing system shows both multiple alleles and codominance.
8. What are the possible genotypes for each blood type? A __________________________
9. Cross a male with color-blindness with a heterozygous female with normal vision.
C= normal
c = color blindness
10. Check which would be used in preparing a karyotype:
_____use cells in anaphase
_____arrange chromosomes largest to shortest
_____stop cells with colchicine
_____sex chromosomes are in position 23
_____use cells in metaphase
_____use white blood cells
_____23 pairs of chromosomes
_____a female would have an XY set
11. Circle which is an example of polyploidy: N
12. Fill in the antigens and antibodies of each blood type:
13. If you had a dog with a dominant black coat, how would you find out if it is BB or Bb?
14. Blood type ii is also known as blood type____.
15. What possible blood types could a person with A- blood mating with a person with AB+/- blood have
in their children? (Show your work with a Punnett square).
Honors Biology Chapter 9 Test Review p. 3
Match the terms with the correct definition:
16._____Both alleles are expressed, such as in AB blood type.
17._____The capital letter allele is always expressed over the recessive
18._____The F1 hybrid phenotype is between the two parents
19._____One gene influences multiple characters
20._____Additive phenotype effect of more than 2 gene locations
21._____ Chromosome pair fail to separate correctly
22._____There are several choices of alleles available for a trait.
23._____The trait is on the X-chromosome.
A. polygenic
B. sex-linked gene
C. codominant
D. incomplete dominance
E. nondisjunction
F. complete dominance
G. pleiotropy
H. multiple alleles
Match the type of mutation with its picture: p. 148
28. An expected ratio of the offspring of a cross was 25% for each of the following four phenotypes.
That was not the case. SO…calculate the recombinant frequency RF of the following cross:
778 - wild type
HINT: Total all offspring.
785 - black-vestigial
Divide each number by that total for the percent of possible
158 - black-normal
recombinant frequency.
162 - gray-vestigial
Add the two highest numbers together-those are the nonrecombinant.
Add the two lowest numbers together-those are the
Match the people with their genetic contributions:
29. _____Father of genetics devised principle by studying pea plants.
30._____Along with Punnett noticed some genes were linked.
31._____Found a recombination frequency with fruit flies.
32._____Devised a chart to predict the possible offspring of parents.
33._____Used crossover data to map gene loci.
A. Reginald Punnett
B. Gregor Mendel
C. Alfred Sturtevant
D. Thomas Hunt Morgan
E. William Bateson
Honors Biology Chapter 9 Review p. 4
34. _____failure to produce an enzyme to break down mucus in lungs
35._____Trisomy 21, trident hands, skin fold at inner eye lid flat nose
36._____X0, female disorder, web of skin at neck, infertile
37._____XXY, male disorder, infertile, small testes, female characteristics
38._____Unable to distinguish certain colors, sex-linked trait
39._____A gap where the spinal cord should close.
40._____usually a disorder among Eastern European Jews, child did young.
41._____lacking a blood clotting factor; disorder among European royalty
41._____The red blood cells collapse; heterozygotes resistant to malaria.
42._____Affects young boys, loss of muscle strength
43._____The lip and the arch in mouth fail to properly close.
44._____Taller than usual, heart problems, pigeon chest.
45._____Dwarfism, trident hands, homozygous dominant is lethal.
46._____failure to break down phenylalanine, build up on brain
47._____lack pigment in skin, hair, eyes
48._____dementia, nerve cell in brain build up plaque and destroys brain
49._____cannot break down cholesterol and it hardens arteries
50._____uncontrollable muscle spasms, 40+ CAG’s, happens in adults
Interpret the following pedigree:
A. Huntingtons
B. Klinefelters
C. Duchenne MD
D. Color-blindness
E. Alzheimers
F. Turner syndrome
G. Cystic fibrosis
H. Down Syndrome
I. Achondroplasia
J. Spina bifida
K. Cleft lip/cleft palate
L. Tay Sachs
M. Hemophilia
N. hypercholesterolemia
O. albinism
P. Marfans
R. sickle-cell-anemia
51. If person I-1 is Autosomal dominant
disease HH and person I -2 is hh:
a. fill in the genotypes of the rest of the
b. How many children did the original
parents have?_______
c. Who is the oldest child of the original
parents (number)?______
d. How does this pedigree show that this is
a dominant disorder (HINT: how often do
you see it?
52. Are all wild types the dominant ones? Give an example to
validate your answer. (see p. 161)
53. How do the Blue People of Kentucky show in-breeding? (p. 163)
54. Cross an Achonroplasia parent Aa with a normal parent aa. What is the genotypic and phenotypic
Honors Biology Chapter 9 Review p. 5
55. Match the following methods for obtaining samples for genetic testing:
A. Ultrasound imaging
B. Amniocentesis
C. CVS (chorionic villus sampling)
D. karyotype
_____needle into abdomen of mother with ultrasound to obtain amniotic fluid
_____white blood cells photographed in metaphase
_____sample of tissue from the placenta
_____high-frequency sound waves produce a picture of the fetus
56. By making a Punnett square determine the possible blood types of a mother of blood type AO and a
father of blood type AB.
57. What is the universal donor blood type?____________________universal recipient?___________
Match the sex determination methods in each of the following organisms:
58. _____XY
A. turtles
59._____X-O (females XX, males only X)
B. Birds, fish, butterflies
60._____ZW (males ZZ, females ZW)
C. humans
61._____temperature the eggs hatch
D. grasshoppers and roaches
-You will be given one dominant-recessive Punnett square (four box) to determine the genotypic and
phenotypic ration. 5 pts
-You will be given one blood type or one genetic disorder (four box) Punnett square to determine the
genotypic and phenotypic ratios. 5 points
-You will be given one dihybrid (16 box) Punnett square to determine the genotypic and phenotypic
ratios. 10 points